Saturday, March 26, 2016


The closer Donald Trump gets to the number of delegates to win the Republican nomination the more panicked the Republican establishment is becoming. They are scared to death that the people of this country might take their power away and elect this man they cannot control.

I am not advocating Donald Trump for president but I am very amused by the goings on I am seeing.
You see, Donald Trump is not in the club of secret societies and elitists that run the United States. He has tapped into the anger that is boiling in many people about issues like border security and illegal immigration.

The fact is our borders are not secure. This is a dangerous situation when you see how terrorist groups can just come over our border at will. We may regret our lack of control of the borders when a terrible incident takes place.

As for illegal immigration the fact is we have no control over who enters the country. America has always been a nation of immigrants--my people were immigrants--but they came in legally. It is only common sense to vet people before they enter the country--check them out.

Allowing illegal immigrants also puts the country at risk. In the past 8 years we have had no reasonable approach to getting this problem under control. The issue is security and proper documentation. Most Americans have no problem with immigration per se.

Of course, none of these issues are discussed in an intelligent common sense way. Even Donald Trump doesn't discuss it in a common sense way--he just makes outrageous statements rather than explaining how he would do it.

Every liberal organization in the US is now planning to disrupt the political process by targeting the Trump campaign. Even George Soros is funding this effort. Both the Democratic and Republican "clubs" are out to stop Trump because like him or his policies or not, he will take action.

Our politicians have not addressed any of these and other problems for the past ten years. The Republicans promise and don't deliver. The Democrats just allow the problems to exist and they use no common sense at all to solve the issues.

America is heading for tremendous unrest this spring and summer. The nation is polarizing right before our eyes. We may experience a revolution as both sides release their anger on one another. American is being destroyed from within.

It is very important in this time of unrest to focus on Yahweh and his plan for us. We need to get into the Word of God, study, and pray that we will be ready when the SHTF. This is the day of our preparation. That is what this blog is all about...sharing the Word of God as it is written.

You may not agree with all the studies on this blog but they are honestly seeking the truth. The truth will smash the traditions of men. The truth will set you free.

The approach we use is as follows:

1. The Bible is the unadulterated Word of God, therefore it is true.

2. We search the Word and try to allow it to interpret itself by coming scriptures in both the Old and New Testaments--the whole word of Yahweh.

3. After applying both #1 and #2 we pray and seek understanding from the Lord.

4. If we don't understand something we don't make up an answer--we wait on the Lord and continue to seek the answer. It is OK to say I don't know.

5. Hear-say is not enough. If you have a disagreement or argument come prepared with scripture that backs up your belief.

As the storm clouds approach seek Yahshua's will for you life and prepare, prepare, prepare. The time to be the salt of the earth is fast approaching.

Blessings to you all!

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