This coming election cycle in 2010 is going to be tumultuous
and dirty. Civility is blowing in the winds. The United States is a divided
country and tempers are short. There will be no holds barred this year. Whomever
wins the election for President is going to be bruised and battered. The winner
will have to contend with the fact that the losers are going to be very upset.
Why is this happening?
The answer lies in the books of the Old Testament. The
nation of ancient Israel was divided after King Solomon’s death into Judah, the
southern kingdom and Israel the northern kingdom. The Book of 1 Kings 11 and 12
detail this event.
It began with King Solomon loving many strange women and
turning away from Yahweh. Solomon went after Ashtoreh the goddess of the
Zidonians and Milcon the abomination of the Ammorites. He also built a high
place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab and for Molech the abomination of
God was angry with Solomon and the kingdom was torn in two.
The tribe of Judah which included Levite priests, and some Simeonites,
comprised the southern kingdom. Solomon’s son Rehoboam was king of Judah. He
ruled harshly
The northern kingdom of Israel consisted of the northern ten
tribes. Jeroboam, and Ephraimite became king of Israel when Yahweh’s prophet
Ahijah tore his garment into 12 pieces and told Jeroboam God would make him
king of the northern tribes—Israel. It is all there in chapters 11 and 12 of 1
Jeroboam led the northern kingdom into idolatry and
instituted his own feasts and festivals that were contrary to the Lord’s. He
created a false religion.
What does this have to do with the United States?
These scriptures are prophetic for America in this day. The
nation had begun to turn away from God as Solomon chased after the gods of the “strange
women” he had married. Strange women can be types of false religion.
America has also chased after “strange women” in this day.
Ashtoreh represents the goddess of sexual immorality. America is drenched in sexual
immorality. Anything goes. Sexuality is whatever anyone “thinks” it should be.
Milcon, Chemosh, and Molech were the gods which the people
chased and sacrificed their children to—this represents any time or reason
abortions in this day.
These two current day issues are what modern American
politics swirl around constantly. God’s law and commands on these issues are no
longer respected or believed in.
It is all about SELF. We live in a culture of SELF. Everyone
does what is “right in their own eyes.”
The nation is in the same state as the ancient nation of
Israel was. The kingdom was divided because the nation was mired in their sins.
America is mired in sin today. Only what our SELF wants is what we do.
We are commanded to pray for our country and leaders. It is
a daily prayer battle—spiritual warfare in high places.
America is crumbling like all empires throughout history
have crumbled. The rule of law is deteriorating throughout the nation. The
politics of the nation are out of control. The Constitution is disrespected.
The rule of law and common sense are tossed to the side. SELF DESIRE is all
that matters.
We are doing this to ourselves because we, as a nation, are
turning away from the Laws of Yahweh.
We will pray for our leaders and nation but we must not
trust in any man! We look to our King Yeshua.
Who can say which candidate will win the election of 2020?
We have President Trump on the Republican side.
At this writing we have Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Amy
Klobuchar, and Mike Bloomberg as the ones fighting for the Democratic
We already know that the Democratic Party attempted to
remove God from their platform in the 2016 Convention.
President Trump defends the more common sense and Biblical
values but he is not necessarily considered a Godly man in his manner of life.
He is sort of a stop gap measure God is using to give us time to repent.
I believe God has used President Trump to be the lightening
rod of division in order to clearly point out our national sins and divisions.
Our nation is being warned but nobody seems to be listening.
There are no calls for national repentance from the pulpits
of the nation’s churches. Our immorality and sinfulness is blinding us to
reality. Everyone seeks their own DESTINY. That is on the mind of the nation in
general—“My destiny.”
Yes there are many godly believers out there but at present
they seem to be hiding their heads in the sand. We can find good things
happening—but the church seems silent.
Few are speaking out like Franklin Graham. We see how he is ostracized
by the world.
America is turning left. If not this election, surely the
next. Our system needs reform but without Godly leaders it is only going to
turn out badly. Chastisement is coming our way. We are a “stiff necked people.”
The storm is brewing. We can see it coming. The nation
appears to be beyond healing. This is a tough message.
What can we do? I cannot give a satisfactory answer to this
I am waiting and seeking the Father. I am praying for
guidance and direction while doing my best to live a righteous life. I read Ps
37 weekly. It gives me some comfort.
I live in a small town and have little of what I would call,
true fellowship with any local believers.
I have people in other areas but in my local area it is
tough to participate in local church. The things I’ve been taught by the Father
in my studies are not things most believers care about or want to hear. They
are not reading this blog if you understand what I mean.
The storm is brewing. Now is the time of waiting, watching,
and praying. It is perplexing. I feel isolated in a wilderness. I want to DO
something…but every day…waiting praying, living. A tight knot in my gut.
My only anchor is Yahweh and His word. Read, pray, seek. Go
about living each day. Trust in the Rock. This is good.
The books of the prophets are speaking strongly to me. They
are a picture of what is happening in our nation. These men went about their daily
lives until the call of the Almighty came. I can’t stop reading the prophets.
They gave the warning and the nation ignored them. Only
after the nation was severely chastised by war, famine, division, political
upheaval, and captivity—only then, when the people repented, did anyone listen
or understand.
This is where we are heading. It is plain to see but
difficult to accept. National repentance is coming—but at a cost.
Wait, pray, look up, be prepared. It comes! Will anyone be
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