Monday, January 28, 2019


Back in the early 1970’s I came across a small staple bound booklet containing about 70 pages. It was about the Argentine revival which took place in 1954 in Argentina.

This small booklet set my heart on fire when I read it. It brought tears to my eyes. It was an amazing account that has all but been forgotten today.

About 5 years ago I began an internet search for this small booklet which name I did not remember. I never found this booklet but I did find Dr. Edward Miller’s book “Secrets of the Argentine Revival” and purchased it.

Dr. Miller was an evangelist who was serving in Argentina and was used by God as the catalyst to begin this national revival.

He began to question God on why his service for the Lord had produced so little true and lasting results. He felt perhaps he should quit and get a regular job. He decided before he took that radical step he would seek the Lord diligently for direction.

He then began to earnestly seek God through prayer and fasting. Weeks and then months went by without much of an answer. He continued. The suddenly one day he heard the voice of God in his spirit and was catapulted into unknown realms of glory and power. He said, “The windows of heaven were opened and in the spirit I saw things unlawful to be uttered. He was never the same again.

He waited on God for six more weeks. Then he was told to ask the people of the small village church he was ministering in to meet for a prayer meeting on that Monday night. They were to come at eight o’clock and be prepared to meet until midnight. If they were not prepared to stay until midnight he was to tell them not to come.

Three people showed up! He prayed and sang for four hours. None of them said a word.

After four hours he asked them if they had anything to say or if anything had come to them. Only one woman had anything to say. She said she felt as though she was supposed to hit the table in the room with her hand but she refused to because she thought it preposterous. The meeting ended.

This went on for the next three meetings. On the fourth evening the woman obeyed God and hit the table with her hand. Immediately the wind of the spirit rushed through the room and this timid woman was praising and worshipping with her hands in the air. The other two people were also hit by the spirit praising and worshipping God.

This happened in Mendoza, Argentina. That small meeting of three people turned into a one year revival of people coming from all over the area, night after night.

Eventually it quieted but took place again at a Bible School in City Bell, Argentina that Dr. Miller went to teach. One boy began praying in a field and had an angelic visitor. He ran to the school and the spirit hit the school for weeks as the students began to weep and repent with tears.

Great prophecies were spoken concerning the nations of the world and cities that would be visited prior to the return of Jesus. Some of the young people prophesying were not highly educated but spoke in refined language as they were given words.

The most incredible prophecy was directed at Evita Peron the idolatrous, adulterous, and spiritualist wife of President Peron. This is the Evita that was glorified back in the 1980’s in the play “EVITA”.

She was heavily into the occult and was virtually running the country. She would rent boxing arenas for spiritualist conventions. She was turning the people towards this.

The prophecy to her was that God was going to end her life soon and that she would tremble at His presence. She would see the thunder of My Presence fall upon her face and die. All of her men would be removed from government.

Within a year she became ill with a disease that was incurable in the 1950’s—Leukemia a terrible cancer of the blood. This young beautiful but evil and wicked person died—tearing out her hair in rage!

Have we ever seen such a thing? The fear of God was coming upon a nation. We live in a time where there is no longer a fear of God. Argentina’s wicked Eva Peron experienced it.

Later, after this move of God upon the Bible School, it was two years before the Lord moved again in Buenos Aires the capital city. The faith of those at this event at the school was tested.

A little known evangelist named Tommy Hicks was sent by God to Buenos Aires and through miraculous events was allowed to preach for 50 days in large stadiums to over 8 million people during those 50 days.

We have yet to see such true power of God in the United States for more than 75 years.

The basis for the beginning of this revival was the obedience of those who served the Lord and deep holy spirit repentance on all who prayed and received visitation.

The following are the principles Dr. Miller said were ordained by God for them to follow:

  1. God desired small private and group prayer where the Holy Spirit is allowed freedom to move in and through them as He wills.
  2. God through Jesus is the Head and functions in a practical way through the Word and leading of the Holy Spirit.
  3. The Spirit worked through divinely given ministries, rather than men trying to establish ministries that God has not ordained.
  4. God desires repentance to be a state—rather than an isolated event or experience. He desires freedom for people to express that repentance—whether in private contrition or public—if the Spirit leads.
  5. God desires development of the fruit of the Spirit balance the manifestation of spiritual gifts and real transformation of individuals.
  6. God desires to provide financially through faith and prayer rather than through operation of programs, appeals, raffles, and such.
  7. God desires full and free expression of praise and worship. He wants the spirit of prophecy to rest upon His people. The testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. God does not want to be rushed nor required to do His work in an hour. The church must wait upon HIM and spend much time in His presence.
  8. Move into His presence through praise and worship with continued cleansing of their hearts so that this worship and praise does not become empty entertainment or religious emptiness.

If we desire to see true revival and spiritual repentance we must individually approach God alone. We must truly seek Him out. We have not as yet sought Him diligently in this manner. I include myself in this.

Our country is facing a most serious time in its history. As individuals we must seek Him and seek His cleansing power in our lives. Then perhaps we will see things unlawful to utter in the spirit.

Monday, January 21, 2019


We are going to attempt answering this intriguing question from a Biblical, secular, and historical view. First, let me say that I am not an expert or highly educated individual. I have been praying and seeking the Father for understanding on the events swirling around us. It is difficult to know the truth and what are lies and deceptions. There are wicked and evil intentions out there. The Word of God says we are in a state of spiritual warfare in Ephesians 6. You better believe it!

We have alternate sources of news and information that are accessible on the internet. The difficultly is discerning what is true and what is not. There is a tremendous amount of dis-information out there. We have to sift, pray and not jump to conclusions. The truth is somewhere out there. We will proceed cautiously. I will share some of the things I have found on alternative sources.

President Trump, love him or hate him, is working to drain the swamp. The government shutdown is part of the strategy. Remember this: God is using men to accomplish His purpose. Right now President Trump is being used to accomplish God’s purpose. That doesn’t make Trump a savior—he just part of what is going on.

President Trump is more like a Jeroboam II who was an unrighteous king but was used by God to temporarily rebuild Israel and delay judgment on the northern kingdom of Israel. Read 2 Kings14.23-29

Jeroboam II attempted to make Israel great again. The Lord had pity on him and the nation. It says the Lord saved Israel by the hand of Jeroboam (verse 27). It was, in fact, a temporary stay of judgment on Israel. Very much like the position of America today.

God used President Obama just as much as President Trump but in a much more subtle way. Our country is under attack due to our sins! God is trying to get our attention.

Our country is under attack from leftist forces. Our Constitution is under attack. Lawlessness abounds. Our nation is turning from God and is going to experience judgment. The President is not exempt. He is a reflection of our divided quarreling nation.

God is revealing our national sins through the personality and actions of President Trump. The office of the President will never have the same respect as in the past.

The Baby Boomer generation is aging and dying off. The Gen X’ers and Millennials will soon be leading our nation. You can see where that is going to lead us.

President Trump is the Baby Boomer generations last gasp. Judgment is looming on a nation that has turned from the Creator. Isaiah 1 – 5 is a description of where we are now as a nation.

What is President Trump attempting to accomplish? Let’s take a brief look at some current events.

It is possible that the government shutdown is a method to sweep away those in government who are opposing the Commander in Chiefs directives. Many government employees do not work for the government. They follow their own political agendas. In the past perhaps the political divide was not so wide. Today many government employees refuse to follow the directives of the administration which is in power

Working for the Government is quite different than working for the private sector. Many employees produce very little meaningful work. I know of what I speak. I worked for the government at one time and saw it with my own eyes. It is difficult to fire a Federal employee no matter how incompetent they may be.


There are good employees in the government agencies. The fact is many government agencies are bloated and over staffed. Like it or not, our government is much too big. It is out of control. Many departments could be shut down and the work they do could be given to each individual state. That is most likely never going to happen. Many talk about bloated government but nothing is ever accomplished in shrinking the Federal Government. It has been a topic of discussion for more than 40 years—the behemoth only grows.

It really requires a total remake of the current system. Our government needs to change but it is difficult to change a colossus--short of outright revolution.


The shutdown is about much more than the border wall.

Our government is a monstrosity of incompetence and should be reduced. President Trump is a business man who has experience with labor unions. He knows the difficulties of getting things done in the private sector.

The government shutdown has been 30 days as of this posting. After thirty days it would be possible for the President to lay off or furlough thousands of government workers--if my information is correct. This would be what the government calls RIF or Reduction in Force.

This would be a way to reduce the number of federal employees. They could be permanently laid off.

The battle going on now is about the deep state. Many key departments that direct our government are in reality rogue entities. The FBI and CIA are two such departments. The divisions are deep seated. Lawlessness abounds within their walls. The President is fighting against this. The odds are against him.

Let’s watch and see what happens from today onward. Will the President lay off workers?

The shutdown to many other things which are happening.

Our border is under attack and if it remains open we are going to find ourselves facing a tremendous financial burden and socialization of our country. Not to mention terrorist threats.


This is what the Democrats want. They desire to socialize our society in order that they can control the population. Look at Venezuela right now. They are a socialist mess. It does not work. Our young people are going to repeat the mistakes of socialism. They don’t understand true capitalism.


National security is a function of borders. Protection of the country and legal citizenship is important. In today's world of terrorism an unsecure border will eventually lead to catastrophe. This is such common sense. Think about it. Why are all these things occurring?


It is not only because of President Trump. It is much more. We are facing a silent attempt overthrow  the US Government. This has been going on for years. The battle is escalating.


There is a new world globalist agenda behind most of what is happening and going to happen soon. The sovereignty of our nation is under attack.

There is going to be a financial reset of currencies and debt in the near future. Western governments are more than $344 trillion in debt. There will be chaos in the financial sector. This is the goal of the wicked spirit behind globalism.

The Federal Reserve Bank is owned and operated by private individual banking families. IT IS NOT A GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT. In 1913 President Wilson authorized this monster which violates the US Constitution. The Fed creates money out of thin air. There is nothing backing this money. Your dollar says Federal Note on it. A note is an instrument of debt.

This money is not backed by gold, silver, or anything. The entire system is fraudulent. It is going to collapse. It has served our generation well for a time but it was doomed from the start.

In 1971 President Nixon took the US off the gold standard because nations were demanding gold for dollars. President Nixon made a deal with Saudi Arabia and other oil producers to sell oil in only American dollars in exchange for protection. It was called the Petro-Dollar. It worked well for almost 40 years, but American power is waning. It made the dollar the world trade dollar.

 As I’ve reported on this blog in the past—Russia and China are stock piling gold because the coming world currency is going to be partly based on precious metals. He who owns the gold owns the world.

If the Federal Reserve creates money out of thin air is the debt it creates real? I think not.

Changing an entire system does not occur without tremendous upheaval and chaos. The entire system is the SWAMP that President Trump vowed to dismantle. Powerful forces are in opposition.

This is why President Trump is always arguing with the Federal Reserve when it attempts to raise interest rates. Rising interest rates raises the cost of credit. Rising credit shakes the stock markets because the entire western world is in tremendous debt. Rising interest rates cause inflation. High prices. Pressure on those in debt.

There is a war going on in plain sight right before our eyes and most people do not understand what is going on.

It is possible the United States could claim bankruptcy and refuse to pay back all of the fraudulent money we have been borrowing from the privately owned Federal Reserve. The chaos that would create is unimaginable. The fact is the debt owed is a debt owed to the world’s banking families.

Congress and only Congress has the Constitutional right to issue money. The official money of the United States by an act of Congress at the foundation was, and is, gold and silver! We were sold out in 1913. Our politicians sold us out. All our debt is fake money. Private bankers are in control. We owe them money created out of air. It is fake debt. Take the time to study and read about the Federal Reserve and the creation of money. You’ll be speechless!

Only the power and might of the USA has backed this money since the end of World War II. Our generation lived well. That does not change the fact that the entire system is fraudulent at the core. The debt is unsustainable. It must collapse. It is inevitable.


There could be a total reset of our economy if we returned to the gold standard. The problem is we may not have any gold. However it comes about there is going to be a financial reset. The question remains who is going to win this financial war?

What countries will arise and prosper? Russia and China are preparing by hoarding gold. They are preparing for a new world order in which they will replace America in power and trade. Search this blog for articles on this topic.


Our country is more concerned about abortion, LGBT, and entertainment then what is happening internationally. There will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when the day of reckoning comes. It will come like "a thief in the night" coming suddenly. Most will not be prepared or expecting it.

These issues are being fought over in plain sight. The main stream media does not speak about these issues. We are kept in darkness. You must seek truth yourself. You have to dig and sift.

This is what Brexit is all about. Britain is trying to remain a sovereign country and exit the European Union. The EU does not want to let them exit without paying a huge price. The leaders of Britain are arguing over the issue every day.

The EU is so powerful in currency and trade regulation that some think the economy of Britain will collapse if they exit. It is difficult to predict what may happen, but the nation voted to leave. They do not wish to be dictated to by unelected officials.

The European Union is run by unelected politicos. They are appointed by the main body of the EU. Individual countries do not vote them in. Once in they dictate to the member countries the laws and regulations they create. Eventually the European Union will become a powerful trade bloc. America and Britain are going to be left out of the party! We are going to become marginalized and isolated.

If Britain and the USA represent Ephraim and Manasseh in the Genesis 48 prophecies it would make sense that Britain and the USA are kicking against the EU and new world order. These are prophecies for the end time. America and Britain were the blessed Israelite nations who lost their identities and mingled among the nations (Hosea 7.8-9).

Our nations are under the Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 curses at this present time. It has been developing for many decades—since he end of World War II when we were the greatest nation on earth. Read these chapters closely and you will find evidence of all the things currently occurring to our nations.

The stranger overcoming and taking control. Immigration. Loss of pride of power. Loss of wealth. It is all there in writing. Most scoff and mock.

Do you realize that the word British is composed of two Hebrew words? Brit = covenant. Ish = man. Covenant Man. Is that Israelite or what!? The world refuses to believe the Bible. God has hidden His end time plan in His word and is regathering His people—many who do not even know they are part of the lost tribes!

It was costing Britain billions of dollars to comply with EU regulations. They realized they were losing their status as a sovereign nation. They were once a great commonwealth of nations. Watch this closely. How will they exit?

In France the “Yellow Vests” are protesting and rioting in the streets. Why? France wants to levy much higher taxes on the citizens. These citizens are already some of the highest taxed in Europe. Do you know what a large part of those taxes are for? CLIMATE CONTROL.

There are two sides to Climate Control. Not all scientists are convinced it is real. That does not matter to the globalists. They want to tax the populations into submission to their will. It is highly deceptive. Everything that is happening in the western world is highly deceptive.

The Yellow Vest protesters are also advocating that French citizens attack the banking system by withdrawing their monies from all the banks. I believe they understand how fraudulent the banking system has become. They understand the currencies are backed by nothing. The same banking cabal that runs America runs the EU.

The world is in a state of spiritual warfare. A new world order is simply the replacement of the United States and all free and sovereign peoples. The goal is rule by unelected officials and controlled economies. Sounds very much like socialism or fascism.

Yes, this is an extremely simple way of putting it—but it is true! I told you I am not highly educated but the Father through His word, prayer, and study has opened my eyes.

All of these events can be prophetically tied to the Bible we read. It is all predicted therein.

Read Isaiah 1-5. It is all there:

And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide my eyes from you; likewise, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear; your hands are full of blood. Wash yourselves, make yourselves clean; put away the evil of your doings from before my eyes; cease to do evil; learn to do good; seek judgment; restore unto the oppressed; hear the fatherless in right judgment; protect the widow. Isaiah 1.15-17 Abortion be this blood?

Their land is full of silver and gold, neither is there any end of their treasures; their land is also full of horses, neither is there any end of their chariots: Their land also is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made: And the mean man bows down, and the great man humbles himself; therefore thou shalt not forgive them. Isaiah 2.7-9

And I will give children to be their princes, and young fools shall rule over them. Isaiah 3.4

The oppressors of my people are many, and women rule over him. O my people, those who lead thee cause thee to err and twist the way of thy paths. Isaiah 3.12

Woe unto those that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5.20 Sound like America and the west today?

The world is moving towards great changes. All of these things are predicted in the Bible to occur when His nations turn away from God. Our enemies will rise against us and take us into "captivity."

Our social systems, financial systems, and societal norms are all in direct opposition to God’s Royal Law as written in the word. The events playing out before us are leading towards world apostasy. The Apostle Paul predicted it:

This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For there shall be men who are lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, evil speakers, disobedient to their parents, unthankful, impure, without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, without temperance, without meekness, without goodness, traitors, rash, puffed up, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God…2 Timothy 3.1-4
There is a lot going on around us. Don’t give up on watching and praying. Read Psalm 37 for some encouragement—it is a great psalm! The wicked are in for some big trouble!

The problem we face is discerning what forces are behind all of this political and financial upheaval. It is difficult to know. We are citizens of His kingdom.

We know that as followers of Yaweh and Yeshua our king that this current "evil world" is passing away and a better kingdom is coming! That is good news!
In the meantime the struggle is going to be tough but God will bless His people in a way we have not as yet experienced. We will be persecuted and pursued but we shall overcome in the name of Yeshua.
Don’t be fearful when you see things around you falling apart. Seek His wisdom on how to be prepared and please don’t think you are going to be raptured out—what are you going to do if you aren’t?

Christians are being persecuted throughout the world. What makes the American church special?

Prepare now!

Blessings on you and yours. More to come….


Friday, January 18, 2019


My focus for the next few months will be on how the world is moving towards the fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. We will focus on the development of the European Union as it transforms into the modern day Holy Roman Empire, the developing financial crisis in the western nations, trade wars, the ascent of Russia and China, the coming new world currency, American loss of power, and Israel.

These are all subjects we have touched on in the past on the blog. We will follow the news headlines and current events from a Biblical perspective and how ancient scriptures are being fulfilled in plain sight.

I'm a proponent of what some call the "Two House Theology" and how understanding this theology helps us to understand the events that are currently taking place on the earth. Simply put, the "Two House Theology" uses the Biblical record of the division of the ancient nation of Israel as a clue to God's end time purposes.

It proposes that the northern kingdom of Israel lost their identities as Jews when they were overcome by Assyria and deported from the land of Israel. The southern kingdom fell about 150 years later and they were taken captive to Babylon.

After 70 years King Cyrus allowed them to return and rebuild the temple in Jerusalem. These people are the Jewish people of our time.

Those from the northern kingdom were scattered throughout the world and are the "lost tribes of Israel." The book of Hosea says they have lost their identity among the nations/gentiles (Hosea 7.8-9). Read the following posting for a basic understanding.

There are many who do not believe in the Two House Theology. That is not a problem. I believe it is truth and since I came to an understanding of it current events started to make sense to me.

It is also important to understand history of the church, Europe, Russia, and China. History witnesses to the Biblical prophecies. Chapters 2 and 7 in Daniel are basically the same dream and prophetic message.

The fourth and final kingdom in Daniel is Rome. A study of church and European history will prove that the Holy Roman Empire has always been a dream of the Holy Roman Church and the Germanic nations of Europe. Rome has always been on the scene in world history and it will play an important part in the final chapter of this temporal age.

God is in no hurry to fulfill His will on this earth. He is patient and long suffering. We have to take a long view. Prophecy is being fulfilled but it takes decades to play out.

The European Union has been a vision for centuries. Many kings and popes have attempted to bring it into reality for two millennia. Today's version has been developing in earnest since the end of World War II. That is more than 70 years!

It is coming together and events in Europe are heading us toward the rise of a new world order that will lead to the second coming of Yeshua.

Events in America will also contribute to fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. President Trump is being used to alienate and isolate America in the coming years. Watch his policies toward Europe and Asia with much interest!

America is in the beginning of a Blue Wave Left turn. This will contribute to the collapse of the US Dollar system and bankruptcy.

Both America and Great Britain are becoming marginalized due to their turning away from the God that blessed them and made them great.

This is not going to happen overnight--but when the time is right events will begin to move quickly. His coming at that time will be like a thief in the night.

Sadly before our King comes the world is going to experience the darkest and most terrible time. We are going to self destruct in love of self and rebelliousness. We will be saved when Yeshua returns and establishes His Kingdom.

Mankind is going to have to find out the hard way how dark and rebellious the heart is. We are no different then the stiff necked ancient nation of Israel.

The final ending will be the most glorious and blessed time on earth. It is our choice. The world does not want God or His law--we will finally learn our lesson.

For the next few months postings will focus on current events in all of these areas. If you have any comments please post them. Let's keep the conversation civil and studious. We are studying the word of God and none of us understands 100% of what is happening.

God is still good and blesses those who are true to Him and will guide them through all trials and tribulations.

We live in an exciting and prophetic time. Amen.

Monday, January 14, 2019



Darkness = 652 = opel = darkness, the absence of light, often with the meaning of gloom, despair, shadows, obscurity =          Job 10.22    
Job 10.22:…a land of darkness, as darkness itself, and of the shadow of death, without any order, and where the light is as darkness.

                = 653 = pela = the dark, darkness, mental gloom and despair, gloominess =
Isaiah 58.10:…and if thou pour out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday:

                = 2816 = hasok = Aramaic: darkness =
Daniel 2.22: He reveals that which is deep and hidden; he knows what is in darkness, and the light dwells with him.

                = 2822 = hosek = darkness, dark, blackness, gloom; often gloom, despair, terror, ignorance, or hard to understand =
Genesis 1.1-18: read first to understand darkness.

And ye came near and stood under the mountain, and the mountain burned with fire unto the midst of the heavens, with darkness, clouds, and thick darkness. Deut 4.11

And it came to pass when ye heard the voice out of the midst of the darkness and saw the mountain that burned with fire that ye came near unto me, even all the princes of your tribes and your elders; Deut 5.23

He placed darkness like tabernacles round about him, dark waters and thick clouds of the skies. 2 Sam 22.12

He uncovers the depths of the darkness and brings out to light the shadow of death. Job 12.22

He shall not escape from the darkness; the flame shall dry up his branches, and by the breath of his mouth he shall perish. Job 15.30

He shall be driven from the light into the darkness and chased out of the world. Job 18.18

All darkness is kept for his secrets; a fire not blown shall consume him; his successor shall be broken in his tent. Job 20.26

…when his lamp shone upon my head, and by its light I walked in the darkness; Job 29.3

He made darkness his hiding place; in his tabernacle round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the heavens. Ps 18.11

He brought them out of darkness and the shadow of death and broke their bonds asunder. Ps 107.14

Whosoever curses his father or his mother, his fire shall be put out in obscure darkness. Proverbs 20.20

And I have seen that wisdom excels folly as far as light excels darkness. Eccl 2.13

For he (man) came in vain and departs unto darkness, and his name shall be covered with darkness. Eccl 6.4

Woe unto those that call evil good and good evil; that put darkness for light and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5.20

 And I will give thee the treasures of darkness and the well-guarded secrets that thou may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who gives thee thy name. Is 45.3

I form the light and create darkness; I make peace and create evil: I am the LORD that does all this. Is 45.7

For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the peoples: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee. Is 60.2

Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! To what end is it for you? The day of the LORD shall be darkness, and not light…Shall not the day of the LORD be darkness, and not light? Even very dark, and no brightness in it? Amos 5.18, 20

Do not rejoice against me, O my enemy; for if I have fallen, I shall arise; if I sit in darkness, the LORD is my light. Micah 7.8

But with an overrunning flood he will make an utter end of his place, and darkness shall pursue his enemies. Nahum 1.8

                = 3990 = maapel = darkness = Joshua 24.7:                                                                                                       And when they cried unto the LORD, he put darkness between you and the Egyptians and brought the sea upon them and covered them….

                = 2825 = haseka = darkness = Ps 139.12:                                                                                                                                   the darkness does not hide from thee; but the night shines as the day; the darkness is as the light.

                = 5890 = epa = darkness = Amos 4.13:                                                                                                             …behold, he that forms the mountains and creates the wind and declares unto man what is his thought, that makes the darkness into morning and treads above the high places of the earth, The LORD, The God of the hosts, is his name.

                = 6205 = rapel = dark or thick clouds, deep gloom, thick darkness, gross darkness =

Then the people stood afar off, and Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was. Ex 20.21

Then Solomon said, Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was. 1 Ki 8.12

He lowered the heavens and came down; Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was. Ps 18.9


Darkness = 2217 = zophos =blackness, darkness, gloom = 2 Peter 2.4; Jude 1.6

For if God did not forgive the angels that sinned, but cast them down into the deepest abyss (Tartarus) and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto judgment; 2 Peter 2.4

And the angels who did not keep their first estate but left their own habitation, he has reserved in eternal chains under darkness unto the judgment of the great day. Jude 1.6

Darkness = 4653 = darkness, the dark = Matt 10.27; John 1.5; 12.35; 12.46; 1 John 1.5; 2.8;

What I tell you in darkness, that speak ye in light, and what ye hear in the ear, that preach ye from the housetops. Matt 10.27

And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness apprehended it not. John 1.5

Then Jesus said unto them, Yet a little while is the Light with you. Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you; for he that walks in darkness does not know where he goes. John 12.35

I am come as a light into the world that whosoever believes in me should not abide in darkness. John 12.46

This then is the promise which we have heard of him and declare unto you, That God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. 1 John 1.5

Again, a new commandment I write unto you, which is the truth in him and in you, because the darkness is past, and the true light now shines. 1 John 2.8

Darkness = 4655 = skotos = darkness, the dark, darkness = Luke 1.79; 22.53; John 3.19; 1 Cor 4.5; 2 Cor 4.6; Eph 6.12; Col 1.13; Jude 1.13

 to give light to those that dwell in darkness and in the shadow of death, to direct our feet into the way of peace. Luke 1.79

When I was daily with you in the temple, ye stretched forth no hands against me; but this is your hour, and the power of darkness. Luke 22.53

And this is the condemnation: that the light is come into the world, and men loved darkness more than the light because their deeds were evil. John 3.19

Therefore, judge nothing before the time, until the Lord comes, who both God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness and then shall each one have praise of God. 1 Cor 4.5

For the God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts to bring forth the light of the knowledge of the clarity of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Cor4.6

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the lords of this age, rulers of this darkness, against spiritual wickedness in the heavens. Ephesians 6.12

…who has delivered us from the power of darkness, and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear Son…Co.1.13

…raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own abominations; erratic stars, to whom is reserved gross darkness eternally. Jude 1.13

Darkness = 4656 = skotoo = to be or become darkened, full of darkness = Revelation 16.10:

And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the throne of the beast; and its kingdom was filled with darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain….


The absence of light. Gloom, despair, shadows, obscurity. Darkness, mental gloom and despair, gloominess.

Blackness, gloom; often gloom, despair, terror, ignorance, or hard to understand. Thick clouds.

The shadow of death and no order, where light is as darkness. All darkness is kept for his secrets. And I will give thee the treasures of darkness and the well-guarded secrets that thou may know that I am the LORD

He (God) made darkness his hiding place. Light excels darkness.

I form the light and create darkness; I make peace and create evil: I am the LORD that does all this. Is 45.7

The day of the LORD shall be darkness, and not light… darkness shall pursue his enemies.

the darkness does not hide from thee; but the night shines as the day; the darkness is as the light.

(God) that makes the darkness into morning (evening and morning were day one.)

Moses drew near unto the thick darkness where God was.

Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness apprehended it not. This is your hour, and the power of darkness.

That God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. And men loved darkness more than the light because their deeds were evil.

God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness. Against the lords of this age, rulers of this darkness.

We see in Genesis:

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without order, and empty; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.

And God said, Let there be light, and there was light.  And God saw that the light was good, and God divided the light from the darkness.  And God called the light Day and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

It appears that darkness is the created energy that surrounds God. When God spoke, light came out of the darkness, and God divided the light from the darkness. He calls the light Day and the darkness Night. Then God begins each day at evening (dark) and progresses towards morning (day). God’s day begins at evening, in darkness, and enters into light (day). This is God’s time. His calendar and feasts revolve around this truth.

The entire written Bible takes place according to this way of keeping time. The new day begins at sunset. Once we understand God’s method of time keeping we can discover many hidden secrets contained in the Bible.

Thursday, January 10, 2019



A popular buzz word today is “paradigm.” Everyone uses it today. The real question is what is a paradigm and how are we to use them in our study?


Paradigm - noun

1. Grammar.

  1.      A. a set of forms all of which contain a particular element, especially the set of all inflected forms based on a single stem or theme.
  2.      B. a display in fixed arrangement of such a set, as boy, boy's, boys, boys'.
    2. an example serving as a model; pattern.
    3. a framework containing the basic assumptions, ways of thinking, and methodology that are commonly accepted by members of a scientific community.
        b. such a cognitive framework shared by members of any discipline or group: the company’s business paradigm.
    The Bible is full of paradigms that are only discovered by prayerful word studies. When we allow the Bible to interpret itself we will look up various words and how they are used in the scriptures. By doing this we begin to find these “paradigms” or ways of thinking and discerning words and deeper meaning to parables, etc..
    The word star, for instance, means angel(s) throughout the Bible. In speaking of the creation of the world Job 38.7 says: when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy?
    STAR Strong’s 3556 – heavenly power (that serve God) is the meaning in Hebrew.
    Revelation 1.20 - the mystery of the seven stars which thou sawest in my right hand, and the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches: and the seven candlesticks which thou sawest are the seven churches.
    Revelation 3.1 - And unto the angel of the church in Sardis write; These things saith he that hath the seven Spirits of God, and the seven stars; I know thy works, that thou hast a name that thou livest, and art dead.
    Psalm 147.4 - He telleth the number of the stars; he calleth them all by their names.
    The above are just a few examples. As we begin to understand this paradigm the word begins to open in a spiritual way. We begin to have the mind of Yahweh. We can see things in a different light.
    As an example: Revelation 6.12-14And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; and the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind and the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.
    Rev 8.10-11 - And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; and the name of the star is called Wormwood: and the third part of the waters became wormwood; and many men died of the waters, because they were made bitter.
    Many will teach that a meteorite or asteroid is going to strike the earth during the tribulation. WE have all these silly ideas of planet X and Nibiru hitting earth. Perhaps, one will, but that is not necessarily the meaning of these verses. It is much better to look for understanding in a more realistic way.
    If stars are angels, then the stars falling to earth would be demonic in nature in these passages. They are cast out of heaven to wreak havoc on the earth. It is not a meteorite hitting earth.
    In the Bible water is Torah or God’s law. Water is a blessing. It comes down from heaven and waters the earth which brings forth fruit. The Torah is like water. It comes down from above and waters the earth (man is of the earth, earthy) and will bring forth fruit in a person who loves God’s Law (Ps 119).
    We see these stars falling to earth and the “water” becomes bitter like wormwood. When men turn away from Yahweh and His laws their lives become bitter. The water they drink is not Torah but that of the world (earth). Jesus said if we believe in Him rivers of living water will come forth out of us!
    This will be a time of great apostasy on the earth. Men will refuse to repent. Their lives will become bitter as they follow the spirits of the demons loosed upon the earth. The stars falling from heaven is Yahweh shaking the heavens and cleaning house.
    Water in the Bible as in “seas” also is a paradigm for nations or people. The beast arises from the sea. The sea represents the nations or mankind. The beast rises from mankind-the sea. The beast is a government created by the nations. The number of a man is the number of the beast (Rev 13.8).
    Man is made predominately by the element Carbon, number six on the table of elements. Carbon has 6 protons, 6 neutrons, and 6 electrons = 666. Carbon is a six sided crystal and six is the number of man. Carbon is black—the opposite of light. The BEAST is a government that is created by the PRIDE of man.
    These are just a few examples of how word study and prayerful attention to allowing the Bible to metaphorically interpret itself can give us great insight into the word. There is so much MORE available to those who prayerfully ask and seek the wisdom from above.
    When we understand the Hebraic roots of the written word we begin to see with fresh eyes and understand with the mind of Yahweh. Could a meteor physically strike earth? Of course, but is that really what the word is implying?
    Will there be a physical image of a beast or idol set up in a temple? Perhaps, but the word really seems to indicate this image is the image of man, a government created by man, and a wicked government that lifts up the glory of man rather than the Almighty God of the Universe.
    The Word is full of Wisdom, Love, and Judgment. Yahweh judges us because He loves us. This judgment from above produces wisdom if we allow it. Let the WORD interpret itself and perhaps we will achieve some unity in the body.
    We lack unity because we cannot agree on truth. Truth is found by allowing the word to interpret itself. We like to change what we do not understand. We want “in the box doctrines of men” rather than the true interpretation of the word. Seek truth and be transformed!