Tuesday, October 10, 2023



As I mentioned in my last post I’m praying and seeking understanding of the things which are happening in the world and all around us in the USA. It is very upsetting watching the lawlessness in America and around the world. Yahweh gave us His Torah and the world has rejected it. Lawlessness, quite simply is sin. If the world followed Yahweh’s Law we would be blessed (1 John 2 explains perfectly).

 Elohim said we’d be blessed if we obey and cursed if we don’t obey. Read Deuteronomy 28 and Leviticus 26. This is what this world rejects. The Law of the one true Elohim. Lawlessness is SIN.

Now this is what we need to know during the current crisis. First a very simple review of the past 7 years.

We are at WAR. This war has been developing since the twin towers were hit on 9/11/2001. We’ll use that as the starting point. From that time on our freedoms in America began to be taken away from us with the Homeland Security Act (HSA).

Around this time infiltration of America by foreign terrorists also began. This is what the HSA was supposed to protect us from! The Bush Administration set this all up and then attacked Iraq which in effect made Iran the new Middle East terrorist power. Iran sponsors terrorist as we see in Israel now.

Next came the traitorous Obama Administration. Think about this. John Brennan, Obama, and Valerie Jarret who were a large part of his administration all follow the Muslim faith. They began to quietly allow terrorist cell groups to enter the USA. His administration also began pushing the LGBQ agenda.

Obama had strong support from Hollywood. David Geffen record mogul was a very import supporter. You can  find this out if you seek the truth.

Then President Trump was elected. They never thought it would happen. He immediately began to undo all that Obama had been doing. Listen carefully to President Trump’s inauguration speech:


He was declaring war on the corrupt US government. From day one they hated him. They wouldn’t even attend his inauguration ball. He began rebuilding the economy that Obama said could not be fixed, get used to it. He began building the wall to stop the infiltration. He stopped getting involved in wars and starting wars.

Then the 2020 election was rigged and stolen. All any thinking person has to do is go back and review everything President Trump was saying then and since then until NOW. It should be obvious we are at war with evil corrupt government and traitors—on both sides of the aisle.

Now let’s review what’s been happening and why NOW.

The corrupt regime now in control in Washington DC has destroyed our economy, opened our borders, pushed the trans-agenda, turned the government into a leftist cesspool, and abated our enemies in three short years. They have sped up the Obama plan.

Mr. Obama is quietly working through Mr. Biden to bring this to fruition quickly. They realize how far back the Trump administration set the plan back.

Remember our withdrawal from Afghanistan? All the military equipment that Biden left there is now being used against Israel. Yes, the Hamas terrorists are using those weapons.

Have you noticed there is very little reporting on the Ukraine war? Have you noticed there are very few videos of the fighting in Ukraine? Why? Because Ukraine is done. You’re just not hearing it from the main-stream media. Ukraine is an incredibly corrupt Nazi regime.

All that money and arms we send them where is it going? Yeah, much of that equipment is also showing up in the war in Israel. In addition, money has been laundered and returned to the corrupt swamp creatures in DC. We are being had! Zelensky demanded America send her sons and daughters to die for Ukraine. Are you kidding me? What arrogance!  

Have you noticed the protests by Palestinian supporters in major cities around the world? New York, Chicago, Seattle, London, Australia. These are not small gatherings. How did all these people get there? Go back to what I said about the Obama Administration and our current border invasion. This has been going on for the past 20 years. Anyone who cannot understand this is living in a dream world. Many of God’s people are blind. This is only the beginning: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2023/10/enemy-is-inside-wire-palestinian-student-group-announces/

War is going to unleashed on the American public from terrorist cell groups in the soon future. This is very concerning. Tell your representatives to close the border! This should concern everyone.

The Biden/Obama admin sent $6 billion dollars to Iran in September. That sure helped the terrorists launch thousands of rockets into Israel and fund the murderous sneak attack on October 7. Don’t kid yourself our corrupt administration sent it there for a reason. It may be in a bank account for another purpose, but that money can be borrowed from another bank and used as collateral.


You know, Gaza was a peaceful place when Israel handed it over to the PLO. Then the Hamas took it over. Israel gave it as a gesture of peace. Hamas said thank you very much now we will continue our war to wipe you off the face of the earth!

Do you know Egypt will not allow any Gaza residents into their country? Do you know that Palestinians are not hostages? No Arab country allows immigration. They want this cancer to exist to destroy God’s chosen people.

Guess who created Hamas? The USA. As a thwart to the PLO. Unbelievable. Corrupt, evil.

I always think of the words of Golda Meir who said, “When our enemies love their children more than they hate us there will be peace.” Terrorists sacrifice their children to death. They use them as shields. They teach them to hate Israel.

As believers in Yeshua and the one ecad Elohim we need to understand the times (1 Chron 12.32). We need to avoid sticking our heads in the sand and ignoring these things.

I urge everyone to seek Him out and pray for guidance, understanding, and direction. We are at war with evil and corrupt governments and organizations (WEF) who wish to wipe out Elohim’s people in Israel and throughout the world. We look to God for help!

Yeshua told us that haSatan comes to steal, kill, and destroy. That spirit has risen up because God’s people have been sleeping. Read Jonathan Cahn’s book:  https://www.christianbook.com/the-return-of-the-gods/9781636411521/pd/411524?en=bing-pla&event=SHOP&kw=preorder-0-20%7C411524&p=1179517&dv=c&snav=BGMERCH&cb_src=bing&cb_typ=shopping&cb_cmp=73125296&cb_adg=1231453306407462&cb_kyw=default&msclkid=b4be640a93eb1a5d03e2012fd29d0c62&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=Shopping%20Main&utm_term=4580565454073064&utm_content=s-preorders  An amazing insight into what is happening.

What I’ve presented here has been described very simply. Many believers I know don’t dig deep enough to really understand the war we are in. Here is a good source for real information: https://x22report.com/all-roads-lead-to-obama-muslim-brotherhoodsleeper-cells-countermeasures-ep-3182/ Reports daily. Learn how to use this site and the info. So very few will take the time to listen.

I can’t tell anyone what they are supposed to do except to go to Him and ask for direction. Evil is coming our way. None of us really knows how we will react when it comes to our door—but we seek Him now to guide us then.

He told us to “occupy until I come.” Let’s begin by occupying our designated area. It’s not about bugging out—it’s about standing fast. It’s good to prep but don’t count on bugging out. Some may bug out and that’s ok, but stand fast and occupy.

My approach is to be aware, prepare, pray, seek, and get through one day at a time. There is only so much we can do at this time. We cry out daily for His guidance and blessing.

The Apostle Paul told Timothy to “Endure hardness with us like a good soldier of Yeshua.” There is no better advice.

There are Patriots in our government that need our support. One man has been pointing out all of this to us—listen to that inauguration speech. You may not “like the way he talks” but you need to hear what he is saying. That is why our Elohim has put him there.

Finally, if you think you are going to be “raptured out” you are not hearing what the Bible is telling us. Search this blog for those posts which explain this.

Many say “Oh God loves us and we need to be all inclusive.” Yes, God does love us very much. Those who say that forget one thing: God hates SIN and His assemblies are full of Sin because they say, “We are not under the Law.” Better read Matt 5.17-20 again. Think about that.

The truth is each one of us has a personal relationship with our Elohim and Messiah. It’s all based upon our individual obedience and relationship with Him. Some may be martyrs, some may be in a hidden place, and some will be in the world arena speaking the message. That’s what the Bible and our master has told us. Develop a close personal relationship with Him. Only you know where you stand with Him.

Be blessed it’s not over yet. The end is not yet. It comes, but not yet. The “called out bride” is being made perfect through trial and tribulation. We will meet Him in the air at His coming—that is the end. No secret rapture. If you understand the Feasts of the Lord you understand!

I pray you have read this far and are encouraged and stout. We don’t have to look for trouble it will come to us. I pray you and I will be ready and equipped in that hour. Amen.

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