Thursday, December 19, 2019


Last night the US House of Representatives impeached President Trump. It was a total political act. Not one Republican voted for it and three Democrats voted no. Now it will move to the Senate for a trial.

Any person who is for truth and is honest with themselves can see this is a totally vindictive political show. Since the day President Trump was inaugurated the Democrats have been out to get him and impeach him.

Remember Maxine "Jezebel" Waters was talking impeachment only hours after the President was inaugurated. She and the Democrat party hate Mr. Trump's guts because he declared war on them when he made his inauguration speech. He is waging war on the swamp creatures.

These creatures are backed by the likes of George Soros and his billions. They are corrupt. Matter of fact, the majority of politicians in Washington, DC are corrupt. The entire system is being exposed for its corruptness. It is being revealed in plain site. Read Isaiah 1-5 and you will see how corrupt ancient Judah was. These chapters are a type of the United States in our time.

A once Godly nation is turning away from righteousness, justice, and truth. Get elected to Congress and in a few years you will retire as a very wealthy individual. Everyone takes bribes.

The current state of the nation is perilous and close to civil war.

The Democrats are the socialists. Its in plain site. Socialists are communists. Communism is the Russian way.

Remember President Obama telling Russian President Medvedev in 2012 that after the election he would have more flexibility?

He wasn't just talking about missiles. This had a lot to do with Ukraine and the Russians taking back the Crimea in 2014. This is all in plain sight.

The entire Ukraine uprising was staged so the corrupt politicians of Ukraine and the United States could line their pockets with billions in foreign aid provided by America!

The Democrats project their behavior on Mr. Trump. They twist the things they have done and are doing onto Mr. Trump. This is how they control the agenda.

The main stream media is in their pocket. If anyone is colluding with Russia its the Socialist Democratic party.

Joe Biden and his son are corrupt. Biden bragged about stopping the investigation of Burisma, the natural gas company his son was getting paid by--for what? The son knows nothing about natural gas companies. This is ABC's report:

So Mr. Trump gets impeached over a phone call where nothing happened?

Anyone who cannot see what is happening doesn't want to see. It is so transparent.

My prayer is that Yahweh will expose the wicked for what they are. That their arrows (words) will pierce their own hearts...that their bows will be broken...that they will be exposed. Psalm 37

This is all going to become very interesting. The swamp creatures will fight to the death. They are being challenged by Mr. Trump who is exposing their wicked ways. This fight is far from over.

The United States is looking a whole lot like the ancient Roman Empire that collapsed over this same type of corruption.

"A house divided cannot stand."  Mark 3.25; Luke 11.14-28

The storm is coming.

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