Tuesday, April 23, 2024



In this post we will follow Yeshua during the week of His crucifixion. He was following the Torah the entire week. We will document his movements on the Biblical Calendar. You will find this very interesting!

SATURDAY AVIV 10 – Yeshua enters Jerusalem to high praise and adoration of the people. Mark 11.1-11; Luke 21.1-11; Matt 21.1-11. In Exodus 12 Moses calls the tribes together and tells them Aviv is now the first month of the year. They are instructed to pick a lamb without blemish to sacrifice. They are to inspect the lamb for 4 days—until the 14th when it will be sacrificed.

Yeshua entered Jerusalem on the 10th day and was questioned by the Sadducees and Pharisees for four days. They could find no fault with Him. He would be crucified later at Passover without blemish.

TUESDAY EVENING AVIV 13/14 – Yeshua gathers the disciples together for their Passover meal (Last Supper). This would have been Tuesday evening prior to the sunset. As the sun set on Tuesday it is now Wednesday the 14th. The Biblical day begins and ends at sunset. Matt 26.17-31; Mark 14.12-27, Luke 22 document the Passover Yeshua observed with the disciples.

The scripture says the “first day of unleavened bread when they kill/sacrifice the Passover.” Passover was beginning that evening. In the morning of the 14th the Passover lamb would be killed and sacrificed from 9 AM until 3 PM at the same time as Yeshua. Unleavened Bread is the holy week and Passover is eaten prior to the feast. That is what this scripture is alluding to.

WEDNESDAY EVENING THE 14TH – After Yeshua and the disciples have eaten and had communion they walked towards the Garden on Mount Olives. Here Yeshua would be betrayed and arrested. It is the 14th of Aviv now. He is taken before the chief priests and no witnesses can be found.

The beatings began sometime in the night. Then early in the AM Yeshua is taken to Pontius Pilate for review. Pilate sends Yeshua to King Herod who he knew wanted to see Yeshua (Luke 23). Herod and his men mocked Yeshua and sent him back to Pilate in a gorgeous robe. It was a long night of suffering for Yeshua until sunrise Wednesday morning.

By now it is early morning maybe 5 or 6 AM. Pilate can find no fault with Yeshua and wants to release him. The priests and people shout “crucify him, crucify him.”

Pilate gives orders to crucify Yeshua and to appease the people release another prisoner named Barabbas. This is very interesting as the name Bar Abbas means “Son of the Father” in Hebrew! An exchange has been made. The true Son of the Father will now be crucified for the sins of the world and the real criminal released!

WEDNESDAY MORNING, PASSOVER THE 14TH – All has been carried out according to Torah. The innocent lamb has been found without blemish and will now be sacrificed.

From the exchange of the Sons of the Father until 9 AM Yeshua is led to the site of crucifixion. At 9 AM he is nailed to the cross and raised up just as the temple service is beginning in Jerusalem. There he will hang for 6 hours until 3 PM when He is pronounced dead. At the exact moment Yeshua says, “It is finished” the High Priest is saying the same thing at the Passover service at the temple!

WEDNESDAY EVENING 14TH 3 PM TO SUNSET – Sunset will be around 7:14 PM that evening. Yeshua must be buried before that time. He is buried before the setting of the sun. As the sun sets it is now Thursday the 15th and the beginning of the first day of Unleavened Bread.

The Jewish people would be eating their Passover lamb as the sun set. It is now:

THURSDAY THE 15TH OF AVIV – We know this because Yeshua entered Jerusalem on the 10th of Aviv and was inspected for 4 days and sacrificed for our sins on the 14th. Thursday the 15th at sunset is Yeshua’s first day in the grave. We know it is the 15th day of the month because the 15th of AVIV is always the full moon on the Biblical calendar.

Let me explain that the Passover is a regular day when work can be done. It is not a feast day. The following day of Unleavened Bread is a feast day and no work is to be done (Leviticus 23.5-8). Unleavened Bread is a High Sabbath. This is a special feast Sabbath not the weekly Sabbath. There are two Sabbaths this week. The High Sabbath (John 19.31) was on Thursday and the weekly Sabbath is approaching. Yeshua must be in the grave before the High Sabbath of Unleavened Bread begins at sunset.

Yeshua said the only sign this wicked generation would get would be the sign of Jonah who was in the belly of the FISH for 3 days and nights (Matt 12.38-41). Let’s count the days: (Wednesday at sunset (remember that is when the sun is going down on what we would call Wednesday night), Thursday night, Friday at sunset, Saturday at sunset (which would be the start of Sunday). On the Biblical calendar this equals three twenty-four hour periods. Three full days 72 hours!

I hope I haven’t confused anyone…Wednesday after Yeshua is put in the grave and the sun sets becomes the beginning of Thursday. This gives us the required three days and nights in the grave.

Therefore we know that He rose one second after the sunset on Saturday and it was now Sunday the 18th of AVIV! This meant Yeshua was in the grave three full days and nights.

The women come to the tomb Sunday as the sun is rising and He is not there.

Once we understand the Biblical calendar it all makes sense! Yeshua was in the grave three full Biblical days and nights—72 hours. Hallelujah!

Even the Pope doesn’t understand this! Pope Benedict wrote a book on Easter and couldn’t understand what Yeshua meant about three days and nights. He doesn’t understand the Biblical calendar! Below is the proof!

Chronology of Christ's last days CONFUSES Christians, Religion News Service dated 4/14/2011 - USA TODAY

As Christians worldwide prepare to celebrate Easter, they will follow a familiar chronology: Jesus was crucified on Good Friday and rose from the dead on "the third day," in the words of the ancient Nicene Creed.

·        But if Jesus died at 3 p.m. Friday and vacated his tomb by dawn Sunday morning — about 40 hours later — how does that make three days? And do Hebrew Scriptures prophesy that timetable?

Even Pope Benedict XVI wrestles with the latter question in his new book, Jesus: Holy Week, about Christ's last days. "There is no direct scriptural testimony pointing to the 'third day,'" the pope concludes.

The chronology conundrum is "a bit of a puzzle," said Marcus Borg, a progressive biblical scholar and co-author of "The Last Week," a book about Holy Week.

NOW YOU KNOW! We also know Yeshua was not crucified on Friday, but it was Wednesday!

Now one more tidbit before we finish. The day Yeshua rose from the dead also was a prophetic event. It was the day of first fruits, when the priests offer the first fruits of the barley crop at the temple! Yeshua is the First Fruits of those whom will arise from the dead (1 Corinthians 15.20-28).

Interestingly the Jewish people always celebrate First Fruits today on the 16th of AVIV. In Yeshua’s time they observed First Fruits on the correct day. The scriptures say that (Leviticus 23.9-11) first fruits are to be presented the day after the Sabbath.

Today the rabbis’ say that it should follow the High Sabbath which would always be the 16th of the month. Yeshua rose on the 18th which was the first day after the weekly Sabbath. Therefore I believe, as we allow the Bible to interpret itself, that it is the weekly Sabbath that is prior to First Fruits because that is when Yeshua rose from the dead!

Have a great feast of Unleavened Bread! Now you know the rest of the story!

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