Wednesday, October 7, 2020


When reading through the OT (Old Testament) it is easy to get confused with all the names which refer to Israel. In          1 kings 11 and 12 we read about a civil war in Israel. The ten northern tribes split from the southern tribe of Judah in these chapters.

Because of King Solomon loving many strange women, a type of false religions, due to the many gods of his many wives, Yehovah tore the kingdom of Israel from him. Jeroboam, an Ephraimite, from the tribe of Ephraim, was anointed to be king over the northern ten tribes.

Rehoboam, Solomon’s son, was to remain king over the southern tribe of Judah due to Yehovah honoring His promise to the throne to David. David was from the tribe of Judah as was Yeshua/Jesus.

The Kingdom of Israel split due to Rehoboam telling the nation he would be harsher on them than his father had been. This is the result: The ten northern tribes split away from the southern tribe of Judah.

From this time on the north will be called Israel and the south Judah—two separate kingdoms. Just as in the American Civil War there was north and south, Union and Confederacy.

Now, here is the key. The northern tribe of Israel will now be referred to in additional names. They are: Ephraim, Israel, and sometimes Joseph. King Jeroboam was from the tribe of Ephraim and the capital of Israel will now be located in the territory of Ephraim in the city of Bethel.

The occasional name of Joseph will refer to the northern kingdom because Ephraim and Manasseh were his two sons who were grafted into the tribes in Genesis 48 when Jacob blessed them.

Ephraim and Manasseh were born in Egypt and when Jacob blesses them he puts his name on them. They are a type of the Gentiles being grafted into the “Commonwealth of Israel” in Ephesians 2.

When reading the OT Prophets the northern kingdom called Israel or Ephraim most of the time. They are referring to the northern kingdom of Israel.

NOTE: Prior to the split the entire nation including Judah was called ISRAEL.

After the split the southern kingdom is always called JUDAH. From 1 Kings 12 onward this is how they are called. JUDAH will eventually become known as a “JEWS” to the world up through the present time. They will be Judah throughout the rest of the OT.

Not to confuse you more--but there is one more thing. When the OT uses Jacob as a description of the nation from 1 Kings 12 forward it means all of his sons. His sons DO NOT INCLUDE EPHRAIM AND MANASSEH. We know this because in Genesis 49.1 Jacob blesses his “sons.” He already had blessed Ephraim and Manasseh in Genesis 48. After Jacob blesses his sons, it says in Genesis 49.28, “These are the 12 tribes of Israel.”

Ephraim and Manasseh were grafted in to the tribes of Israel/Jacob. This was Joseph’s double portion. This is why we do not see tribe named Joseph. Ephraim and Manasseh become his representatives.

The tribe of Levi became the priesthood and received no land inheritance. So Ephraim and Manasseh will receive a land inheritance when they go into Canaan in place of their father, Joseph and Levi.

Remember, Yehovah changed Jacob’s name to Israel when he wrestled with the angel at Bethel (Genesis 32.24-32). In the OT Jacob or Israel is interchangeable—the same person.

REVIEW: The united kingdom of Israel divides into two separated nations—Israel (10 tribes) in the north and Judah in the south. The Levites stayed with Judah.

The northern kingdom is now referred to as Israel or Ephraim. Occasionally called Joseph when referring to Ephraim and Manasseh. Because Ephraim was the capital territory the north is often called Ephraim. It is like when we say “Washington” people know it also means USA. Ephraim means “northern kingdom.”

Judah is called Judah and they will eventually be known as “Jews” throughout the world.


Eventually the nation of Assyria will conquer the northern kingdom because of their idolatry and they will be scattered throughout the nations and forget their true identities. Ref: the Book of Hosea. These people will become known as the “Lost Tribes of Israel.”

Judah will later be taken captive to Babylon for 70 years and will be allowed to return to Jerusalem and rebuild the temple. When this temple is destroyed by the Romans in 68 AD the Jewish people will redesign the Jewish religion to function without animal sacrifices.

In 135 AD they will rebel against Rome and again banished from Jerusalem and the Holy Land by the Romans. They will now always be called Jews. They will not return until the 20th Century to the land.

Now we have both branches of the former united nation of Israel which broke into two separated kingdoms scattered throughout the known world. We have the “lost tribes of Israel” and the Jews.

EZEKIEL 37.15-28 – Read this chapter carefully and you will see how in the latter days Yehovah will reunite the two kingdoms back into one kingdom—two sticks coming together—“Moreover, thou son of man, take thee one stick and write upon it, ‘For Judah and for the children of Israel, his companions.’ Then take another stick and write upon it, ‘For Joseph, the stick of Ephraim, and for all the house of Israel, his companions.’ And join them one to another into one stick, and they shall become one in thine hand. Ezek 28.16-17

This represents both Jew and Gentile becoming one new man in Yehovah’s hand: Remember that at that time ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world.

 But now in Christ Jesus, ye who once were far off have been brought nigh by the blood of Christ. For He is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of partition between us, having abolished in His flesh the enmity, even the law of commandments contained in ordinances, that He might make in Himself one new man out of the two, so making peace, and that He might reconcile both unto God in one body by the cross, having slain the enmity thereby. Ephesians 2.12-16


The Lost Tribes of Israel are made up of Israelites who have lost their identities and mingled with Gentile Nations over the past two millennia. There are other Gentiles besides these, but the vast majority of current Gentiles are those whom have lost their identities. They are mostly known as “Christians” but have no idea who they really are!

Judah became the modern Jews who now live in a nation named ISRAEL. When they named this state Israel in 1948 US President Harry Truman was surprised. He was sure they would name the newborn state Judea. Was it not prophetic that the new state was named Israel? Yehovah is going to reunite us as the United Kingdom Israel when Messiah Yeshua returns and restores all things!

This is the mystery of the Gospel. Yehovah is going to reunite Jew and Gentile into one new man when His son Yeshua returns. This is what Paul the Apostle was talking about. He may not have understood what and how it would happen but now we know!

This also explains why in this day many Christians are rediscovering the Hebrew roots of the Christian faith. Sadly, many Christian denominations and Roman Catholics refuse to accept any of this.

Ezekiel 47.21-23 is a passage about the coming Millennial Kingdom. It speaks of the “strangers” living among the tribes being given a land inheritance in the tribe to which they have joined themselves. This indicates that in the Millennial Kingdom those of us who have been risen from the dead will become inheritors of land in united ISRAEL! What an incredible promise!


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