Sunday, September 17, 2023



In gallery 62 on the main floor of the west building there is a painting of George Washington and his family painted by Edward Savage. This portrait contains hidden secrets of the founding of our Nation’s Capital.

This is no ordinary painting. It contains arcane information that only those in the secret society of 1789 would have known. Even the docents who work in the gallery have no idea what it is about. I know because I had a docent ask me if I knew what the painting was about. I looked at him and asked him if he knew. He was dumbfounded after I briefly explained what it was about.

The family portrait represents George Washington in Revolutionary War uniform, Martha Washington and her two grandchildren, and a slave posing in the hidden hand pose. A map is spread out on the table. The only thing you are told is that the map is of the future Capitol building plans.

Here’s the rest of the information we are not told. George Washington’s hand rests on the spot on the map where the future Washington Monument will be built. Martha’s holding a closed fan on the spot that the US Capitol building will be built. Behind her is a slave with his hand hidden beneath his shirt. This is the “hidden hand” symbol that signals that there is hidden information in this painting.

On Martha’s right her granddaughter is pinching the map. At the very spot she is pinching the map is the handle of George Washington’s sword. Upon close examination there is a star on the sword handle at the same spot the granddaughter is pinching the map. Her hand is also located where the future White House will be built.

Martha’s grandson is at George Washington’s right and he stands next to a celestial globe of the heavens. A star map if you will.

The locations on the map on the table are the future Washington Monument, US Capitol, and White House. These three create a Masonic triangle if we draw lines to them. Today the area within this triangle is known as the Federal Triangle. Within this triangle are many Federal buildings which have been built during the past two centuries. What does this all mean?

The Federal triangle represents a heavenly triangle in the evening sky which contains three major stars. Arcturus, Regulus, and Spica. Within the triangle is the Constellation of the Goddess Virgo:

Martha’s granddaughter we see pinching the map at the star on the handle of the sword. What only the secret cabal knows is that the star on the handle of the sword informs them is that every year on August 10th the Constellation Virgo rises above the White House. This is because Virgo is the goddess to which Washington DC is dedicated.

Virgo is not just any goddess. She has many incarnations though out history. She is Isis the most powerful and wicked of all goddesses. She can become both a woman and a man. Read here:|1014121

Confirmation of this is found within the Federal Triangle which contains no less than 20 Zodiac markers. Some of these markers are in plain sight while others are inside important meeting rooms in buildings like the Federal Reserve.

Across the street from the National Gallery is a fountain with Virgo and her company of gods and goddesses. At the monument to Albert Einstein at his feet is a celestial map marking the celestial time of the dedication of this statue. As a matter of fact all important buildings within the Federal Triangle and throughout DC were dedicated to the goddess Virgo according to astronomical timing to bless the buildings. Not to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob but rather to the pagan gods of the prince of this world!

Even the mainstream media has reported this to some degree:

Washington DC is not a state. It is a special District with its own laws. It, along with The City of London and the Vatican form a Federal Triangle of their own. Washington DC is a dark place and is operated by corrupt traitors to America and the world. We’ll leave it at that for now. Seek where this will lead you. Could DC, City of London, and Vatican represent Babylon in the Book of Revelation?

If this information is witnessing to you a book written by David Ovason is found here:

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