Friday, March 6, 2020


I’m going to post on the state of current events once again. This is important for we who follow King Yeshua. It is important that we understand what is going on. Many of us have no clue what is happening because we have the cares of this world bogging us down. These reports will help you see with clear vision. Let’s look to Hosea 4.6:

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.

First, the Corona Virus is not as terrible as the media would lead us to believe. I’ve posted this on the previous two postings. Here are two links:

The virus scare is an attempt to tank the world and US economy in this election year. We see the stock market rapidly declining this past week. Wild swings. Down 1,000 points, up 1,100 the next day, down again.

The Federal Reserve lowered rates by ½ point and it did not help. If the “Elites” can keep the markets down would hurt President Trump’s election chances. It isn’t going to happen.

Soon this virus scare will settle down and the market will return to its upward trend.

If you follow any of the economic happenings you know that President Trump has been constantly telling the Federal Bank to lower interest rates but they have resisted. Now Trump is getting the lower rates because of the virus panic. This is all on purpose.

We will see the virus scare settle and then the stock market will rise again prior to this fall’s election.

The markets are going to crash after the election. If Trump is re-elected he has a plan.

Notice how the gold price has made a dramatic climb as the stock market has gone down? The price of gold is going to continue to rise after the virus scare along with the market and the lower interest rates. Zero Interest rates coming:

Our financial system is over burdened with debt. This debt was created by the Federal Reserve Bank. This is not a Federal government bank. It is privately owned. Look it up for yourself:

I believe if Trump gets a second term there will be a crash and a new financial system based on the gold standard--which President Nixon did away with in 1971. This will be our new economy. It is coming. It is going to change everything.

We have to wait, watch, and pray. Big changes are coming. There will be a new world financial order. This fits with end time Biblical prophecy. These fulfillments take time to play out. IT IS COMING. Money plays a large role in the end times in the book of Revelation.

Finally a few words on the political situation. The Dems do not want Bernie Sanders and we are seeing this play out. All the candidates quit and gave their delegates to Joe Biden. He is being set up as the nominee. That does not mean he will be the nominee.

It is obvious to anyone watching that Mr. Biden has some memory problems, to put it mildly. He rambles and does not make sense. Why would the Dems want him? Other than the Bernie Sanders issue there is no logical reason. BUT there may be a reason.

I’ve heard chatter about Michelle Obama being nominated during the convention if it is locked. Then Hillary is nominated as Vice President. A woman/woman ticket.

How does it happen? We will have to wait. Joe Biden could have a medical issue and drop out? Who knows? It all sounds crazy but nothing is as it seems right now in the USA. I do not believe Joe Biden will be running for President in September…we will have to wait and see.

We are in a spiritual and earthly warfare. The world and America are turning away from God. I don’t have to say much, we all know and can see the things which are happening in secular society are anti-God.

Our world is moving towards the great apostasy the Apostle Paul warned us about: Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition… 2 Thessalonians 2.3

The man of sin has not been revealed. We are in the falling away/apostasy period. Things are playing out. This takes TIME and many things must still occur. The Middle East will play a major part as we all know.

I’ll say this and if it makes you angry I’m sorry, but Yeshua is not coming any day. Many things must go according to written Biblical prophecy before the second coming. The focus is on Israel and the Middle East.

Finally, there is no secret rapture. The dead are raised on the LAST DAY (read John 5.17-47) and that is when Yeshua returns (Rev 19) for us and the world. There will be some protection during the tribulation for some. The pre-trib rapture is pure bunk—so get mad and get over it.

We are living in a very prophetic time. The Father is in no hurry because the Day of the Lord is a day of darkness... “Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.” (Luke 21.36).

Search the scriptures. Wait on and seek the Lord and the Word. If you are sincere He will reveal all to you.

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