Tuesday, July 23, 2019


I will be taking a short break from posting until September 9, 2019. Many momentous events are soon coming to America and the world. The next two years may be crucial.

There will be great financial crisis that will cause a reset of the world's use of the US dollar in trade. The new system will be based on gold and various other national currencies. This is being organized by the EU, Russia, and China. America will be marginalized and the "new world order" will be much different than it is now.

Lawlessness abounds. Look at the issues dividing America. Immigration, LGBT, abortion, women's rights. The "old order" of things is being challenged. What was evil is now good, what was good is now evil (Isaiah 5.20). In fact, read the first 5 chapters of Isaiah to understand where we are heading.

Laws now on the books are not being followed. Politicians do whatever they please. Most of what you see in the news is what "they" want you to see. Who is "they" you ask? The simple answer is wickedness in high places. The goal is to destroy morality in society. Every one will do what is right in their own eyes (Judges 17.6).

America is heading toward a secular Godless society. God is being marginalized. You can believe in whatever you want--except in a God of salvation.

There is going to be continued unrest, lawlessness, and violence.

I will be praying and meditating on whether or not I will continue posting on September 9th. I will post my decision at that date.

In the meantime please read the various teachings and news that was published in the past on this blog.

If you'd like to comment or contact me during this time my email address is: burningbush647@gmail.com I would love to hear your thoughts.


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