Thursday, November 17, 2016

God is beginning to shake the foundation of the United States of America. The nation is severely divided and peaceful disagreement seems far from reality. Politics will not save America—only a repentant change of heart toward Yahweh can change our direction. Political solutions have not worked. We’ve had years of that. We have a divided nation that is becoming more intolerant of the other side each day that passes.
A few years ago the Lord began to teach and lead me into many truths that I had not seen in the past. I was excited as the Bible began to make sense to me for the first time in my 47 years of being a Christian. For the next six years I prayed, fasted, and sought the Lord diligently. He taught me to allow the Bible to interpret itself. He began to unlock the allegorical meaning of the scriptures. It was a crash course in the Bible and history. It made my heart spin.
He led me to teachers on the internet, I traveled to Israel, I studied the scriptures…sought confirmation of what I was seeing, sifted through opinions, re-read the scriptures, prayed some more, read commentary, and asked the Lord how to put it all together. After six years I realized the more He showed me, the less I knew.
I couldn’t wait to share with my fellow brothers and sisters. Was I in for a surprise! Most of them didn’t get it or didn’t agree with most of what I was being taught. Many didn’t really care. I challenged them to bring me their scriptures upholding their understanding—none of them did. They were too busy to study. In fairness, some did get what I was seeing, but they were few and far between.
After six years and a few periods of Bible study with small groups the Lord led me to prison ministry. I was told by the person at the prison, in charge of prison volunteers, that the prisoners only had an attention span of about one hour. Keep it simple. They won’t get it…we just want them to hear a salvation message.
I tried, but to me it was obvious they had been getting “a simple message” for quite some time and they hungered for more. The first time a prisoner asked about the end times we were off and running. I started with about 4 attendees each class and before long had 10-15 each night. We would go for two hours and the guard would tell us time is up!
They were hungry for the truth. I had studied 6 years and shared all I had learned with them. They wanted it all and more! The Lord had given me an audience. I am still going into the local prison and getting the same results. I was surprised how much “traditional learning” they already knew was false. Blew me away.
I tell you all this because God is working in the prison system and recruiting His end time army. These guys have all the time in the world to prepare and seek God. I’ve been granted the opportunity to share the gospel with them that is full of meat—not milk. They are going to be prepared. And they tell me of other teachers coming in and teaching similar things. The things I’m teaching are all here on this blog. Nothing hidden.
Violence is coming to the streets of America. God is preparing an army to bring peace to the hearts of the violent people who are lost and angry. America is a spoiled country and many of our youth have been spoiled and given anything they want.
No more trophies for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd, place, oh no, everybody gets a trophy for participating. There are no losers. That training is now bearing fruit as they refuse to accept the results of the election.
In class bribe the kids with candy. No candy if you misbehave. Spell the words the way you think they sound…that’s it, it doesn’t matter. There is no discipline in class. Parents let the teacher discipline, well, not really, and if the kid does something wrong the parents take the kid’s side…poor Johnny!
Our kids are now reacting the way they have been taught. They are going to learn a bloody lesson. Believe me, my heart breaks to say that. Oh, America, return to your God, the God who brought you to this great and beautiful land. Return before you lose your country!
This army of God is going to have a tough time dealing with this mess. Is God dealing with you today on some difficult matter? Are you sick and tired of your co-worker, are you angry? Is your neighbor a pain in the….
You are under the chastising hand of the Almighty right now, right there. He is allowing this to happen to you to get you turned toward His way for you. He is allowing difficulties in your life to teach you overcoming skills.
Embrace the difficulty and ask Him to create His character in you. You are being prepared for the storm that is coming. You are in God’s boot camp. Basic training. Don’t try to escape. Embrace it and learn. I’m going through it and you are going through it…we are all going through it together and we are going to get bruised. We are going to get bloodied.
You want some ministry? You want to be the light of the world? Embrace it. This isn’t happy talk prophecy about new paradigms and wonderful things to come. This is going to be tough spiritual warfare. This is going to be lean on the Lord and your brother and persevere. This is going to be muddy and bloody! This is not going to be fun like church. This is going to be the ultimate reality show--for real!
You might get hurt! Yeshua broke my ankle. Yeah, I was so out of line He had to break my ankle to keep me from wandering—and it still took more years for me to get it and get it right. Does He have to break your ankle?
We are not tough enough or committed enough. That goes for me too. BUT…we are yielding to his chastisement because we know it is for good (See Hebrews 12.6-11 and Proverbs 3.11-12). WE are being changed into His image and prepared for the street wars that are coming.
The nations are raging (Psalm 2), people are angry and rebellious. Blessed are those who bring the good news of Yeshua, his resurrection from the dead, and His coming kingdom. Right here on earth, one thousand years, check it out in Revelation 20. The beast is rising and the Lord is raising up a standard to fill the gap.
Thou therefore endure hardness, as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. 2 Timothy 2.3


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