Monday, January 8, 2018


This will be a four part look at the Book of Micah from an end time perspective. An understanding of the prophecies to God's people in Gen 48.9-49.28; Deuteronomy 33; Ezekiel 48.30-35; Revelation 7.3-8; and 21.12-13 is essential.

Chapter One


Historically Micah prophesied from King Jotham (739 B.C.) of Judah through King Hezekiah (687 B.C). Jeremiah 26.18 supports Micah prophesying during Hezekiah‘s reign. His name means “Who is like Yahweh?”


Micah speaks a word to the wickedness in the cities of Judah and Israel. This included the political and spiritual leaders of the time. He saw the growing power of Assyria and future Babylon as God raising up foreign nations to chastise Judah and Israel for their sins.


God was going to bring his judgment on the wicked leaders and citizens who oppressed the poor, debauched themselves in sensual pleasures, and flouted the law through bribes and disobedience to God. This study will focus on

God’s end time warnings through Micah to the church in our day. When reading the prophets we should always try to understand them in their historical (that time), personal (our lives), and prophetic (future) context.


Chapter One: Divine Judgment and Exile


1:1-5...The word of the LORD that came to Micah the Morasthite in the days of Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah, kings of Judah, which he saw concerning Samaria and Jerusalem. Hear, all ye peoples; hearken, O earth, and all that is therein: and the Lord GOD, the Lord from his holy temple shall be a witness against you…the LORD comes forth out of his place and will come down and tread upon the high places of the earth…the mountains shall melt under him, and the valleys shall be split…All this for the rebellion of Jacob and for the sins of the house of Israel. What is the rebellion of Jacob? is it not Samaria? and what are the high places of Judah? are they not Jerusalem?


Note: Nation in the context of this study, Israel = the nation which was scattered among the Gentiles and lost their identity. According to prophecy in Genesis 48.9-22 Ephraim and Manasseh represent the nations of Britain and America in the end times. These are “Israelite Nations” that God blessed prior to the end of the age. These two nations were highly responsible for spreading the gospel to the nations in modern times.

Hosea 7.8-9


As we enter into end time events both Britain and America will withdraw from the world scenes as their power is broken. Both nations will become marginalized. Both nations are isolated by geography. Britain from Europe and America by two great oceans.


Brexit was the beginning of British withdrawal and “America First” is the beginning of America’s withdrawal from the world. Other local events such as financial crisis will accelerate this withdrawal as events move forward. Micah is predicting this in his prophecy.


Micah did not have a dream or vision…he had a word from Yahweh! This word was for Israel who would be taken into captivity first and then for Judah who would later fall to Babylon. This is a word to all the peoples of the earth direct from the Lord’s holy temple!


This is an end time word to the Israelite nations of Britain and America today. It is a warning to these nations which have fallen into apostasy--but who think they are righteous and tolerant (human secularism). The rebellion in Micah’s day was the worship of idols--and it is the same today.


Israel is full of pagan mixture and human secularism. They think they are in a “high place” but they are rebellious! This word is to the apostate secular church and nation. God’s people are to “come out of her” or they will be severely chastised.


Only in God’s holy temple can we receive His word. It is time to come out of Babylon and walk in obedience to Yeshua. The Israelite are those who are in the process of laying down their lives to Him and one another. The true Israelite has experienced “rebirth” and have a personal relationship with Yeshua. Many of us are comfortable in our denomination but it is time to “come out.” If you are reading this blog and understand the things we have been studying then you know it is time to come out.


It is time to hear the Lord and to return to our roots. It is time we understand church history and begin to understand His-story. The Lord is revealing His feasts and times to His people. The day of compromise is coming to an end. If we want to move on we must come out. Sacrifice and offering are not what God wants. He desires we obey His commands. It is time to forget the traditions of men and observe God’s appointed times. It is time to understand what it means to be “grafted into the commonwealth of Israel” as written in Ephesians 2.11-13


1:6-9...I will make Samaria into heaps in the field, into a land of vineyards: and I will scatter her stones throughout the valley, and I will uncover her foundations. All her graven images shall be broken to pieces, and all her gifts shall be burned in the fire, and I will destroy all her idols, for she gathered it of the gifts of harlots, and they shall return unto gifts of harlots…I will wail and howl, I will go stripped and naked: I will make a wailing like the jackals and mourning as the owls…her wound is painful, for it is come unto Judah; it is come unto the gate of my people, even to Jerusalem.


The sins of the people are idolatry and mixture. It is compared to harlotry. Micah is so upset he is going stripped naked and wailing like a jackal. He sees this as a painful wound to Israel and Judah. All is going to be burned in the fire. Micah sees terrible devastation and destruction coming to God’s people!


He is crying out to God’s people in this day. The apostate nation is not listening. Even those who call on Him are turning their backs to God’s truth. They embrace abortion, homosexuality, and pagan mixture in church ritual. This is a message to us today! The fire he sees is nuclear destruction in our day.


America is withdrawing from the world stage. We are appeasing Iran in their determination to build a nuclear bomb and a delivery system. We appease radical Islam. We promote abortion and homosexuality to the world--we demand all nations accept our immorality. This is our incurable wound. Micah is speaking to our generation and warning us. God is calling His people to extreme obedience and to come out of this Babylonian system.


1:10-16...Don’t spread the news in Gath! Don’t shed even a single tear! In Beth Leaphrah sit in the dust!
Residents of Shaphir, pass by in nakedness and humiliation!… Beth Ezel mourns…Indeed, the residents of Maroth hope for something good to happen…the Lord has sent disaster against the city of Jerusalem. Residents of Lachish
You influenced Daughter Zion to sin, for Israel’s rebellious deeds can be traced back to you!… Residents of Mareshah, a conqueror will attack you, the leaders of Israel shall flee to Adullam. Shave your heads bald as you mourn for the children you love…for they are taken from you into exile.


In historical context these verses describe the results of military actions which eventually lead to defeat and captivity.

Prophetically they say much more to us in this day. This is a warning to God’s people and the apostate nations in our time.


The city Lachish named above means “obstinate, smitten and taken captive” in the Hebrew. When we are obstinate, disobey and walk in the ways of the world we will be smitten and taken captive. Lachish, according to Nelson’s New Bible Dictionary is “an important city…guarding the main road to Jerusalem.” It was the southern outpost to protect Jerusalem from Egypt--a type of the world and sin.


Instead of protecting the nation this city was leading them in sin and rebellion! This is the apostate human secular nation of our day! God does not want pagan mixture--we are to come out! How can you be part of a nation that condones sin and mixture? Those who refuse to come out are in rebellion to the word of God. Some in the nation are trying to live right spiritually--but it is time to come out!


In 1 Samuel 21 and 22 David is fleeing from Saul. In 1 Samuel 22.1 he “escaped to the cave Adullam.” David was with a small group of people, strongly dedicated to the Lord, whose place of safety was the cave Adullam. God has a hiding place for the small group who obey and walk according to His ways.


David and his people came into power after they left that cave. They ruled Israel and the world. The time is coming when we will rule and reign with Yeshua in the Millennial Kingdom. This remnant of people are those who learn God’s ways and obey His commands. I believe those who refuse to obey will also be part of the MK but they will be weeping in sorrow at what they could have been in this life and in the Kingdom.


As we head toward Jacob’s trouble and the tribulation God is contrasting two groups of people. This word in Micah is to all God’s people. There are those who claim to walk with Yeshua who don’t obey and there is a small group who walk in grace while actively learning to obey.


If you have been reading this blog you are aware of many of the things the Lord is showing His people. He is teaching us anew about His Sabbath, His feasts, and His ways. He is looking for a people who understand their roots and will become the salt of the earth--a witness to the world. There is a place of safety for those who are willing to follow. We are not “raptured out” but refined and purified in, and through, the fire. The Bride is being made ready!

Next: Chapter Two: Social Ethics, Divine Judgment, and Hope


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