Friday, September 3, 2021


When ye go to war in your land against the enemy that oppresses you, then ye shall blow an alarm with the trumpets; and ye shall be remembered before the LORD your God, and ye shall be saved from your enemies. Numbers 10.9

Thanks for your patience. The past month has seen the shaking begin…we will experience a dark period before we see the light. Prepare for upheaval.

Sunset September 6th begins the Feast of Trumpets and the fall feasts, the most solemn time on the Biblical Calendar of the Most High God YHVH. The trumpet will sound the alarm for God’s people to gather and pray. The Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur will begin 10 days later. Yom Kippur is the closing of the gates, the gathering of the wheat and tares, the day of YHVH’s wrath upon the wicked and salvation of His people. See Matthew 13.24-30; 38-43 for confirmation.

These feasts are dress rehearsals for the end times. They contain prophetic information.

The fall in many years past have been times of great shaking in the world and the United States. The twin towers were attacked on September 11, 2001 during the time of the fall feasts. Many stock market crashes have taken place in the fall—a shaking of the financial system. When the twin towers were hit the stock market crashed 684 points.

Many other crashes in past years also occurred during this time of the year on the Biblical Calendar. This is the time when the 50th year of Jubilee is announced and also the beginning of the 7th year Shemittah when debt is forgiven and Israelites were free to begin their lives anew without debt.

Ironically, the stock market crashes were a wiping out of debt, a collapse of markets in a negative way. This was a warning from our God that our system is corrupt and unjust. This fall we are going to continue to see our unjust financial system and corrupt swamp of a government shaken to the core! The Almighty is going to shake everything that can be shaken.


The wicked plots against the just and gnashes upon him with his teeth. The Lord shall laugh at him, for he sees that his day is coming. Ps 37.12-13

Please read the entire Psalm 37 for insight on how to prepare your spirit for what is coming. Watch the Father bring judgment upon swamp creatures lurking in Washington DC. Let’s review the list of accomplishments the swamp creatures are now congratulating themselves for:

They have left billions of dollars of military equipment to the Taliban in Afghanistan. This equipment is now being transferred to Iran.

13 Americans died for nothing in Afghanistan. Our enemies rejoice and the Biden Administration congratulates themselves on a job well done.

Biden is perhaps the biggest liar and illegitimate President in history—the one and only! He lied about getting Americans and allies out of Afghanistan. He shamelessly lies about everything!

Biden administration building border walls in other countries but not in USA.  Unbelievable!

Biden has been bought and sold by China. China already is moving into Afghanistan to build their silk road and mine the rare earth minerals abundant in the country.

China, with puppet Biden’s aid, will rebuild Afghanistan. 


The audit report on the election fraud in Arizona will soon be released.

The audit in Arizona will be released in about two weeks. Other states are also discovering fraud. Among these states are Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Georgia, and California.

When this news and the proof are released the Creatures which lurk will attempt to create false flag events in an attempt to get our attention off the truth there was fraud. It is all going to come out. The Creatures will be fighting back with all their might and evilness to stop the truth from coming out. They are in a panic.

They will create riots and try to blame supporters of justice and truth for the riots. They will try to make the peaceful protest at the Capitol on January 6th look like a terrorist event—they are going to lose…God is laughing at them…they are going to be exposed.

Why do you think people like Pelosi, Waters, and others are constantly re-elected? It’s been fixed for a long time. They are only concerned about their own wealth and ability to enrich themselves at the expense of the people.

They pass bills and siphon off money for their corrupt activities…book deals are payoffs, why do you think Obama has so many books? Payola! The entire system is corrupt to the core.

As all of the information comes out things will become chaotic. Our government will be shaken as Biden is removed from office and the Creatures attempt to maintain control. They are losing their grip!


Watch for military intervention at some point. It may be our only hope. Their job is to protect America and the Constitution from foreign intervention. China and other bad actors have compromised too many of our politicians and corporations. They interfered in our election. They own many polititians.

Why do you think we are seeing the social media and news organizations censoring truth? This is not the American way. It is because WE HAVE allowed our country to be infiltrated by communist socialists.

We need to repent for allowing this to happen…we were asleep. Our nation has been turning from God to immorality and paganism. Censorship is part of the Socialist playbook—they hate the truth! They hate God!

We need to personally repent and ask Yahweh for forgiveness and understanding. He will guide us forward.

If our military is true they will step in and bring order. Many in the military are disgusted. Check out this site. You can read for free. If you subscribe it is free and you will be sent information. This is an import read and may detail what is about to take place. Be prepared for a long read.

The election fraud will be exposed and many Creatures will be drowned in the flood. Yes, I believe President Trump will be reinstalled as rightful President. It is going to get chaotic for a while as events play out.

God is giving us an opportunity as a nation to reform, repent, and drain the swamp. He warned the ancient House of Israel to repent and they refused…Deuteronomy 28 explains what will happen if we fail to turn back to God.


I’m very concerned for Israel. They are the most vaccinated country in the world and masked up—but they continue to have Covid-19 breakouts!  Israeli’s are being banned from Sweden because it appears the vaccine isn’t working!

Truth is, and you can research this yourself, the vaccine doesn’t really work, in fact, it may contain spike proteins and other nasty things that are going to begin killing people within 6 months to three years.

Ask yourself why “they” are in such a rush to vaccinate people? There are cheaper and more effective meds out there like Ivermectin and HCQ for two examples…but the governments are shutting those treatments down. Why? Could it be these cost effective meds are a hindrance to Big Pharma making big bucks?

Why aren’t homeless people littering the streets dead if we are in a pandemic? Why are there not tremendous death counts? We only see “cases” of Covid…not deaths. The testing is inaccurate and the vaccines have not gone through proper peer review and testing.

Israel is being deceived and locked down. Are they a test nation for the Rothschild New World Order?  I’ll get back to Israel but first check this out:

As I reviewed this video the nation of Israel came to mind and all the Covid intrigue going on there. From a spiritual warfare point of view it looks like the enemy, ha Satan, is attempting to destroy Israel and wipe out their name from the earth! This is sinister indeed! If the theories of the vaccine containing deadly additives is true they are in serious jeopardy! Pray for Israel.

"Come," they say, "let us destroy them as a nation, so that Israel's name is remembered no more." Psalm 83.4

China also has their eyes on Israel. They just opened a shipping port there.

As a nation Israel has also turned away from the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They have become a secular nation that pays no true homage to Yahweh. They want to give away land for peace to those who would destroy them and wipe out their name from the earth.

They have proclaimed Tel Aviv as the “Gay Capital of the World.” Really.,own%20dedicated%20LGBTQ%20department%2C%20easily%20topped%20the%20list.

They are currently under the strong hand of Yahweh. He is trying to get their attention. The curses of Deuteronomy 28 are also coming upon them. God wants to bless but humanity seems not interested in God’s blessings.

Prepare for some difficult times and events to come…the pot is boiling. Prepare in common sense ways as suggested in the previous post. I pray the best is yet to come. I have hope. Our prayers are being heard.

Stay calm and pray on!

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