Monday, September 21, 2020


The word “Feasts” in Hebrew is “mo’edim” which means appointed times—the feasts are God’s appointed times! The word Convocation in Leviticus 23.2 in Hebrew is “Miqraw” which means “a rehearsal”. In other words the feasts of the Lord are His appointed times with us to rehearse future events which will occur at Jesus’ return.

FEAST OF TRUMPETS/SHOFAR – The Feast of Trumpets is a warning announcing the coming of the King! In Jewish Synagogues the shofar is blown 100 times! The trumpet/shofar is calling the people to gather together (Num 10.1-10). The root meaning of this feast is “to make a loud noise”. In Joshua 6.5 the shofar sounds, the people shout, and the walls fall! The walls of this world will fall at Yeshua’s second coming!

Trumpets is also a type of the Bride Groom coming for his Bride. The Groomsmen would go before the Groom blowing the shofars so the Bride would know the Groom is on his way. It was a “wake up call” to her to get ready herself!

Trumpets is called the Hidden Day because the rabbi’s must first see the sliver of the new moon before announcing it is the day. No man knows the day and this is a type of Jesus coming like a thief in the night. The Bride does not know when the Groom is coming. The day is announced after two witnesses confirm the sighting of the new moon.

In fact, much of the Book of Revelation is built around Jewish wedding traditions. It is key to understanding the Book.

DAYS OF AWE – If you remember when the United States invaded Iran on March 20, 2003 the bombing before the invasion was called “shock and awe.” This is how we should look at the days of awe, the ten days which begin with the sound of the trumpets/shofar on Tishri 1 and end with the Day of Atonement.

It can be viewed as a time of severe judgment prior to the “closing of the gates” on the Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur. God will be preparing to bring “law and order” on the earth during these 10 days. He gave the world the 10 Commands but the world has refused to obey them. During the days of awe God will prepare to establish his justice on the earth.

DAY OF ATONEMENT – The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is known as the Closing of the Gates and the Day of Judgment. It is the day the Jewish people get before God and repent with a fast and thankfulness for God’s forgiveness.

This day is the day of God’s wrath on the wicked when Jesus/Yeshua returns. The tares in Matt 13 will be gathered and burned. For the righteous, however, it the day of redemption! The wheat (righteous) are gathered safely into the barn.

Day of Atonement begins with a long Shofar blast each year and introduces the year of Jubilee every 50th year. Ref: 1 Thessalonians 4.16-17 for some insight.

THE SHEMITAH – The Shemitah is a restoration of all things. Interestingly this restoration of all things is announced during the fall feasts of the Lord. In the Bible every 7th day is the Sabbath or Lord’s Day. The 7th day Sabbath is a sign between God and His people for all generations (Exodus 31.13-17). The 7th day Sabbath is the foundation of God’s calendar and most prophetic events. It is a sign or mark that separates us from the world system!

Every 7th year is a Sabbath year. This 7th year is called the Shemitah (Leviticus 25.1-4). There is to be no working of the land for the entire 7th year Shemitah. No plowing, sowing, planting, or harvesting. The land is to rest during this year. Anything that grows is for the poor in the land to take as needed.

Whatever grows of its own accord is called Hefker in Hebrew, meaning “without an owner.” During this year the land, in effect, belongs to everyone and on one at the same time!

Also during this year whatever has been lent to someone is released or forgiven (Deut 15.1-2). It is a financial nullification allowing a person to begin fresh. This is the 7th year Shemitah.

Shemitah bears witness that the earth belongs to God and everything in it belongs to Him. The Shemitah is a cleansing and it ends all financial entanglements. It breaks all bonds between the creditor and debtor. It humbles the pride of man and gives everyone a fair shake—it is the Lord’s righteous financial system.

THE JUBILEE After 7 times 7 Shemitah years or 49 years a Jubilee is announced. The Year of Jubilee is declared on the Day of Atonement with a long blast of the trumpet/Shofar. It is often referred to as the last trump or the Shofar ha Gadol. The Hebrew word for Jubilee is Yovel. This means Shofar or Trumpet blast.

The Actual Year of Jubilee begins at the beginning of the 50th year but is announced in the 49th year on the Day of Atonement. The 50th year begins on the first month of the year—the month of AVIV - the first month on the Biblical Calendar about 5 months later.

In addition to forgiveness of debt on the year of Jubilee all family possessions are restored—land, inheritance, and family members which were indentured as servants. It allows everyone to maintain their inheritance. They must serve and work while it is in the possession of the creditor—but it is returned to the individual or family during the Year of Jubilee.

This is a type of what will happen when Jesus/Yeshua returns. The parable of the wheat and tares describes how it works…The wicked are gathered and burned at the same time the righteous are gathered and put safely in the barn. Matt 13.24-30; 36-43. Now look at Matt 13.49: So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

PROPHETIC EVENTS – Many prophetic events have occurred during the 7th year Shemitahs and the Jubilee years. Let’s review some prophetic events during the 7th year Shemitah. Remember the Shemitah is a forgiveness of debt, a financial reset. Many recent stock market crashes have occurred during the Shemitah time of year:


1901-1903 – 46% of the market was wiped out in this crash. The Shemita year began in Sept 1902 and ended on Sept 21, 1903…two months later the collapse came to an end.

1916-1917 – Known as “The Crisis of 1916-17’ this crash took place during World War 1. The Shemita occurred during these years…40% of the market was wiped out!

1930-1932 – The core of the Great Depression which began in 1929. The Shemitah took place in 1930-31 during which time the British government made the decision to discard the Gold Standard. This resulted in a worldwide panic that triggered the Depression.

1937-1938 – Often called the “Recession of the Great Depression” it occurred after the economy seemed to be recovering from the Depression. The Shemita began September 6, 1937. It overlapped with the crash for 50% of its duration.

1973 – This crisis began as a currency crisis and was compounded by the 1973 oil crisis. Some of us remember the long gas lines during that year. The Shemita covered eight of the twelve months of this crash. The nation’s domestic production decreased by 70% during this time.

2000-2001 – The Dot-Com Crash as it became known took place entirely during this Shemitah. It began during the attack on the twin towers.

2007-2008 – Known as the “Great Recession” this was a global financial crisis that wiped away trillions of dollars and the collapse of major financial institutions.

THE 2001 ATTACK OF 9/11 – This tragic event occurred during the Shemitah. Johnathan Cahn’s book, “The Harbinger” describes this attack as a warning to America. It has affected all of our lives in many ways which are unfolding during President Trump’s Administration. Get a copy of this book. The prophetic events are stunning.

God has been sounding the Trumpet to awaken us. He is shaking our corrupt financial system to get our attention.

ISRAEL AND SHEMITAH – A young English boy in the late 1800’s had been taught by his mother to include this prayer in his evening devotions: “O Lord, we would not forget Thine ancient people, Israel; hasten the day when Israel shall again be Thy people and shall be restored to Thy favor and to their land.”

During the First World War Turkey (the Ottoman Empire) and the British clashed over control of the Holy Land. British forces led by General Edmund Allenby entered the Holy Land and captured Jerusalem without a fight in 1917.

General Allenby was the young boy who had prayed every night for God to restore the Jewish people to their ancient homeland! For the first time in 2,000 years the land was in the hands of Britain, a power sympathetic to the Jewish people.

This not only happened during a Shemita year, but it may have been the Jubilee year. No one knows exactly when the Jubilee Year is but significant things have been occurring since that date in 1917.

In 1948 the United Nations voted to establish a homeland for the Jewish people in what was then called Palestine. The Arab nations attacked Israel but the Jews prevailed and created the modern nation of Israel.

In 1967, fifty years after General Allenby entered Jerusalem the Jews fought a six day war with Egypt and other Arab nations. The Jews captured and took control of Jerusalem during this war for the first time since 70 AD. They have maintained control over Jerusalem since that day.

May of 2017, after another 50 year period, the United States, under the Trump Administration, was the first nation to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate their Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Other nations have since followed. The Embassy was dedicated in May 2018.

 Here is a picture of my wife Ruth and me at the Embassy in Jerusalem less than a week after it was dedicated in 2018.

The United Nations played a central role in the establishment of the Jewish nation in 1948. Today the United Nations no longer favors Israel.

They constantly make resolutions against the small Jewish Nation, but God used the UN to bring the modern day nation of Israel into existence even though today the UN despises Israel.


In the past month President Trump and his team, which includes his son-in-law Jared Kushner have worked out peace deals with Israel, the UAE, and the Bahraini government.

God has His plan and He is working it out in the Middle East. This peace deal is a great achievement which no other Administration has been able to achieve. It will temporarily bring peace and prosperity to Israel and her Arab neighbors.

The reason Israel’s Arab neighbors are willing to work out a peace deal is their immense fear of Iran. This may be more of a coalition against Iran then a peace deal—but for now it brings peace.

The Arab nations are also disgusted with the Palestinian leadership who refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist and continually reject peace efforts.

The Arab countries and European Union have poured billions of dollars in support of the Palestinians. None of these billions have been used to prosper the Palestinian people—they have been used for weapons and violence against Israel.

God’s way is far above our reasoning. This deal may help many people in ways we do not understand at this time, it may lead to release of prisoners. We don’t know for sure how God will use this time. But for now it brings a period of peace.

Psalm 83 talks about a coalition of nations which will come against Israel in the future. These nations which are currently making peace with Israel are among the nations mentioned in this Psalm. They are descendants of Ishmael—half-brother of the Jewish people.

President Obama gave Iran the ability to make nuclear weapons during his Administration. He gave them a pallet of billions of US dollars in cash. He constantly aided Israel’s enemies. He made friends will those who wish to “see the name of Israel wiped off the face of the earth.” This deal may prevent this war from happening at the present time.

Eventually there will be a conflict with Iran which I believe Iran will lose. After that war the EU led by Germany and allied with these Arab nations will double cross Israel. The Bible prophesies this. God is in control. He is allowing our generation a period of grace.

Now you may understand why last week I explained who Israel is, who the Jews are, and who the Arabs are. This is all working together to prepare the way for the second coming of our Lord Yeshua! It is important to understand how our grafted into Israel makes us part of this. WE are grafted into Israel. We are Israel in prophecy.

In Ezekiel 37.15-28 we see an amazing prophecy of how the Lord will take two sticks, the stick of Judah, and his companions Israel, then a second stick for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and all the house of Israel, and join them into one stick! This is prophetic for the end of this age. Then comes the beginning of the 1,000 year Millennial Kingdom. Look at verse 21 where it says Israel will be gathered from among the heathen where they have gone. These are Israelite’s   who lost their identity after they were scattered throughout the earth and mixed with the Gentiles. Hosea 3.4-5; 7.8-9.

This Israel is we who are grafted into! God is going to bring Judah, the Jews, and Israel, the lost tribes who lost their identity among the Gentiles, together as one at some future season of the Fall Feasts of the Lord!

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