Friday, March 4, 2016


Genesis 28 - Jacob is Blessed by Isaac – 28.1 – Isaac blesses Jacob and instructs him not to take a wife from the Canaanites. He is instructed to go to his uncle’s house for a wife. Canaanites were idolaters and Isaac knew Yahweh did not want this mixture in his descendants.

Genesis 28.5-9 – Jacob leaves to his uncle’s for a wife. Esau begins to understand that his parents are not happy with his choice of Canaanite women to be his wives. Esau did not obey his father and married into the idolatry of the Canaanites. He tries to make it up by going to Ishmael’s daughters for a wife. Perhaps Isaac would have denied Esau the birth right for marrying into Idolatry—and given it to Jacob naturally—but Jacob and his mother were impatient and did their way. We see the trouble that has caused down through the millennia!

Genesis 28.12 – Jacob dreams and sees a ladder going up to heaven with angels going up and down it. Notice he sees angels going up and down—not people who have died. No man has ascended into heaven…John 3.13.

Jacob’s life is forever changed here as Yahweh revealed Himself to Jacob as the Elohim of Abraham and Isaac his grandfather and father. This was Jacob’s first experience with Yahweh.

Genesis 28.17-18 – Jacob calls this place the “gate of heaven” = opening-- and consecrated the area by pouring oil on the rock. This was a holy place.

Genesis 28.22 – “I will surely give a tenth to thee.” The word “tenth” in the Hebrew means “to tithe” or “to take or give a tenth.” This is the second example of a tithe prior to the law at Sinai (Gen 14.20). After Jacob’s conversion experience of seeing the ladder he promised to give a tenth. This is an act of becoming a man of God.

Genesis 29 – Jacob Meets Rachel and Is Entertained by Laban – Jacob will end up with two wives through his uncle Laban’s deceitfulness. Rachel = “a ewe, a sheep” is Jacob’s true love. Leah = “weary” or “tired” was not the one Jacob desired. We reap what we sow…what goes around, comes around…Yahweh was chastising Jacob and bringing forth the character, through his suffering, that would later make Jacob a “Prince with God.”

Genesis 29.26 – “…to give the younger before the first born.” In some countries, even today among the Hindu’s, it is a law that the younger must be given in marriage before the older. This what happened here, but Laban deceitfully hid this fact from Jacob and got him to work many more years for Rachel.

Note: The rest of chapters 29 and 30 deal with Leah and Rachel contending with each other to have babies and favor with Jacob. The 12 tribes of Israel and the nation of Israel will come forth from this family.

Genesis 30 – Rachel Gives Bilhah to Jacob – this chapter continues the birthing of the 12 tribes. A study of the meaning of the names of these children reveals much about them and is important to understand prophecy for the last days. It is much too long for study here in this outline but is well worth the time for study.

Genesis 30.25-43 – Describes Jacob’s deceit in stealing Laban’s cattle with a breeding trick before secretly leaving.

Genesis 31 – Jacob Departs Secretly from Laban, Laban Pursues – 31.19 – Laban discovers the images or idols are missing and sets out after Jacob. Rachel had stolen the images = “teraphim” in Hebrew. They are family idols. This indicates Rachel was not a true follower of the Elohim of Jacob. Note: The only heavenly creatures named in the Bible are Cherubim and Seraphim. A Teraphim is an idol—they are not heavenly creatures.

Genesis 31.34-35 – When Laban arrives and searches for the idols Rachel tells him she cannot get off the camel because it is her menstrual period. She is sitting on the idols and Laban cannot find them.

Genesis 31.36-55 – Laban and Jacob argue and make up. The next day Laban kisses them all goodbye. Jacob continues his journey home.

Genesis 32 – Jacob Sends Messengers to Esau – 32.24-26 – Jacob wrestles with an angel from Yahweh. He refuses to let go until the angel blesses him. Jacob must want to get legitimacy from Yahweh for leveraging or cheating his brother Esau for a bowl of soup.

Genesis 32.27-32 – The angel asks Jacob his name which means = supplanter and changes it to Israel = “persist with El” or “rule with El” or “Prince of God.” Jacob says, “I have seen Elohim face to face” after this event. Since no man has seen Elohim he must have seen Yahshua the Messiah—he must have wrestled with Jesus! From this time on Jacob walked with a limp.

Genesis 33 – Esau Cordially Meets Jacob Jacob goes to meet his brother placing the people least important to him first and the others last—just in case his brother Esau was angry with him…turned out Esau had grown in God and forgave his brother. Too bad the descendants in our time have not reconciled.

Genesis 34 – Shechem Defiles Dinah – 34.2 – Defiled = ‘anah = “to browbeat or depress” or “humble” in Hebrew. It appears Dinah was taken against her will by Shechem. It also appears that Shechem wanted to truly make her his wife.

Genesis 34.9 –10 “…make ye marriages with us…give your daughters….” This would be intolerable to Jacob and family. This would be mixing with the pagan idolaters. “dwell and trade” Shechem saw a chance to covenant and prosper with Jacob. This is how the enemy subtly works to break down our purity—mixture is very difficult to discern sometimes.

Genesis 34.15 – Jacob’s sons tell Shechem and his people (Hamor) to get circumcised and then we will become one people. It appears that Jacob has not been consulted.

Genesis 34.25 – In a brutal act of revenge for their sister Dinah and defiance to their father, Simeon and Levi slaughter the men of Hamor as they are recovering from circumcision. This act of treachery kindles Jacob’s anger (v.30) and later curse (49.5-7).

Genesis 35 – Elohim Sends Jacob to Bethel; He Builds an Altar – 35.1 – Elohim tells Jacob to go to Bethel and make an altar.

Genesis 35.2 – Jacob tells his family to put away the strange mighty ones (El’s or god’s) before going to Bethel. Jacob is telling his family to purge themselves from false gods and idols. How often we are full of strange mixture in our own walk with Yahweh—He desires we put away false holidays and anything that is of Mystery Babylon.

Genesis 35.5 – Yahweh puts the fear of Himself upon Jacob’s family as they travel and the people round about them do not take revenge on his sons.

Genesis 35.10-12 – Elohim appears to Jacob and changes his name to Israel. Jacob is also blessed and promised that he will be fruitful and the father of many nations. He is also promised the land to his seed. This event is symbolic of Jacob becoming a man of God and great faith in Yahweh.

Genesis 35.18-19 – Rachel gives birth to Jacob’s last son Benjamin and dies in childbirth. Jacob names him Benjamin = “son of my right hand.” Rachel is buried in Bethlehem = “house of bread” which is about 6 miles from Jerusalem.

Genesis 35.22 – Reuben sleeps with his father’s concubine Bilhah and Jacob heard it. This was an act of great disrespect to his father and would ultimately cost Reuben his first born status (Gen 48.5; 1 Chronicles 5.1).

Genesis 36 – The Generations of Esau – this chapter list’s the generation of Esau, who is Edom. The Edomites were generational enemies of Israel. Only Jacob and Esau, the two fathers, reconciled. These two peoples became historical enemies.

Genesis 37 – Dreams of Joseph; Sold into Slavery – 37.3 – Joseph is a type of the Messiah, he was favored by his father, did his father’s will, was hated by his brothers, and his brothers bowed down to him.

Genesis 38 – Judah Marries Shuah and Begets Three Sons – 38.2 – Shuah was a Canaanite woman and Judah should not have married her. Yahweh forbid marriage to Canaanites in Deut 7.1-3 and Jacob instructed his sons on this matter.

Genesis 38.8 – this is in compliance with later law – Deut 25.5                                                           

Genesis 38.14 – Judah did not keep his word to Tamar to give her his son Shelah to continue her lineage so she tricked Judah into sleeping with her and produce a child heir. This was custom in those days.

Genesis 38.26 – Judah admits his sin and honors Tamar. The twins Pharez and Zarah are among Yahshua’s generations. Judah became the ruling tribe and birth tribe of Yahshua because Judah always stepped up and was responsible for his sins/mistakes.

Note: The flag of Ulster in Scotland has a red hand on it. The roots of this go back to Zarah. The influence of the lost tribes of Israel is strong in our world!

Genesis 39 – Joseph Serves in Potiphar’s House; Imprisoned – 39.2 – Yahweh was with Joseph is an expression of great favor.

Genesis 39.21 – Again, Yahweh was with Joseph and he received the position of keeper of the prison—Elohim blesses us even in perilous times.

Genesis 40 – Pharaoh’s Baker and Butler Imprisoned; Joseph Interprets their Dreams – 40.8 – Do not interpretations belong to Elohim? Joseph realized the source of his abilities. Our overcoming is not by our own power, but through Yahweh.

Genesis 40.20 – Pharaoh’s birthday. The observance of one’s birth is an ancient practice. Interestingly, the Torah is silent on this practice!

Genesis 41 – Joseph Interprets Pharaoh’s Dreams – 41.1 – Joseph was left in prison two more years! Even though Yahweh was with Joseph his deliverance was not immediate. Yahweh still had some things for Joseph to learn.

Genesis 41.16 – Joseph humbly submitted to Pharaoh that his ability was not his own, but belonged to Yahweh. This is probably the humility Joseph learned while he was in prison those final two years.

Genesis 41.38 – Pharaoh recognized that the spirit of Yahweh was upon Joseph when the dreams were interpreted. Elohim’s power is recognized by the pagan world.

Genesis 41.45 – Joseph is given as wife Asenath the pagan daughter of the priest of On (Heliopolis-City of the Sun). Keep in mind this means that Joseph’s two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim have a pagan mother. They would be leaders in idolatry worship when the kingdom splits in two after Solomon’s death.

Genesis 41.46 – The age of 30 is significant in both the OT and NT when referring to positions of importance (Num 4.3, 23, 30, 35). Yahshua was about 30 when he began his ministry.

Genesis 41.51-52 – Joseph’s sons Manasseh and Ephraim are born. They will play an important role in Israel’s future history.

Genesis 42 – Joseph Meets His Brothers in Egypt – 42.2 – For seven years Joseph had grown food in Egypt. In Jewish understanding then it is permissible to buy food grown by others during a Sabbatical year.

Genesis 42.7 – Joseph made himself strange to his brothers in order to test their honesty and virtue.

Genesis 43 – Jacob Sends Benjamin to Egypt – the saga of the estranged brothers continues.

Genesis 44 – Judah Humbly Pleads for Benjamin – We see Judah now steps up for his younger brother Benjamin. Judah was the one who had the idea to sell Joseph for profit instead of killing him. Judah is becoming the leading tribe by taking responsibility for his actions.

Genesis 45 – Joseph Reveals Himself and Sends for His Father – 45.5 – Joseph tells his brothers that Elohim determined to send him away to preserve the family—it was predetermined. Because Elohim has given us free will it is ultimately our acceptance of our predestination that determines our destiny in Yahweh. All men are predestined in Yahshua, but not all men accept their predestination.

Genesis 46 – Jacob Goes to Egypt – Jacob and family journey to Egypt and Joseph is reunited with his father.  This chapter also documents the sons of each of Jacob’s sons. The total including Joseph and his two sons will be 70 people (Exodus 1.5). They represent the original 70 nations on earth which the book of Numbers 29-30 describes the sacrifices. Also see Deut 32.8.

Noah had 70 grandsons and great- grandsons whom became the seeds of the nations. There were 70 nations who rebelled against God at Babel. Jesus sent out 70 disciples to go before Him preaching the kingdom of heaven and healing the sick.

Genesis 47 – Joseph Introduces His Family to Pharaoh – 47.12 – Joseph nourished his family.

Genesis 47.22 – The only land Joseph did not buy for Pharaoh was that of the priests of On.

Genesis 47.23-26 – Joseph acquires all the people’s land for Pharaoh. The people are hungry and they agree.  In time they must give Pharaoh a 20% share of all they produce. In reality Joseph was responsible for bringing about a New World Order and established the Pharaoh as god in the land.

Genesis 48 – Jacob Blesses Joseph and His Two Sons – 48.5 – Jacob adopts Manasseh and Ephraim as his—as are Reuben and Simeon. Jacob is giving Manasseh and Ephraim the first and second birthrights in this blessing as confirmed in 1 Chronicles 5.1. Simeon does not receive a land inheritance of his own as he is later mixed in with Judah (Joshua 19.1)

Genesis 48.10-22 – These blessing have great prophetic meaning for the end times. A thorough study of the tribes and biblical understanding will make this clear. There is much to teach in this area.

Genesis 49 – Jacob Blesses His Sons Before He Dies – These tribal blessings also are for the “last days” prophetic understanding and the second coming of Yahshua.

Genesis 49.5-7 – Refers to Simeon and Levi slaughtering the men of Hamor in chapter 34.25. They are separated from each other. Levi will become the priestly tribe and Simeon will not have a land inheritance of his own but is mixed with Judah the leading tribe. Some people are easier to work with than others. Yahweh separated Simeon and Levi to protect them. Later Simeon and Judah will work well together and bring out the best in each other. Simeon and Levi only managed to get in trouble together.

Genesis 49.10 – Judah is blessed as the leading tribe or “scepter” = rod or stick. Yahshua the Messiah comes from this tribe. Remember how Judah stood up and accepted and repented from his sins in earlier chapters. There is much more to these blessing that can be discussed here.

Genesis 50 – Joseph Comforts His Brothers – Jacob dies and Joseph comforts his brothers during the mourning period. Jacob is carried back to Canaan and buried.

Joseph took an oath from the brothers that they would carry his bones to the land of Canaan. This oath was carried out 400 years later. Joseph for saw the future Exodus which was to come (Exodus 13.9).


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