Wednesday, February 26, 2020



From October 12 -16, 1971 the Shah of Iran celebrated the 2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire

This Persian celebration, vaguely remembered today, took 10 years to plan and lasted for 5 days in October of 1971. More than 600 foreign dignitaries traveled to the Iranian desert to the outskirts of ancient Persepolis, capital of the ancient Persian Empire to celebrate 2,500 years of the Persian people.

The Shah of Iran spared no expense to ensure their comfort as they stayed in air conditioned tents constructed in traditional Persian style. There were fireworks displays and parades by Iranian soldiers dressed in traditional Persian uniforms.

The Shah felt compelled to celebrate this birthday of Persia to reawaken the people of Iran to their past and reawaken the world to Iran. The history he was putting on display centered on the legacy of Cyrus the Great. This is the same Cyrus the Great who showed unmatched favor to the Jewish people and allowed them to rebuild their Temple in Jerusalem.


Present day Iran went by the name Persia prior to the 1930's. Historians agree that the Persians are an Indo-European people tracing their heritage back to Shem, the Caucasian son of Noah. The Jewish historian Josephus records the Persians as being descendants of Shem's son Elam (Genesis 10.22).

In 580 BC the Babylonians destroyed the Jewish Temple and took Judah captive. Later Babylon was taken by the Medes. After the Medes came the Persians. The Medes joined forces with the Persians and began creating the great Persian Empire.

The Persians were able to keep this empire together because they were great humanitarians who had respect and tolerance for the customs and traditions of the people they ruled. By not forcing his religion or creed on conquered peoples Cyrus gained the respect and loyalty of these nations.
The United Nations considers the barrel shaped “Cyrus Cylinder” found by archeologists as the "world's first charter of human rights."

In the Bible Isaiah is the first prophet to mention Cyrus in chapter 44.24-28. Isaiah is prophesying that Cyrus will become God's shepherd and restore the people and temple back in Jerusalem after their Babylonian captivity about 150 prior to the event!

In 539 BC King Cyrus commissioned Judah to return to Judea and rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple. This was 150 years AFTER Isaiah's prophetic words! Isn't it amazing that this is the history of Iran, the modern nation that wishes to destroy the Jews!

We can follow this story in the Book of Ezra which tells of the Lord stirring the spirit of Cyrus to allow the Jews to return. Cyrus made this proclamation in Ezra 1.1-3:
Now in the first year of Cyrus king of Persia, that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah might be fulfilled, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and also put it in writing, saying, thus says Cyrus king of Persia:
All the kingdoms of the earth the Lord God of heaven has given me. And He has commanded me to build Him a house at Jerusalem which is in Judah. Who is among you of all His people? May his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah, and build the house of the Lord God of Israel (He is God), which is in Jerusalem.

We could say that Cyrus was a "Zionist" based on his obvious affection for the Jewish people! He says the Lord God of heaven commanded him! The Kingdom of Judah was allowed to return and rebuild their homeland.

Today the radical Islamist leaders of Iran despise this part of their history in their hatred for the Jews. Radical Islam's single goal is to destroy the Jews and conquer Jerusalem rather than live in peace with the Jewish people.

This history condemns radical Islam and undermines their evil cause. Current day Iran and King Cyrus have absolutely nothing in common. The life and accomplishments of King Cyrus are righteous and wonderful. The goals of radical Islam are dark and evil. What happened in October of 1971 cannot be erased. The true Iranian people will not forget their true and glorious peaceful past.
One other thing I found interesting about this 1971 birthday party in Iran was that it occurred during the beginning of the Feast of Sukkot or Tabernacles on the Hebrew/Biblical calendar.

The Feast of Sukkot celebrates the return of King Yeshua. It represents God coming and dwelling among his people during the Millennial Reign of Yeshua. It is often considered a type of the wedding feast of Yeshua.

Perhaps this was a sign from Yahweh to the Iranians and the world of the wonderful world of tomorrow which is soon to come! Only Yeshua can restore true peace in the Middle East.
As we approach the Feast of Purim let’s remember this fantastic 1971 event which took place in Iran.

Friday, February 21, 2020

This coming election cycle in 2010 is going to be tumultuous and dirty. Civility is blowing in the winds. The United States is a divided country and tempers are short. There will be no holds barred this year. Whomever wins the election for President is going to be bruised and battered. The winner will have to contend with the fact that the losers are going to be very upset. Why is this happening?
The answer lies in the books of the Old Testament. The nation of ancient Israel was divided after King Solomon’s death into Judah, the southern kingdom and Israel the northern kingdom. The Book of 1 Kings 11 and 12 detail this event.
It began with King Solomon loving many strange women and turning away from Yahweh. Solomon went after Ashtoreh the goddess of the Zidonians and Milcon the abomination of the Ammorites. He also built a high place for Chemosh the abomination of Moab and for Molech the abomination of Ammon.
God was angry with Solomon and the kingdom was torn in two. The tribe of Judah which included Levite priests, and some Simeonites, comprised the southern kingdom. Solomon’s son Rehoboam was king of Judah. He ruled harshly
The northern kingdom of Israel consisted of the northern ten tribes. Jeroboam, and Ephraimite became king of Israel when Yahweh’s prophet Ahijah tore his garment into 12 pieces and told Jeroboam God would make him king of the northern tribes—Israel. It is all there in chapters 11 and 12 of 1 Kings.
Jeroboam led the northern kingdom into idolatry and instituted his own feasts and festivals that were contrary to the Lord’s. He created a false religion.
What does this have to do with the United States?
These scriptures are prophetic for America in this day. The nation had begun to turn away from God as Solomon chased after the gods of the “strange women” he had married. Strange women can be types of false religion.
America has also chased after “strange women” in this day. Ashtoreh represents the goddess of sexual immorality. America is drenched in sexual immorality. Anything goes. Sexuality is whatever anyone “thinks” it should be.
Milcon, Chemosh, and Molech were the gods which the people chased and sacrificed their children to—this represents any time or reason abortions in this day.
These two current day issues are what modern American politics swirl around constantly. God’s law and commands on these issues are no longer respected or believed in.
It is all about SELF. We live in a culture of SELF. Everyone does what is “right in their own eyes.”
The nation is in the same state as the ancient nation of Israel was. The kingdom was divided because the nation was mired in their sins. America is mired in sin today. Only what our SELF wants is what we do.
We are commanded to pray for our country and leaders. It is a daily prayer battle—spiritual warfare in high places.
America is crumbling like all empires throughout history have crumbled. The rule of law is deteriorating throughout the nation. The politics of the nation are out of control. The Constitution is disrespected. The rule of law and common sense are tossed to the side. SELF DESIRE is all that matters.
We are doing this to ourselves because we, as a nation, are turning away from the Laws of Yahweh.
We will pray for our leaders and nation but we must not trust in any man! We look to our King Yeshua.
Who can say which candidate will win the election of 2020? We have President Trump on the Republican side.
At this writing we have Bernie Sanders, Pete Buttigieg, Amy Klobuchar, and Mike Bloomberg as the ones fighting for the Democratic nomination.
We already know that the Democratic Party attempted to remove God from their platform in the 2016 Convention.
President Trump defends the more common sense and Biblical values but he is not necessarily considered a Godly man in his manner of life. He is sort of a stop gap measure God is using to give us time to repent.
I believe God has used President Trump to be the lightening rod of division in order to clearly point out our national sins and divisions. Our nation is being warned but nobody seems to be listening.
There are no calls for national repentance from the pulpits of the nation’s churches. Our immorality and sinfulness is blinding us to reality. Everyone seeks their own DESTINY. That is on the mind of the nation in general—“My destiny.”
Yes there are many godly believers out there but at present they seem to be hiding their heads in the sand. We can find good things happening—but the church seems silent.
Few are speaking out like Franklin Graham. We see how he is ostracized by the world.
America is turning left. If not this election, surely the next. Our system needs reform but without Godly leaders it is only going to turn out badly. Chastisement is coming our way. We are a “stiff necked people.”
The storm is brewing. We can see it coming. The nation appears to be beyond healing. This is a tough message.
What can we do? I cannot give a satisfactory answer to this question.
I am waiting and seeking the Father. I am praying for guidance and direction while doing my best to live a righteous life. I read Ps 37 weekly. It gives me some comfort.
I live in a small town and have little of what I would call, true fellowship with any local believers.
I have people in other areas but in my local area it is tough to participate in local church. The things I’ve been taught by the Father in my studies are not things most believers care about or want to hear. They are not reading this blog if you understand what I mean.
The storm is brewing. Now is the time of waiting, watching, and praying. It is perplexing. I feel isolated in a wilderness. I want to DO something…but every day…waiting praying, living. A tight knot in my gut.
My only anchor is Yahweh and His word. Read, pray, seek. Go about living each day. Trust in the Rock. This is good.
The books of the prophets are speaking strongly to me. They are a picture of what is happening in our nation. These men went about their daily lives until the call of the Almighty came. I can’t stop reading the prophets.
They gave the warning and the nation ignored them. Only after the nation was severely chastised by war, famine, division, political upheaval, and captivity—only then, when the people repented, did anyone listen or understand.
This is where we are heading. It is plain to see but difficult to accept. National repentance is coming—but at a cost.
Wait, pray, look up, be prepared. It comes! Will anyone be prepared?

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


Prayer can be difficult but prayer is our life line to the Father. Here are some helpful suggestions on things to pray for and about from -

  • Praise God as your Father
  • Praise God as your Provider
  • Praise God as your Master
  • Praise God as your Creator, and your Sustainer
  • Praise God as your Judge
  • Praise God as your Healer
  • Praise God for His perfect character
  • Praise God for His love, grace, mercy, faithfulness
  • Praise God for the blessings He has given you
  • Praise God for your incredible human potential

Here are some subjects you can pray about.

  • Rehearse why world evils: that Satan is the ruler of this present world
  • Pray about the other cause of world problems, human nature (Satan’s nature in mankind)
  • Pray for mankind to be free from Satan and from sin
  • Pray about the restoration of God’s government
  • Pray for God’s one pure religion, when all will know how to worship God
  • Pray for God’s knowledge and God’s education to cover the Earth as waters cover the seas
  • Pray for a world free from crime and violence
  • Pray for God’s true justice to fill the Earth
  • Pray about the solutions to society’s problems
  • Pray about God’s new world economy that will enable prosperity and abundance for all
  • Pray for a world free from sickness and disease
  • Pray about the happiness and joy that is soon coming to every land and family
  • Pray that God would hasten the fulfillment of these prophecies and make the Kingdom a reality
    Here are more specific subjects you can pray about.

  • Church members: Faith, righteousness, strong marriages, excellent child rearing, hope and vision, members’ needs and wants
  • Sick and suffering: Healing, deliverance; miracles
  • Teens and children; singles; elderly
  • Strong congregations
  • Enemies of God’s Work; those persecuting you
  • Pray for direction, guidance, wisdom (Jeremiah 10:23; James 1:5); Holy Spirit (Luke 11:13)
  • Ask God to heal your ailments (in many cases, anointing is necessary—James 5:14)
  • Pray about your personal finances
  • Pray you are accounted worthy to escape the coming time of trouble (Luke 21:36)
  • Pray for your hopes and dreams
    Here are more specifics you can pray about:

  • To hate sin and see it for what it is
  • For discernment to clearly see our faults, sins and human nature
  • For help in turning away from worldliness; to replace your human nature with His righteousness
  • To deepen your understanding of God’s sacrifice for spiritual and physical sin
  • To see God’s goodness
  • For power to resist the devil
    Claim that promise of God in your prayers, both for you and for God’s people. This isn’t just about physical protection though. Satan can also attack us mentally, emotionally and spiritually; thus we should ask God to protect us in all these ways.

  • Pray God gives you the help to master any wrong desires and to do His will daily
  • Pray you learn what you need to so you don’t need to undergo sore trial
  • Pray to be teachable, humble and contrite, like a child
  • Pray you know when to seek counsel
  • Pray to apply instruction and counsel
  • Pray to handle trials and tests God allows, and that you learn what you need to from them.
    Close With Praise and Adoration
    Just as Jesus’s inspired outline of prayer begins with praise and adoration of God, so does it close: “For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen” (Matthew 6:13). This reminds us, again, to whom we are praying, and of the character and office of the true God who rules over the nations of men.
    Close your prayers with a sincere acknowledgement—in a spirit of worship—that all real and lasting glory and power belongs to the great God of the universe! Thank God for taking the time to listen to and answer your prayers. Thank God for His wonderful plan and for your part in it. Remember God’s throne room and its splendor, and praise Him for being the wonderful Creator, Ruler, Sustainer and Father that He is.

Monday, February 10, 2020

The Prophetic and End Time Meaning of the 24 Priestly Courses in 1st Chronicles 24.1-19

Those who have their eyes opened to the Hebraic roots of the faith begin to understand many wonderful mysteries and truths which they never understood in the past. This short study is such a one.

The names in the 24 courses of priests in the Temple established by King David are not just a simple list but they contain prophetic information.

Hebrew names in the scriptures have deeper meaning than just the name of a person. When we begin to dig deep into the word and understand the entire word—both Old and New Testament—we find many treasures.

This inconspicuous register of names holds a powerful prophetic portrait of hope for all mankind to see the redemption the Father is working out in this world.

I believe this list corresponds to the 24 Elders in Revelation 4. Keep that in mind as you read the story of redemption in this list. These are my notes and thoughts from a much longer study by a believer who is unknown to me.

Jehoiarib – Yehoyareev – Yeho is an Adversary – Yah created the first man and nurtured him in a beautiful garden but soon Yah became the enemy when man placed their trust in the serpent. Because they were no longer in a harmonious relationship, restoration would be required. This could only occur through a mediator/priest.

Jediah – Yeda’Yah – Yah Knows – It is because “Yah Knows,” that we have hope for the final restoration to take place. Yah knows what is in the heart of man; the darkness and sin cultivated there. He knows we will fail. Instead of deciding to remain in the position of wrath towards mankind, the knowledge of the Father was instigated to restore us to Him.

Harim – Chareem – Condemned – Condemned accurately displays what our rebellious natures attain for us. We are in rebellion from birth. This state only can change if the Most High intervenes in our sinful lives. Only Yah can bring about the work of redemption that sets us free from Adam’s grand and terrible act of treason. The Torah will help us to assess how we are supposed to act and curb our sinful actions, but Torah would not correct the rebellion in our hearts.

Seorim – Se’oreem – Fearing Ones – The fourth name in the list starts to show that if we are in a right disposition towards the Creator then something positive will happen. Those who fear Him are beginning to come to their senses and seek His desire for their lives. Fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom--Proverbs 1.7

Melchijah – MalkeeYah – My King is Yah – When we truly fear Him we proclaim Him as KING! WE are beginning to become a people who place their trust in the Creator and not the sinful world. The people of Israel were to have no earthly king but only Yah Elohim. They faltered in their trust and asked for an earthly king.

Mijamin – Meeyameen – From the Right Hand – This shows how the Holy One is going to bring about the restoration of His creation. It would truly come from “The Right Hand.” The translators of the Septuagint rendered “from the right hand” as binyamin (Benjamin) the “Son of the Right Hand.” In other words our restoration would come from the Son of the Father’s right hand—the Messiah!

Hakkoz – Haqots – The Last One/The Thorny One – The Messiah, the One from the right hand of the Holy One, would also be called “The Last One.” The Apostle Paul calls Yeshua the “last Adam” in 1 Corinthians 15.45. The first Adam had a terrible failure—the last Adam will not fail. He will triumph over sin and buy us back!

Messiah was crowned with thorns by blasphemous mankind that didn’t want any divine rule over their lives. Thorns are a sign of the earth that was cursed. When the crown of thorns was placed upon Messiah’s head the burden of a cursed creation was thrust upon Him.

Abijah – AveeYah – My Father is Yah – This eighth name in the priestly course provides us with detail to the nature of the Messiah who would come to restore mankind to the Father. There is a Creator and He has a Son--Proverbs 30.2-4. This scripture proclaims loud and clear that the Father indeed has a Son. The Son of the Father is the One who will be our Champion and Redeemer and bring us out of rebellion and make us loyal subjects in His Kingdom.

Jeshua – Yeyshua – Rescue/Salvation – This is the Messiah’s name—Yeshua, Salvation. Listed right after the name preceding, Abijah—My Father is Yah. How mightily the Ruach/Spirit works in the written word—placed exactly where it should be! The Spirit worked in the minds and hearts of the writers of this list. The Messiah is our salvation and rescuer.

Shecaniah – SkekanYahu – Indwelling of Yahu/Habitation of Yahu – After the coming of Messiah and our rebirth the Spirit/Ruach comes to indwell those whom He has restored. Once we have a harmonious nature again, the Creator has nothing preventing Him from coming into an intimate relationship with those He has made in His own image—John 14.23.

Eliashib – Elyasheev – El Will Return/Restore – This name reveals the future fulfillment of the return of Messiah to this earth—the second coming. This will begin the work of reunification of Judah and Israel. The joining of the two sticks in Ezekiel 37.15-28 of which we all are a part of.

Jakim – Yaqeem – He Will Raise – When Messiah appears again the first action He will take will be to raise the dead who have believed in Him through the ages. This is the first resurrection (Rev 20). These will immediately receive incorruptible bodies to serve Him in the MK (Millennial Kingdom). This kingdom will be physically built on this earth. Read Ezekiel chapters 46-48.

Huppah – Chupah – Canopy/Wedding Chamber – When Messiah returns we will enter into a covenantal marriage ceremony with Him. The Chupah is the material covering that is held over the bride and groom in Hebrew wedding ceremonies. We will be entering His tent.

Jeshebeab – Yesheb’ab – Seat of His Father – The Son of the Right Hand, Messiah, will sit down on the throne of Israel, acting as King of the nation and the earth, in the seat that His Father has prepared for Him. Micah 4.1-2

Bilgah – Beelgah – Bursting Forth/Firstborn – Messiah is the first born of the Father. He has come as the Firstborn righteous King, but only after a time of trial and great trouble on this earth. Interestingly the name Bilgah/Beelgah has a numeric value in Hebrew of 40. This is the number used as testing and trial in the scriptures. The Messiah will restore and heal the world that man has almost destroyed. The Torah will be taught to the nations and will be the Royal Law of the Kingdom.

Immer – Eemeyr – Lamb – This name corresponds to the nature of the Messiah. He is the Lamb of Yah, slain to save the world. The nations will understand that he is the only provision for having the wrath of Elohim pass over them! They must look to the Lamb for salvation from the Father’s anger and judgment.

Hezir – Cheyzeer – To Be Strong – This name fits perfectly in line with the Lamb. The Lamb which was slain is now strong and powerful—strong as a lion (Rev 5.5-10). He is the Leader of the Flock, respected and feared.

Aphses – hapeetseyts – The Scattered – One of the Lamb’s many tasks is to bring the scattered remnants of the tribes of Israel home to the land. This includes those whom have been grafted into Israel (Romans 11). He will join the two sticks of Ezekiel 37 into one nation. We will receive inheritance in the land (Ezekiel 47.22-23) and forever rest in Messiah.

Pethahiah – PethachYah – Door of Yah – This has to do with the bringing back of the scattered tribes from all the lands we have been scattered to over many millennia (Isaiah 66.20-24). Among these some will become priests to serve in the Temple. The door is opened to all who have been scattered and forgot their identities.

Jehezekel – Yechazq’El – El Will Be Strong – This is basically the same as the name of Ezekiel- El will be Strong. It shows a firm grip or hold on the world to come. The nations will finally see the reality of the MK manifested on earth. They will know exactly what is required of them by the Creator. Messiah will rule with a rod of iron (Ps 2.9).

Jachin – Yakeen – He Will Establish/Prepare – This is about preparing the world to receive the ultimate kingship of the Holy One when Messiah Yeshua turns over all of creation into the hands of His sovereign Father to rule from everlasting to everlasting (1 Corinthians 15.25-28).

Gamul – Gamul – Reward – When all is said and done, when the MK reign of Messiah has come to an end, all that is left is for the inhabitants of the earth to receive their eternal reward, whether good or bad (Daniel 12.2). This is the Great White Throne judgment in Revelation 20.11-15. Court will be in session!

Delaiah – DelaYahu – Deliverance of Yahu – At the end of this great span of history, when all wrongs have been righted, that the salvation of Yah will be finally realized in all of creation. The creation will cease from groaning. The eternal plan of the Father and salvation, redemption, and deliverance is complete.

Maaziah – Ma’azYahu – Fortification of Yahu – This final event would be the celestial city of New Jerusalem. The Palace, the Fortress of Elohim will be with man in a way has not yet be experienced. This name literally means Ma’oz—“A Stronghold.” The eternal presence of the Holy One with His people in His Stronghold, the heavenly New Jerusalem.

We will be united as one in praise and adoration in harmony with the Creator.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Messianic rabbi reveals Christ's birth date Hint: It's not on Dec. 25

By Leo Hohmann  Published November 7, 2014 at 8:24pm

Today I share this article about Yeshua’s birth by Leo Hohmann from a talk by Jonathan Cahn

Jonathan Cahn likes to teach in the Socratic Method, presenting questions in the form of a mystery and then launching an investigation that eventually turns up answers.
The Messianic rabbi best known for his books, "The Harbinger" and "The Mystery of the Shemitah," is now out with a new documentary film called "The Mishkan Clue." In it he sets out to solve two mysteries – the time of Jesus' birth (was it really on Dec. 25?) and why it matters.
He provides a clue to the answer in his title – with the meaning of the Hebrew word "mishkan" – but more on that later.
Not only would the weather be too cold and rainy that time of year for shepherds to be "out in their fields," as the gospels say, but the Romans would not have held their census during the winter because it required families to travel back to the father's hometown to register. Joseph's family hailed from Bethlehem.
In the Church record, it's hard to find a credible reference to Dec. 25 as Christ's birth date prior to the fourth century time of Emperor Constantine. More than likely, this date was picked to line up with the Roman holiday of Saturnalia, which was celebrated with a pagan sacrifice to Saturn and a public banquet, followed by gift-giving and a carnival-like atmosphere.
Another theory is that Jesus may have been born on Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, which would fit nicely with Him being the Light of the world. But Hanukkah is a newer, minor Jewish holiday and comes with the same pitfall used to debunk the Dec. 25 date – it's too cold for shepherds to be out in the fields at night gazing at the stars.
One other popular theory is that Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles or Sukkot, also called the "Feast of Booths," which occurs in late September or early October each year on the Hebrew calendar. Proponents of this theory say Jesus was born in a sukkah or booth and that this temporary shelter was later referred to as a manger.
While this is "well meaning" and "sounds nice," Cahn says it would have been impossible for several reasons. First, Jesus was born in a manger, not a sukkah, and a manger is a type of feeding trough.
Also, the spiritual meaning of the Feast of Tabernacles lines up with the end times and the closing of an era, not the opening or beginning of an era, Cahn says, and Messiah's birth, death, resurrection and second coming must come in the proper chronological order. Tabernacles "is all about the closing of the age. It's the wrong order," Cahn says.
Plus, the Tabernacles theory puts Mary and Joseph in the wrong place. Jewish families traveled to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Tabernacles.
"He was born in Bethlehem not Jerusalem. It would have caused revolution to require travel (for the census) at a time when Jews were supposed to be in Jerusalem," Cahn said. Not to mention, they would have had to have traveled back home during the onset of winter, again not convenient or comfortable for a pregnant woman. So Cahn rules out winter and autumn for the birth of Jesus.
But what about summer? That would have been difficult during Israel's brutally hot, dry summers but perhaps doable for a woman with child. The only problem is there is no major Jewish feast day in the summer.
"There are no holy days to fulfill, which is how God works," Cahn said. Passover lines up with Jesus' death, He rose on the Feast of First Fruits, he created the Church with the sending of his Holy Spirit on Shavuot or Pentecost, and the Feast of Trumpets or Rosh Hashanah foretells the Messiah's second coming. "There must be a time when travel is practical and comfortable, when shepherds would be out with their flocks and a pregnant woman could travel," Cahn says.
The Lamb is born
That leaves only one option – spring. In Israel, this would have been known as the "lambing" season. "Only in the lambing season do shepherds watch their flocks by night," Cahn said, as described in the gospels.
This would have been in late March and into April when shepherds were out watching for lambs to be born in the fields.
"So here they are out looking for lambs to be born and who do they find? The Lamb of God," he said. But is there a holy day in the spring?
There certainly was, but it's been downplayed over the years. It's called Nisan 1, the historical first day on the Hebraic calendar. It falls in early April on the Gregorian calendar.
The birth, death, resurrection, and second coming of Jesus fulfill the Jewish holy days, in the proper order, Cahn said, starting with Nisan 1 for his birth But it gets even better if you look deeper.
"Messiah fulfills the feasts but he also fulfills the theme of the feast," Cahn said. "Is there a day on the Hebrew calendar that would fulfill the theme of the Messiah's birth?" If there is, it would have to be Nisan 1. It represents a new beginning.
"Nissan 1 is the calendar changer. It breaks the calendar," he said. "Every calendar changed based on the birth of Messiah, from B.C. to A.D. So it would put us back to Nisan 1."
But because the early Christian Church changed from being Jerusalem-centric to Rome-centric, all of this history was lost to the Western believers in Jesus. Besides linking Christ's birth to an existing Roman holiday, Saturnalia, the 25th of December also linked it to the Roman New Year just one week later on Jan. 1.
"They saw the birth of the Messiah and they linked it to another day on their calendar that was similar. New Year's Day, the Roman New Year," Cahn said.
A clue from the Talmud and early church father
Building his case further for Nisan 1 as Jesus' birthday, Cahn looks to an unlikely source -- the Talmud, which contains ancient biblical interpretations by Jewish rabbis. According to Talmudic teachings, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob all were born and died during the month of Nissan. Isaac in particular was a type of the coming Messiah.
"The first commandment was to begin everything in Nisan. It's been forgotten by modern Judaism," Cahn said. "It's the real New Year. Not Rosh Hashana."
In Exodus 12:1-2 it says about the month of Nisan: "God said to Moses and Aaron in the Land of Egypt, 'This month shall be for you the beginning of the months; it shall be for you the first of the months of the year.” In fact, the title "First of the Months" ("Rosh Hodashim" in Hebrew) is reserved in the Torah for the month of Nisan.
In his quest for still more evidence that Nisan 1 was the birth date of Jesus, Cahn moves to the writings of the early Christian church father Hippolytus of Rome, who lived and taught in the third century, having been martyred in 235 A.D.
His writings are among the first that refer to Dec. 25 as the birth of Christ. But because one page of Hippolytus' writings still mentions springtime as the proper birth date, some historians have speculated that his writings were later doctored to reflect the new Dec. 25 date with the caveat that the one reference to spring somehow got past the censors.
"There is one manuscript left that actually gives us two different dates," Cahn said. "One says Messiah was born in the springtime. They forgot to put the Whiteout." In fact, the statue of Hippolytus in Rome today still mentions April 2 as the month of Christ's birth.
The final clue
But beyond the physical, historical importance of nailing down the accurate birth date for the most important man in the history of the world, there is a spiritual reason that Cahn brings to our attention in "The Mishkan Clue."
Yes, there's more to this story than just setting the record straight. It has to do with the Hebrew words "Mishkan" and "Goel."
God's instructions for the "goel" redeemer were given in the Torah. When a man died his next closest male kin was allowed to marry the widow. He may "redeem" her if he is not already married. This was the case when the widow Ruth was wedded to Boaz, her "kinsman redeemer" by whom she had a son. Boaz is a type of the Father God who brings the childless widow a redeemer. Boaz is the new father who brings a son.
"There is going to be one more Goel redemption," Cahn says. "This time the Goel is going to be God. God is going to intervene in the line of Judah, the line of man. He comes to the virgin Merriam. God marries the creation. He fathers the Child."
And that offspring is the Messiah. That matches up with the type of the Messiah in the book of Ruth, whose son is conceived in Bethlehem at the end of the wheat harvest. Go forward nine months and that ends up in the month of Nisan for his birth. The last "clue" to Jesus' birth lies in the mishkan and ties in with John 1:14 "and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us."
In Hebrew, the translation for the word dwelling is something similar to a tent or "tabernacle," which was a temporary dwelling place for God's glory. The incarnation, God coming in the form of a temporary human body, also fits the theme of a tent, as Peter explain in his letter 2 Peter 1:13-14: "Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you, knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, just as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me."
"He pitched his tent among us or tabernacled with us," Cahn said of the Messiah. "It wasn't a sukkah it was a tent, a mishkan. The glory of God was in that tabernacle. Messiah's incarnation is foreshadowed in God's glory coming into the tent…the tabernacle.
The bottom line is that, through a deeper understanding of the birth of Messiah, Christians can experience the new birth every day, not just once a year, Cahn said.
"The real point is…It's about God joining himself to your life," Cahn says. "Being intimately joined with God through his Messiah. Every day in Christ should be like Nisan 1. A new birth. A new beginning. You cannot have life without that union. You cannot have new life. Your soul is waiting to get close with God. We need to get rid of the distractions. Nisan 1 is the day that everything is made new again. Your life was meant to be like this tabernacle, filled with the glory of God. In that place is the fullness of your healing, in that place comes your emotional healing, your joy, your shalom, your destiny."