Monday, September 21, 2020


The word “Feasts” in Hebrew is “mo’edim” which means appointed times—the feasts are God’s appointed times! The word Convocation in Leviticus 23.2 in Hebrew is “Miqraw” which means “a rehearsal”. In other words the feasts of the Lord are His appointed times with us to rehearse future events which will occur at Jesus’ return.

FEAST OF TRUMPETS/SHOFAR – The Feast of Trumpets is a warning announcing the coming of the King! In Jewish Synagogues the shofar is blown 100 times! The trumpet/shofar is calling the people to gather together (Num 10.1-10). The root meaning of this feast is “to make a loud noise”. In Joshua 6.5 the shofar sounds, the people shout, and the walls fall! The walls of this world will fall at Yeshua’s second coming!

Trumpets is also a type of the Bride Groom coming for his Bride. The Groomsmen would go before the Groom blowing the shofars so the Bride would know the Groom is on his way. It was a “wake up call” to her to get ready herself!

Trumpets is called the Hidden Day because the rabbi’s must first see the sliver of the new moon before announcing it is the day. No man knows the day and this is a type of Jesus coming like a thief in the night. The Bride does not know when the Groom is coming. The day is announced after two witnesses confirm the sighting of the new moon.

In fact, much of the Book of Revelation is built around Jewish wedding traditions. It is key to understanding the Book.

DAYS OF AWE – If you remember when the United States invaded Iran on March 20, 2003 the bombing before the invasion was called “shock and awe.” This is how we should look at the days of awe, the ten days which begin with the sound of the trumpets/shofar on Tishri 1 and end with the Day of Atonement.

It can be viewed as a time of severe judgment prior to the “closing of the gates” on the Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur. God will be preparing to bring “law and order” on the earth during these 10 days. He gave the world the 10 Commands but the world has refused to obey them. During the days of awe God will prepare to establish his justice on the earth.

DAY OF ATONEMENT – The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is known as the Closing of the Gates and the Day of Judgment. It is the day the Jewish people get before God and repent with a fast and thankfulness for God’s forgiveness.

This day is the day of God’s wrath on the wicked when Jesus/Yeshua returns. The tares in Matt 13 will be gathered and burned. For the righteous, however, it the day of redemption! The wheat (righteous) are gathered safely into the barn.

Day of Atonement begins with a long Shofar blast each year and introduces the year of Jubilee every 50th year. Ref: 1 Thessalonians 4.16-17 for some insight.

THE SHEMITAH – The Shemitah is a restoration of all things. Interestingly this restoration of all things is announced during the fall feasts of the Lord. In the Bible every 7th day is the Sabbath or Lord’s Day. The 7th day Sabbath is a sign between God and His people for all generations (Exodus 31.13-17). The 7th day Sabbath is the foundation of God’s calendar and most prophetic events. It is a sign or mark that separates us from the world system!

Every 7th year is a Sabbath year. This 7th year is called the Shemitah (Leviticus 25.1-4). There is to be no working of the land for the entire 7th year Shemitah. No plowing, sowing, planting, or harvesting. The land is to rest during this year. Anything that grows is for the poor in the land to take as needed.

Whatever grows of its own accord is called Hefker in Hebrew, meaning “without an owner.” During this year the land, in effect, belongs to everyone and on one at the same time!

Also during this year whatever has been lent to someone is released or forgiven (Deut 15.1-2). It is a financial nullification allowing a person to begin fresh. This is the 7th year Shemitah.

Shemitah bears witness that the earth belongs to God and everything in it belongs to Him. The Shemitah is a cleansing and it ends all financial entanglements. It breaks all bonds between the creditor and debtor. It humbles the pride of man and gives everyone a fair shake—it is the Lord’s righteous financial system.

THE JUBILEE After 7 times 7 Shemitah years or 49 years a Jubilee is announced. The Year of Jubilee is declared on the Day of Atonement with a long blast of the trumpet/Shofar. It is often referred to as the last trump or the Shofar ha Gadol. The Hebrew word for Jubilee is Yovel. This means Shofar or Trumpet blast.

The Actual Year of Jubilee begins at the beginning of the 50th year but is announced in the 49th year on the Day of Atonement. The 50th year begins on the first month of the year—the month of AVIV - the first month on the Biblical Calendar about 5 months later.

In addition to forgiveness of debt on the year of Jubilee all family possessions are restored—land, inheritance, and family members which were indentured as servants. It allows everyone to maintain their inheritance. They must serve and work while it is in the possession of the creditor—but it is returned to the individual or family during the Year of Jubilee.

This is a type of what will happen when Jesus/Yeshua returns. The parable of the wheat and tares describes how it works…The wicked are gathered and burned at the same time the righteous are gathered and put safely in the barn. Matt 13.24-30; 36-43. Now look at Matt 13.49: So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth and sever the wicked from among the just, and shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

PROPHETIC EVENTS – Many prophetic events have occurred during the 7th year Shemitahs and the Jubilee years. Let’s review some prophetic events during the 7th year Shemitah. Remember the Shemitah is a forgiveness of debt, a financial reset. Many recent stock market crashes have occurred during the Shemitah time of year:


1901-1903 – 46% of the market was wiped out in this crash. The Shemita year began in Sept 1902 and ended on Sept 21, 1903…two months later the collapse came to an end.

1916-1917 – Known as “The Crisis of 1916-17’ this crash took place during World War 1. The Shemita occurred during these years…40% of the market was wiped out!

1930-1932 – The core of the Great Depression which began in 1929. The Shemitah took place in 1930-31 during which time the British government made the decision to discard the Gold Standard. This resulted in a worldwide panic that triggered the Depression.

1937-1938 – Often called the “Recession of the Great Depression” it occurred after the economy seemed to be recovering from the Depression. The Shemita began September 6, 1937. It overlapped with the crash for 50% of its duration.

1973 – This crisis began as a currency crisis and was compounded by the 1973 oil crisis. Some of us remember the long gas lines during that year. The Shemita covered eight of the twelve months of this crash. The nation’s domestic production decreased by 70% during this time.

2000-2001 – The Dot-Com Crash as it became known took place entirely during this Shemitah. It began during the attack on the twin towers.

2007-2008 – Known as the “Great Recession” this was a global financial crisis that wiped away trillions of dollars and the collapse of major financial institutions.

THE 2001 ATTACK OF 9/11 – This tragic event occurred during the Shemitah. Johnathan Cahn’s book, “The Harbinger” describes this attack as a warning to America. It has affected all of our lives in many ways which are unfolding during President Trump’s Administration. Get a copy of this book. The prophetic events are stunning.

God has been sounding the Trumpet to awaken us. He is shaking our corrupt financial system to get our attention.

ISRAEL AND SHEMITAH – A young English boy in the late 1800’s had been taught by his mother to include this prayer in his evening devotions: “O Lord, we would not forget Thine ancient people, Israel; hasten the day when Israel shall again be Thy people and shall be restored to Thy favor and to their land.”

During the First World War Turkey (the Ottoman Empire) and the British clashed over control of the Holy Land. British forces led by General Edmund Allenby entered the Holy Land and captured Jerusalem without a fight in 1917.

General Allenby was the young boy who had prayed every night for God to restore the Jewish people to their ancient homeland! For the first time in 2,000 years the land was in the hands of Britain, a power sympathetic to the Jewish people.

This not only happened during a Shemita year, but it may have been the Jubilee year. No one knows exactly when the Jubilee Year is but significant things have been occurring since that date in 1917.

In 1948 the United Nations voted to establish a homeland for the Jewish people in what was then called Palestine. The Arab nations attacked Israel but the Jews prevailed and created the modern nation of Israel.

In 1967, fifty years after General Allenby entered Jerusalem the Jews fought a six day war with Egypt and other Arab nations. The Jews captured and took control of Jerusalem during this war for the first time since 70 AD. They have maintained control over Jerusalem since that day.

May of 2017, after another 50 year period, the United States, under the Trump Administration, was the first nation to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and relocate their Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Other nations have since followed. The Embassy was dedicated in May 2018.

 Here is a picture of my wife Ruth and me at the Embassy in Jerusalem less than a week after it was dedicated in 2018.

The United Nations played a central role in the establishment of the Jewish nation in 1948. Today the United Nations no longer favors Israel.

They constantly make resolutions against the small Jewish Nation, but God used the UN to bring the modern day nation of Israel into existence even though today the UN despises Israel.


In the past month President Trump and his team, which includes his son-in-law Jared Kushner have worked out peace deals with Israel, the UAE, and the Bahraini government.

God has His plan and He is working it out in the Middle East. This peace deal is a great achievement which no other Administration has been able to achieve. It will temporarily bring peace and prosperity to Israel and her Arab neighbors.

The reason Israel’s Arab neighbors are willing to work out a peace deal is their immense fear of Iran. This may be more of a coalition against Iran then a peace deal—but for now it brings peace.

The Arab nations are also disgusted with the Palestinian leadership who refuse to recognize Israel’s right to exist and continually reject peace efforts.

The Arab countries and European Union have poured billions of dollars in support of the Palestinians. None of these billions have been used to prosper the Palestinian people—they have been used for weapons and violence against Israel.

God’s way is far above our reasoning. This deal may help many people in ways we do not understand at this time, it may lead to release of prisoners. We don’t know for sure how God will use this time. But for now it brings a period of peace.

Psalm 83 talks about a coalition of nations which will come against Israel in the future. These nations which are currently making peace with Israel are among the nations mentioned in this Psalm. They are descendants of Ishmael—half-brother of the Jewish people.

President Obama gave Iran the ability to make nuclear weapons during his Administration. He gave them a pallet of billions of US dollars in cash. He constantly aided Israel’s enemies. He made friends will those who wish to “see the name of Israel wiped off the face of the earth.” This deal may prevent this war from happening at the present time.

Eventually there will be a conflict with Iran which I believe Iran will lose. After that war the EU led by Germany and allied with these Arab nations will double cross Israel. The Bible prophesies this. God is in control. He is allowing our generation a period of grace.

Now you may understand why last week I explained who Israel is, who the Jews are, and who the Arabs are. This is all working together to prepare the way for the second coming of our Lord Yeshua! It is important to understand how our grafted into Israel makes us part of this. WE are grafted into Israel. We are Israel in prophecy.

In Ezekiel 37.15-28 we see an amazing prophecy of how the Lord will take two sticks, the stick of Judah, and his companions Israel, then a second stick for Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and all the house of Israel, and join them into one stick! This is prophetic for the end of this age. Then comes the beginning of the 1,000 year Millennial Kingdom. Look at verse 21 where it says Israel will be gathered from among the heathen where they have gone. These are Israelite’s   who lost their identity after they were scattered throughout the earth and mixed with the Gentiles. Hosea 3.4-5; 7.8-9.

This Israel is we who are grafted into! God is going to bring Judah, the Jews, and Israel, the lost tribes who lost their identity among the Gentiles, together as one at some future season of the Fall Feasts of the Lord!

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Feast of Trumpets and Days of Awe
The feasts of the Lord (Lev23.1) are divine appointments. The Hebrew word is mo’ed, meaning appointed times. The feasts give us the knowledge of what lies ahead. Observing them is like a dress rehearsal. We keep ourselves prepared so that we are not surprised by the thief in the night.
Trumpets in Judaism is the day of the creation of the world. The date on the Hebrew calendar is 1Tishri. It is called Rosh Hashanah in Judaism. They say Shana Tov = Happy New Year. We are commanded in Lev 23.1 to proclaim the feasts. To go out and let everyone know. A proclamation.
Trumpets (Yom Teruah) is the time for repentance. Ten days after the Feast of Trumpets is the Day of Atonement. The ten days between Trumpets and Day of Atonement are called the “Days of Awe” and are to be the time of repentance as the Day of Atonement approaches. The Day of Atonement is our “day of redemption”, but for the wicked it is the “day of wrath”. Five days after the Day of Atonement is the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) which is a time of rejoicing and celebration--a wedding celebration with the King.
The three fall feasts are prophetic of the end of the age when the Messiah comes and restores all things. The Jewish community is still waiting for the return of the Messiah. They do not know who he is because they missed him at his first coming--Yeshua is his name--Jesus the Christ (The Anointed).
Yom Teruah is known as the “Day of Blowing” in the Jewish community. It is the time of Jacob’s Trouble as proclaimed by the prophets in the Old Testament. Other names for Trumpets are: Day of Awakening Blast, Yom Hadin = the Day of Judgment, Opening of the Gates, the Hidden Day, Ha Melech = Coronation Day, Opening of the Books.
God desires us to be on His calendar. We cannot know the times or seasons if we do not understand God’s calendar as revealed in the Bible. Satan knows what is coming and he has deceived the world. He knows God’s mo’eds, the appointed times. And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time. Dan 7.25
Can two walk together, except they be agreed? Amos 3.3 We need to be in agreement with God and understand His calendar. The book of Revelation says that Satan has deceived the whole world. That deception begins with the calendar. If we do not understand the times (1 Chron 12.32) we will not know what is happening--we will have no hope!
Trumpets is a memorial. It is something we are to remember, to be mindful of. If the Lord doesn’t remember us what would that mean? It would mean He has rejected us: If ye go to war…against the enemy that oppresses you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the Lord your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies Num 10.9. Trumpets is the alarm! Those who know the Lord and are prepared will recognize the sounds of alarm!
The Israelites were to blow the shofar--to sound an alarm--and God will remember them. This is a shadow of the Feast of Trumpets. Trumpets is the warning blast of the shofar that announces the imminent coming of the King!
Then they that feared the Lord spoke often one to another: and the Lord hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance was written before him for them that feared the Lord, and that thought upon his name. And they shall be mine, says the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them, as a man spares his own son that serves him. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serves God and him that serves him not. Mal 3.16-18
This speaks of the Book of Remembrance. Remember, Trumpets is called the “Opening of the Books” and the “Opening of the Gates” in Hebrew culture. These shall be mine says the Lord--I will spare them (on the Day of Atonement).
This speaks of the 10 virgins; five wise and five foolish. Who belongs to the Lord? Isaac was bound by Abraham on this day--and God remembered Isaac and spared him. God prefers to show mercy--not judgment. Rev 20.11-15.
The feast is a reminder, a memorial, to what is going to occur sometime in the future at Yeshua’s second advent. We are to know and understand. The sound of the Trumpet is a joyful sound--Our redeemer comes! Psalm 89.15

For additional study:

Monday, September 7, 2020

The meaning of the word “Hebrew” and Crossing Over

As we have studied our being grafted into Israel and what that means I found this great article at the source listed at the bottom of this post. I often say we are not called to be Jewish, but rather, Yeshu-ish, this article confirms. Abraham is never referred to as a Jew is scripture—but as a Hebrew (Gen 14.13).

When we come to salvation in Yeshua we “crossover” into new life. Doesn’t matter if you are a Jew, Greek, or
Barbarian—we must crossover into Yeshua!

God’s chosen people identified themselves as Hebrews both in the Old Testament (Jon 1:9) and in the New (Philip 3:5). Abram was the first person to be called a Hebrew, even though he was from Ur of the Chaldaeans (Gen 11:31). So what does “Hebrew” really mean? The word Hebrew in its simplest sense means “one from beyond”.

H5680 – עברי – ‛ibrı̂y – Hebrew Brown-Driver-Briggs Dictionary Definition: Hebrew = “one from beyond”

This makes sense, as the first time we see the word “Hebrew” used is when Abram is called a “Abram the Hebrew”. This may have referred to the fact that Abram came from the other side of the Euphrates River and settled in the plains of Mamre. A closely connected word to “Ivri”/”Hebrew” in the Hebrew language is “Eber” which means beyond/across. So one who comes across or comes from beyond is a Hebrew.

Another word connected with “Ivri” (Hebrew) is “Avar” which means “pass over”. All of these words are connected as the root (Ayin-Bet-Resh עבר) in Hebrew stays the same. It should be noted that the story of Abraham is connected to the word “Abar” Pass-over, as we see it is one of the first things mentioned about him.

Gen 12:4-6 So Abram departed, as the LORD had spoken unto him; and Lot went with him: and Abram was seventy and five years old when he departed out of Haran. And Abram took Sarai his wife, and Lot his brother’s son, and all their substance that they had gathered, and the souls that they had gotten in Haran; and they went forth to go into the land of Canaan; and into the land of Canaan they came. And Abram passed through (H5674 – עבר – ‛âbar) the land unto the place of Sichem, unto the plain of Moreh. And the Canaanite was then in the land.

So it is now abundantly clear why Abram was called a Hebrew. This characteristic of “passing over” becomes part of the Hebrew experience, and is seen as part and parcel of the journey of God’s people as seen below.

Joshua 24:2-3 And Joshua said unto all the people, Thus saith the LORD God of Israel, Your fathers dwelt on the other side of the flood in old time, even Terah, the father of Abraham, and the father of Nachor: and they served other gods. And I took your father Abraham from the other side of the flood, and led him throughout all the land of Canaan, and multiplied his seed, and gave him Isaac.
Jos 24:6 And I brought your fathers out of Egypt: and ye came unto the sea; and the Egyptians pursued after your fathers with chariots and horsemen unto the Red sea.
Jos 24:8 And I brought you into the land of the Amorites, which dwelt on the other side Jordan; and they fought with you: and I gave them into your hand, that ye might possess their land; and I destroyed them from before you.
Jos 24:14-15 Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD. And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.

In the above passage Joshua makes a distinction between Abram before he passes over, to the life he is called to live after he crossed over. Abram served other gods beyond the river, but when he passed over, he was committed to God. This repeats again with Israel as they cross the Red Sea towards freedom and Israel as they cross the Jordan towards the Promised Land. Passing over was a distinct feature of God’s people. Passing over the waters as much as it is a physical act, it also signifies a symbolic act of leaving the past behind and starting afresh. This is enacted in the Baptism/Mikveh that each of us go through as young believers as well.

When God speaks to Moses about the passover sacrifice, He Himself says that He will Pass Over the land using the same word (H5674 – עבר – ‛âbar) which is connected to “Ivri” Hebrew, as seen below.

Exo 12:12 For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both man and beast; and against all the gods of Egypt I will execute judgment: I am the LORD.
Exo 12:23 For the LORD will pass through to smite the Egyptians; and when he seeth the blood upon the lintel, and on the two side posts, the LORD will pass over the door, and will not suffer the destroyer to come in unto your houses to smite you.

We see the same word (H5674 – עבר – ‛âbar) which is connected to “Ivri” Hebrew, used again in the Song of Moses, after the Hebrews cross the Red Sea. Exo 15:16 Fear and dread shall fall upon them; by the greatness of thine arm they shall be as still as a stone; till thy people pass over, O LORD, till the people pass over, which thou hast purchased.

Essentially, the Hebrew is a person who has passed from death to life; from a life of sin to a life of righteousness through God’s Commands; from obeying false gods to obeying the one true Creator of the universe.

Yeshua speaks of this fact, saying that whoever hears Him and puts his/her trust in YHVH, would pass from death to life:

John 5:24 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

What is the evidence that one has passed from death unto life and become a true Hebrew? John explains it in the following way:

1 John 3:14-24 We know that we have passed from death unto life, because we love the brethren. He that loveth not his brother abides in death. Whosoever hates his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him. Hereby perceive we the love of God, because he laid down his life for us: and we ought to lay down our lives for the brethren. But whoso hath this world’s good, and sees his brother have need, and shuts up his bowels of compassion from him, how dwells the love of God in him? My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth. And hereby we know that we are of the truth, and shall assure our hearts before him. For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knows all things. Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, then have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. And this is his commandment: that we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment. And he that keeps his commandments dwells in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abides in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.

John explains that the evidence that we have moved from death to life, shines through the love of God which is in our lives. A love that is ready to give even our own life for others. A love that is not in word but in deed, but according to the commandment that Yeshua raised to the next level – “Love one another(Lev 19:18), as I have loved you”(John 15:12). Through God’s love, we show whether we are truly a Hebrew or not. Whether we have truly crossed over from Death to Life. Let us strive to be like the great Hebrews of old such as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, Joshua and many more ; not forgetting Yeshua – A Hebrew of Hebrews, who gave His life so that we may cross over. Like the patriarchs, we may all have our shortcomings. But we should never forget the most important characteristic of a Hebrew – a willingness to cross over from our lives in slavery and death to a life in Covenant and Loving Obedience to God and Love towards everyone who has crossed over and is in the process of crossing over to God’s camp.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the sou. Leviticus 17.11
And He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground. So now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. Genesis 4.10-11
“Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man.” Genesis 9.6
Blood is a very serious topic in the WORD of GOD. There is little time spent studying this important topic. The verses above reveal that the life of all flesh is in the blood. Blood makes atonement for sin. There is no atonement without the shedding of blood. Blood cries out for justice—it cries out from the ground on which it was spilt. It defiles the earth.
America is heading for civil war because of blood. Why? Because we have allowed the blood of innocent children to be spilled in abortion clinics. We have allowed this destruction of innocent human life. It is considered a “right” by the woman who does not want the baby. What about the baby’s rights? What about God’s law? The blood of these innocents is crying out for justice.
America and the nations are heading toward civil war and bloodshed if there is no repentance. When individual’s and nations turn away from God’s Laws and commands bloodshed ultimately follows. We are a rebellious people!
The first generation in the Book of Genesis, Adam and Eve’s sons, shed blood when Cain slew his brother Able because God favored Able’s sacrifice. God told Cain to follow his brother’s example and all would be well. Cain was jealous of his brother and slew him.
Able had brought as a sacrifice the firstling of his flock as a blood offering for sin. Cain only brought a grain offering. God had shown Adam and Eve that only a blood offering would cover their sin. God had clothed them with animal skins after their sin. He was showing them blood is atonement. Cain and Able would have been taught this by their parents.
All Cain had to do was bring a proper offering. Instead he chose to murder his brother. There is no atonement without the shedding of blood. Yeshua, God’s only son, became a blood offering for the sins of the world. God did not spare His own son. God was not above His Own Law!He provided the proper blood offering. This is an incredible fact! Think about that! God was not above His law.
It would be fruitful for anyone reading this to take the time to read Leviticus 17 through 20, Genesis 4, and Genesis 9.1-7 as a primer on blood.
The land of Canaan had been defiled by the sins and bloodshed of the people living there. Their sins are beyond our imagination. The Bible reports that they murdered their children as a sacrifice to Molech (a type of abortion) they were practicing all sorts of immorality, such as having sex with beasts, they worshipped Molech, practiced witchcraft, and had sex with their own children!
God sent the Israelites in to clean up the land. It was God's judgment on the pagans living there. Leviticus 18.23-24 point this out: Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you. For the land is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants.
This is harsh treatment but these nations were totally immoral and wicked. God gave His sanctified people the land in their place. God cannot tolerate sin like this. He waited 400 years for these people to turn to Him and they did not (Gen 15.16). God allows a nation from afar to judge His people when their sin becomes intolerable.
He told His people not to participate in the sins of those nations. He warned His people the same thing would happen to them at the hand of another nation if they disregarded His warning.
America is on the brink of civil war because a large portion of the population have absolutely no regard for God or his law. Recently House Chair Nancy Pelosi said that a ban on abortion “ignores basic morality.”
That is an amazing godless testimony for a woman who claims she prays every day! Abortion except in very rare occasion is an abomination to God.
The laws of God have been cast aside in America. Good is now considered evil and evil is considered good (Isaiah 5.20). We are on the verge of civil war as our Constitution and right of worshipping God are under attack.
Millions of unborn children have been aborted/murdered since 1973—millions. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what has been happening. The point here is that blood has been sacrificed without regard. Blood is always avenged. The blood of these innocents has defiled our land!
God is not sitting on His throne looking for an opportunity to chastise and judge His creation. He has given us His law and has told us what the consequences are for disobeying His laws. He has given us a book with all the rules. There is a price to pay for disobedience.
He is allowing us to do what everyman thinks is right. He is allowing us to reap the consequences of our disobedience. Man is doing unto man. God is sitting up there weeping at our civil disobedience towards His Law. We are doing it to ourselves. Please don’t blame God. He has been patient with our nation and sinfulness.
The WORD of GOD is life giving. His laws bring forth justice, peace, and righteous living. When we as individuals and nations discard His commandments he lets us learn the hard way. He is not intervening. He is allowing us to reap what we are sowing. He is going to allow the world to be on the brink of destruction before He comes to save us.
For this present time we can expect the civil unrest and disobedience to become much worse. It could turn into a full blown civil war. There may be much more bloodshed in the streets.
We have allowed Marxist and socialists, who are ungodly, too much influence in our nation. Be prepared. I am sorry to bring such bad news but blood is the penalty. We all bear some responsibility for the current crisis. We have all paid very little attention throughout the past decades.
There is still an opportunity to turn things around. As I mentioned in the previous posting on the feasts of the Lord there is going to be a gathering on the National Mall in Washington, D.C. on September 26th to pray for the nation.
Perhaps God will give us a period of grace before things become much worse. This event is very important. You don’t have to go to D.C. to participate. Go to the site and decide what you need to do during Sept 18 -28. Call upon God for mercy and grace. Our way of life, our families, and our children’s future depend on it.
I believe God may give us some extra time before things become worse but it is up to us to beseech Him. Each generation is responsible for itself to God. This is our opportunity. This is for NOW! The generation behind us will have to decide which path they are going to take.
WE have a widow of hope. God bless and be safe. The alternative will require blood.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020


As noted in an earlier post September 18-28 are to be a Global and National Day of Prayer for all Christians who are concerned about the current Marxist and ungodly crisis now occurring in the United States and other western countries. It is a ten day call for people to fast in some manner during these dates. It will be held on the National Mall in Washington D.C. on September 26th. The info is here:

As end time believers it is important we understand the fall feasts of the Lord (Leviticus 23) and how they relate to the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, aka, Yeshua.

These are not solely “Jewish Feasts” but are feasts all who call upon the Name of the Lord should have a basic understanding of. First we will look at these feasts from a “Jewish” perspective. The following is from

The ten days starting with Rosh Hashanah and ending with Yom Kippur are commonly known as the Days of Awe or the Days of Repentance. This is a time for serious introspection, a time to consider the sins of the previous year and repent before Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement).

One of the ongoing themes of the Days of Awe is the concept that God has "books" that he writes our names in, writing down who will live and who will die, who will have a good life and who will have a bad life, for the next year. These books are written in on Rosh Hashanah, but our actions during the Days of Awe can alter G-d's decree.

The actions that change the decree are "teshuvah, tefilah and tzedakah," repentance, prayer, good deeds (usually, charity). These "books" are sealed on Yom Kippur. This concept of writing in books is the source of the common greeting during this time is "May you be inscribed and sealed for a good year."

Among the customs of this time, it is common to seek reconciliation with people you may have wronged during the course of the year. The Talmud maintains that Yom Kippur atones only for sins between man and G-d. To atone for sins against another person, you must first seek reconciliation with that person, righting the wrongs you committed against them if possible.

Work is permitted as usual during the intermediate Days of Awe, from Tishri 3 to Tishri 9, except of course for Shabbat during that week. This year September 19 – 28 are the days of awe.

A lesser special occasion occurs during the course of the Days of Awe.  The Shabbat that occurs in this period is known as Shabbat Shuvah (the Sabbath of Return). This is considered a rather important Shabbat. END.

As you can see above, this is why the event in Washington. D.C. is being called The Return. If you read the previous post on Resurrection from the Dead you saw in Revelation 20 how God has “books” that are opened during the White Throne Judgment. The feast of Day of Atonement/Yom Kippur is where this concept originates—right out of the Bible!

In the Hebraic Christian understanding these fall feasts are a type of the second coming of Jesus. The Day of Trumpets, the first of the ten days of awe, are blowing and announcing the coming of the king—King Jesus. The following 9 days are a type of the nations being given the opportunity to repent before God closes the books prior to His wrath judgment on the nations on the Day of Atonement. This all fits perfectly with the Book of Revelation, especially chapters 19 and 20.

The Day of Atonement represents the wrath of God upon the nations at the second coming of the King. It also is the “Day of Redemption” for the righteous. Who are the righteous? Those who have repented before the closing of the books. Those who have been redeemed by the blood of Yeshua shed on the cross for their sins.

This is the spiritual meaning of the Days of Awe from Trumpets through Day of Atonement.

On the Biblical calendar, five days, a period of grace, after Day of Atonement comes the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot in Hebrew) a seven day feast celebrating the Biblical fact that God has come to dwell or “tabernacle among His people.”

This seven day feast is a type of wedding celebration of the Bride and Groom. A sukkah is a small booth or tent that is built during this time in which family and friends celebrate their redemption and God’s dwelling with us!

In a Hebrew wedding ceremony the Bride and Groom are wed under a canopy or sukkah.

The Jewish people build their small sukkah’s and celebrate the King!

As Christians many have lost the true meaning of these “Jewish Feasts” but they aren’t really Jewish. The Scripture in Leviticus 23.2 says they are the “feasts of the Lord.” The Hebrew word feast means “appointed time.” This is an appointment with our Father God.

As you can see in just this short post these feasts contain important end time information which helps us interpret the Book of Revelation from a Hebraic perspective. This in turn helps us understand with fresh eyes and ears many of the parables and things of which Jesus spoke in the New Covenant. It also helps us understand what the Apostle Paul wrote in Romans 9 through 11 about being “grafted into Israel.”

Check out the return website and join in this critical time of prayer: