Friday, June 10, 2016



CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ANTICHRIST - 2 Thessalonians 2:1-12 In the last days the man of sin will be revealed who exalts himself above God. His coming, Paul says, is after the working of Satan with power, signs, and lying wonders. Men will believe because they don’t know the truth. They don’t know the truth because they choose to deny the Word of God as written in the Torah. If they deny the truth (John 8:31-32, John 14:6) then they will be deceived by a lie. The world will believe the deception because they refuse to accept the truth (Jesus).


Men would rather worship the creation than the creator. Romans 1:18-25 The world will choose humanism, witchcraft/wicca, philosophy, and other pagan beliefs rather than believe in God the Creator. The world will choose to live anyway they see fit. They will accept all lifestyles as acceptable whether it adheres to God’s word or not. God will give them up to a delusion because they won’t know God. The world refuses to repent. Rev 9:20-21


The antichrist will be a man of lawlessness. He refuses to follow the commandments of God. He will deceive many with his signs and wonders. Matt 24:14-22, Dan 12:10-12, Dan 9:26-27 He will rage against the covenant (God’s people, both Christian and Jews).


The Lord warns us not to run to and fro looking for Him. We are to stand fast. When you see these signs know that the time is near. Just as vultures circle a carcass so it is when you see the signs He speaks of in Matt 24:23-28. When the world is coming against the nation of Israel, the Jews, and persecuting the Christians the day is near.


MYSTERY BABYLON THE SYSTEM OF THE ANTICHRIST - 2 Kings 17 - Assyria takes Israel captive and removes the nation from the land repopulating Samaria with Babylonians, and other pagan tribes. 2 kings 17:24 These pagan tribes all had their own gods and when lions came upon them they asked Assyria to send them a priest (Levite) to teach them about the God of the former people who lived there (Israel). Even though this Levite came and taught them about the Lord they did not turn to the Lord. They continued to worship their own gods and added the Lord to their panoply of gods. 2 Kings 17:28-29, 34, 41


The peoples who resettled and repopulated the northern kingdom followed the Mystery Babylon religion of the day. These included Succoth-benoth, Nergal, Ashima, Nibhaz, Tartak, and Adramelech. These are all rooted in the beginning of Mystery Babylon in Geneses 11. All of these pagan religions are rooted there in Nimrod. Some other pagan Gods are Tammuz, Baal, Ashtereh, and Molech.


We see these pagan religions today in witchcraft, Wicca, pagan sun worship, such as the Burning Man, and the celebration of Beltane which is celebrated on or around May 1st which is a high Satanic/Wicca/witchcraft holiday. New age celebration, physic rites, occultism, and various Masonic rites all are rooted here. This is another teaching for later.


A NEW TESTAMENT TYPE OF THE ANTICHRIST - In the book of Acts 8:5-24 we see Simon the sorcerer as a type of what the antichrist will be like. This chapter gives a good description of the antichrist and how he will deceive the world. Simon is rooted in Mystery Babylon as his descendants are from Babylon. They would have been the people who were relocated to Samaria and the Northern Kingdom as Simon was from Samaria. Acts 8:5, 9


Simon the sorcerer practiced witchcraft and other occult magic. He used this power and knowledge to set himself up as the “great power of God” it says in Acts 8:10. The people of that area followed him and hung on his every word. When he saw what Philip was doing he desired to have this Holy Ghost power for himself. He saw that this was true power from God, but wanted it so he could control and manipulate the people for his own ends. This is what witchcraft is, control and manipulation. This is how the antichrist will be. He will use his power to deceive and perform signs and wonders to present himself as the messiah. He will deceive the world into thinking he is a man of peace. He will bring order to the Jewish “problem” and then turn of them to destroy them. (Dan 9.27)


When Simon offers Peter money for this power Peter tells him to repent. Peter told Simon his heart was not right with God. Acts 8:20-22. Simon had no intention of yielding his life to the Lord. This power excited him as it related to his own agenda.


Peter perceives that Simon is in the gall of bitterness and the bond of iniquity. Peter understood exactly where Simon’s heart was. Simon was a lawless sinner who, even though he believed, had no intention of serving or yielding to the ways of God. So too is the antichrist. He will understand and have knowledge of the power of God, but will use that knowledge to promote himself. The world will believe he is God because of the great things he will do. He will appear to be a man of peace and then sudden destruction will come. He will lie and perform counterfeit signs and wonders. Those who do not know the Lord will be deceived.


The world will believe because they have rejected the word of God. So called believers will also believe because they will have rejected many of the truths in the word of God. This is what Paul is talking about in Colossians 2:18-23 Humanism, philosophy, creation worship, one world order, alien seeding, new age--these are the rudiments of the world. (Mystery Babylon) These are delusions people believe today.


Those of the world will not recognize the feasts of the Lord. Lev 23, Deut 16 The church of these days will be infested with pagan culture and rites ( new age philosophies). It is already happening. The “church” will be lawless and refuse to adhere to God’s laws (Torah). They will be free to do whatever is right in their own eyes. These will be those who did not take heed to the warnings to the church in Rev 2 and 3.


It is important to realize that Simon believed and understood that what he saw was from God. He did believe. His sin was his refusal to obey God and walk in God’s ways. He wanted this power for himself. He refused to repent and turn to God. “Pray for me,” he said. He was totally insincere. He wanted to walk in iniquity and still receive the blessing. God only blesses those who write his law (Torah) on their hearts and walk accordingly. Simon is also a type of Satan and his rebellion against God.


This is how the enemy works. He takes the truth and twists it to his own desires and agenda. Then he opens it up to the ways of the world so that it appeals to the masses. It becomes a mix of paganism and humanism where every man has a right to be whatever he wants to be. Sin is not to be judged because there is no such thing as sin--it is our choice, it is our lifestyle. They can violate the laws of God because they know better than God. This is not the Lord’s way. We are to be separate and holy because He is holy. We are to walk in His ways and receive blessing. Deut 12:1-3, Deut 6:1-9, Lev 23, Lev 26, Deut 28


Understanding our Hebraic roots will help us to understand the times we live in. We are to be God’s peculiar people. He would have us write the law (Torah) on our hearts and walk righteously. 1 John 3:4-8, 4:1-3, 5:1-3, James 1:19-25



May 1st, or May Day, was considered by several cultures to be an important holiday, especially in occult circles due to celestial alignments. In Illuminati lore, it is regarded as the second most important day of the year. In fact, the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati was founded on May 1st 1776. In Europe, it is called the Beltane festival, an ancient Gaelic celebration of sexuality, fertility…and blood sacrifices.


“Supposedly, animal sacrifices would be made each Beltane to ensure the fertility of their crops, however, every five years the Highland Celts would sacrifice humans, the numbers being made up of convicted criminals and prisoners of war. They would be sacrificed by the Druids, though the manner of their death would vary. Many were supposedly shot with arrows, but descriptions of Gaulish Celt ceremonies have them being burnt alive in huge wicker men.”


The origins of the Beltane festival can be traced back to the celebration of the Sumerian God Enlil – who is known to us as Baal. The name Beltane is said to originate from the word Baal. Celebrations of the Beltane festival are very similar to ancient rituals celebrating the ancient god. The mysterious similarities between these seemingly distant cultures could be the subject of an entire article. One thing is for sure: Baal is an important figure in Illuminati lore.


“In Middle-Eastern lore, Baal was killed and descended into the underworld, whereupon he was returned to life by the powers of his sister-lover, Anat. Baal is thus associated with the seasonal cycles and the coming of spring and crops. This was reflected in Beltane festivals, which culminated with the symbolic marriage of the Winter God and Spring Goddess (or King Winter and Queen May). Queen May, in the festivals, was a mother earth figure. The word Baal means lord or husband. In the mating of King Winter and Queen May, earth and sky were joined, and fertility and life were symbolically rekindled in animals, people, and nature.” - Jane Adams, The Selected Papers of Jane Adams


Ancient beliefs and rituals are an intricate part of today’s Illuminati’s occult practices. As their symbolism and modus-operandi are slowly infused into society, their previously secret rituals are now conducted on a mass scale. The masses become clueless participants of their occult festivities, not knowing they are actually adding to their potency. This is seen in many of today’s music videos as being cool.

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