Monday, January 28, 2019


Back in the early 1970’s I came across a small staple bound booklet containing about 70 pages. It was about the Argentine revival which took place in 1954 in Argentina.

This small booklet set my heart on fire when I read it. It brought tears to my eyes. It was an amazing account that has all but been forgotten today.

About 5 years ago I began an internet search for this small booklet which name I did not remember. I never found this booklet but I did find Dr. Edward Miller’s book “Secrets of the Argentine Revival” and purchased it.

Dr. Miller was an evangelist who was serving in Argentina and was used by God as the catalyst to begin this national revival.

He began to question God on why his service for the Lord had produced so little true and lasting results. He felt perhaps he should quit and get a regular job. He decided before he took that radical step he would seek the Lord diligently for direction.

He then began to earnestly seek God through prayer and fasting. Weeks and then months went by without much of an answer. He continued. The suddenly one day he heard the voice of God in his spirit and was catapulted into unknown realms of glory and power. He said, “The windows of heaven were opened and in the spirit I saw things unlawful to be uttered. He was never the same again.

He waited on God for six more weeks. Then he was told to ask the people of the small village church he was ministering in to meet for a prayer meeting on that Monday night. They were to come at eight o’clock and be prepared to meet until midnight. If they were not prepared to stay until midnight he was to tell them not to come.

Three people showed up! He prayed and sang for four hours. None of them said a word.

After four hours he asked them if they had anything to say or if anything had come to them. Only one woman had anything to say. She said she felt as though she was supposed to hit the table in the room with her hand but she refused to because she thought it preposterous. The meeting ended.

This went on for the next three meetings. On the fourth evening the woman obeyed God and hit the table with her hand. Immediately the wind of the spirit rushed through the room and this timid woman was praising and worshipping with her hands in the air. The other two people were also hit by the spirit praising and worshipping God.

This happened in Mendoza, Argentina. That small meeting of three people turned into a one year revival of people coming from all over the area, night after night.

Eventually it quieted but took place again at a Bible School in City Bell, Argentina that Dr. Miller went to teach. One boy began praying in a field and had an angelic visitor. He ran to the school and the spirit hit the school for weeks as the students began to weep and repent with tears.

Great prophecies were spoken concerning the nations of the world and cities that would be visited prior to the return of Jesus. Some of the young people prophesying were not highly educated but spoke in refined language as they were given words.

The most incredible prophecy was directed at Evita Peron the idolatrous, adulterous, and spiritualist wife of President Peron. This is the Evita that was glorified back in the 1980’s in the play “EVITA”.

She was heavily into the occult and was virtually running the country. She would rent boxing arenas for spiritualist conventions. She was turning the people towards this.

The prophecy to her was that God was going to end her life soon and that she would tremble at His presence. She would see the thunder of My Presence fall upon her face and die. All of her men would be removed from government.

Within a year she became ill with a disease that was incurable in the 1950’s—Leukemia a terrible cancer of the blood. This young beautiful but evil and wicked person died—tearing out her hair in rage!

Have we ever seen such a thing? The fear of God was coming upon a nation. We live in a time where there is no longer a fear of God. Argentina’s wicked Eva Peron experienced it.

Later, after this move of God upon the Bible School, it was two years before the Lord moved again in Buenos Aires the capital city. The faith of those at this event at the school was tested.

A little known evangelist named Tommy Hicks was sent by God to Buenos Aires and through miraculous events was allowed to preach for 50 days in large stadiums to over 8 million people during those 50 days.

We have yet to see such true power of God in the United States for more than 75 years.

The basis for the beginning of this revival was the obedience of those who served the Lord and deep holy spirit repentance on all who prayed and received visitation.

The following are the principles Dr. Miller said were ordained by God for them to follow:

  1. God desired small private and group prayer where the Holy Spirit is allowed freedom to move in and through them as He wills.
  2. God through Jesus is the Head and functions in a practical way through the Word and leading of the Holy Spirit.
  3. The Spirit worked through divinely given ministries, rather than men trying to establish ministries that God has not ordained.
  4. God desires repentance to be a state—rather than an isolated event or experience. He desires freedom for people to express that repentance—whether in private contrition or public—if the Spirit leads.
  5. God desires development of the fruit of the Spirit balance the manifestation of spiritual gifts and real transformation of individuals.
  6. God desires to provide financially through faith and prayer rather than through operation of programs, appeals, raffles, and such.
  7. God desires full and free expression of praise and worship. He wants the spirit of prophecy to rest upon His people. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. God does not want to be rushed nor required to do His work in an hour. The church must wait upon HIM and spend much time in His presence.
  8. Move into His presence through praise and worship with continued cleansing of their hearts so that this worship and praise does not become empty entertainment or religious emptiness.

If we desire to see true revival and spiritual repentance we must individually approach God alone. We must truly seek Him out. We have not as yet sought Him diligently in this manner. I include myself in this.

Our country is facing a most serious time in its history. As individuals we must seek Him and seek His cleansing power in our lives. Then perhaps we will see things unlawful to utter in the spirit.

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