Sunday, November 1, 2020

A Simple Explanation of Death

We have been taught many “traditions” in the Christian religion which are not true. Things have been simplified and twisted throughout history. A careful and prayerful study of the Bible will reveal this if a disciple is truly seeking truth.

When we die we go to sleep (1 Thess 4.14) in the grave, our bodies see corruption and decay (1 Corinthians 15.52-53) and our spirit returns to God who gave it (Eccl 12.7) to us.

We await to hear the voice of Jesus (John 5.21-31) on the last day (John 6.39-54) at which time we are raised from the dead (1 Corinthians 15) and enter into the Millennial Kingdom (Rev 20.1-6) to rule and reign with Him (Rev 20.6).

We must have a basic understanding of the Feasts of the Lord and the Creator’s Calendar before we can understand the above items. Here is a link:

After Satan is loosed from the pit and devoured with fire (Rev 20.7-10) those who were not saved are resurrected (Rev 20.11-15) and judged. If found guilty they die in the second death.

All those resurrected in Rev 20.1-6 do not face the second death (Rev 20.7). They rule and reign with Messiah in the MK.

After this judgment called the second death guilty people are condemned to hell or the Lake of Fire. Rev 20.11-15 God does not sentence people to hell prior to the Great White Throne judgment.

Up until then they have been asleep in the grave awaiting their resurrection which occurs after the 1000 year Millennial kingdom=MK. Ref scriptures above.

God is love and sends nobody to hell until they have been officially judged. That is what Revelation 20 describes.

Here is a link from an earlier post:

These people who have after death experience most likely are have a dream of vision which is describing the 1000 year MK, not heaven. They have been taught they go to heaven when they die. They are really having a dream or vision of the MK.

I’ve gone to the book stores and looked at books about dying and going to heaven. It is an industry in itself. I noticed that whomever wrote the book, Jewish, Christian, or Human Secularist all the books virtually described the same thing. In the religious books the great majority of “confirming” scriptures were taken out of context.

John 3.13 and Acts 2.34 both confirm or witness to this truth. Also read Acts 2.24-36. No man has ascended into heaven except for the Son of Man.

We are not taught properly in church. Study the Bible and allow it to interpret itself and you will soon have the "truth set you free" from the traditions and fables we have always been taught! Research for yourself. You will find heaven is God’s seat of government and Jesus always taught about dying and resurrection from the dead. Our traditions have mislead us.

John 5, 6, and 11 highlight Jesus’ teachings on resurrection. The soul that sins dies (Ezekiel 18.20). We are resurrected into new life.

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