Monday, November 6, 2017



I have often wrote about the U.S. National debt on this blog. Today is a good day to look into this topic from a Biblical, end time perspective once again.

We are all aware of the current debt situation which totals 20.5 trillion dollars right this minute as I am writing ( ). This total does not count welfare programs such as social security and medicare, and others long term outlook. If we add that in, some sources estimate as high as 200 trillion. Nevertheless it is a huge burden on the U.S. economy and future.

Because we are the world’s favored currency this allows the US to print money at will out of nothing. The dollar we use has US Reserve Note printed across the top. A note is debt. All US money is debt.

As foreign countries must use US dollars in trade they must have a stock pile of them on hand. As the US prints money out of nothing the value of those dollars decreases. This means it costs those countries who use the US dollar additional money. It means their imports and exports will cost more because the dollars are losing value. It means there economy experiences inflation in many areas.

The US desires this situation to continue as it gives the US leverage against those countries. One method is to impose financial sanctions on countries who use the dollar in trade. Another is to refuse foreign aid or increase the interest rates on foreign aid. Being the reserve currency puts the US in the power position of getting its own way over these countries. They do what we say or else they will suffer financially.

As I’ve pointed out before, Russia, China, Venezuela, and Iran are refusing to play this game any longer. The Russian and Chinese are establishing their own trade platforms that circumvent the US dollar. This system, when fully implemented, will give participating countries freedom from US control.

The Chinese are the largest importer of oil in the world and the Russians are the largest exporter of oil. Together, they are going to begin trading in their own currencies backed by gold to get around the US dollar. The Chinese will begin pricing oil in a gold backed Yuan in trade with Russia and any other nation wanting to get off addiction to US dollars.

This will be a big step toward challenging the dominance of the US dollar and trade hegemony. It will reduce both Russian and Chinese dependency on the US dollar and limit exposure to future US sanctions.

Meanwhile Venezuelan president Maduro is implementing a new system of international payments to free that country from US dollar control. He says he will use Russian rubles, Chinese yuan, Japanese yen, or whatever currencies he can to get the country off the US dollar.

Saudi Arabia is paying attention to all this because they realize the Chinese market for oil is the largest in the world. As oil becomes priced in yuan they will become compelled to go along.

In 1971 the Saudi’s and Washington agreed to sell oil only in dollars. This allowed the US to go off the gold standard and become the world trading currency. This entire set up with the Saudi’s is going to collapse at some point and the US dollar will fail.

America’s foreign policy is built on financial control. When a country begins to back off we threaten them with discontinued financial support or war.

Saddam Hussein wanted to trade in Euro’s instead of the US dollar for Iraq’s oil imports prior to the US invasion under the pretext of the US trade center attack. Iran was the real enemy. We took out Iraq and now Iran controls the entire area.

In Libya Muammar Gaddafi had plans to make the Gold Dinar the currency of northern Africa in order to dethrone the US dollar and US control of that area of the world. We stared a war with him and stole all the Libyan gold.

As for cashless society it is coming soon. During my trip to London, England I saw people making small purchases for a couple of beers or small items in a store with a card they swiped across a small screen credit card reader.

Phones are now used for purchasing items in stores and China is virtually a cashless society already.

This is all very important in light of a Biblical World View and Prophecy. A new world order is rising in the east based on currencies backed by gold and trade. China and Russia are leading the way. Those countries have every right to do things their own way. They do not wish to be controlled any longer by the American financial system of debt.

God is allowing them to rise up as a means of chastising an American system whose idol is money. As all empires reach their greatness they begin to become corrupt and decadent. America is no exception. It is all occurring in plain sight.

We need to be aware of what is happening and prepare ourselves and the generations behind us for this day. It is not a hopeless situation. It is preparing the way for the second coming of the King of Kings, Yeshua the Messiah. Sadly the US church is ill prepared for the world wide changes which are coming.

It is essential we read the scriptures much more carefully and truthfully. Much of what we have been taught in the past is false. You are reading this blog because you are seeing truth’s you have not seen before. Yahweh desires to lead us into truth to set us free from the coming world system.

Allow the Bible, the WORD, to interpret itself. Get together in small groups to study and discuss. It is not easy to turn from many of our past “traditions” but that is what we must do. Yeshua chastised the leaders of His day for clinging to their traditions instead of following the Word.

Traditions are warm and comfortable but they will not give us strength in the coming new order. Only the true interpretation of Yahweh’s instructions and faith in Yeshua will get us through.

All it will take is a major event or two on the world stage to change everything forever. The first and second world wars in the 20th century ushered in the new world order led by the United States as we know it today. I was born in 1951 and have experienced this order and lived in a most comfortable and wonderful time if you are a citizen of the US.

This order is passing away as the flowers in the grass. A new world order is rising and the US will not be leading it. Nobody can predict the time—but we are only an event of great magnitude from great change. I pray each day that we have additional time to prepare.

America is being judged and chastised by God in all areas of society—Hollywood and music industries, politics, health care, wickedness in high places, corruption. God is exposing these things in order that we repent and turn back to our Godly roots. It doesn’t appear we are turning that way—but there is hope.

No matter how bad it gets for America God is going to prepare us as a sheep nation in the Millennial Kingdom (MK) when He rules and reigns. We have a role to play in that age both as individuals and nation. . The chastisement to come is going to prepare us for service in the MK.

Seek understanding of the entire body of scriptures—focus on understanding the Old Testament as that is the key to understanding the New Testament and the coming age. Cry out to God for understanding. It is all hidden in plain sight. Ask to understand from a “Big Picture Perspective”. WE have a tendency to look down instead of up. Very few in “church” truly understand the Millennial Picture which is our inheritance.

Current geopolitical events are moving in an exciting way that is fulfilling the prophetic word. In addition to Russia and China stay focused on the European Union, Germany, and the Holy Roman Church. They are all going to play a big part in the coming Middle East wars centering on Jerusalem.





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