Wednesday, January 1, 2020


As we begin the new year I wanted to share the reasons that caused me to start this blog.

It began when I started to seek the truth about the issues, dogma, teachings, beliefs, and creeds I’d been taught in the Roman Catholic faith, Protestant, and other sects of Christianity.

At the age of 58 I began to earnestly seek the truth alone in my room with a Bible, a computer, prayer and fasting.

I simply asked to be shown the truth about all that I had learned up to this point in my life’s journey. I was willing to change everything if I felt God the Father could prove it to me. This began in 2009.

I had many questions about many issues. I prayed, read the word, surfed the internet, spoke with others and did some simple short fasting not beyond three days at a time.

What you read on the blog are the issues I was asking about and seeking answers to.

I did not make snap decisions about anything. Sometimes it took up to three years for me to be convinced on a specific issue or teaching. It took me a year and a half to finally accept that the seventh day Sabbath is the true Sabbath which the Father desires we observe.

Once I was convinced it appeared on the blog.

The truth was first based on allowing the Bible to interpret itself. What does the Bible say…without any outside influence, beliefs, the church, or men’s teachings about specific problems or issues regarding what we believe.  

Second was the historical record in the Bible and outside of the Bible. These would be the historical record of how these beliefs and conclusions were arrived at and the events surrounding these particular questions.

Thirdly after speaking with others whom I had respect for, it all had to witness to my spirit. That is the God given spirit that resides in each of us.

It was a simple process which required a lot of hard work seeking out sources, etc.

In seeking out truth I was often surprised at where or what source I was finding out truth. At this time I came across a quote by Shakespeare in Hamlet: “By indirections find directions out.”

The Lord was teaching me things sort of by indirection—from all kinds of places, people, organizations, and history.

There are snippets of truth found in many places we would not expect to find it.

Often within a sect or denomination in Christianity, for example, that many disapprove of or avoid, we find a truth.

There are many things I disagree with in the Seventh Day Adventist organization, but they got the Sabbath part right!

My search led me to the Hebraic roots or foundations of the entire Bible. Christianity has “Christianized” the Bible and by so doing have lost the understanding of the faith.

Jesus was a Jew. Everything He did was based on this fact.

Paul says we are grafted into Israel in Romans 9 through 11. What does this mean?

The most basic issue is the calendar. In Christianity, and most of the world, we follow a Roman calendar in which a day begins at mid-night. The Biblical calendar day begins at sunset. Six PM is considered the end of and beginning of a 24 hour Biblical day.

This is six hours different then a Roman calendar in which the day begins and ends at 12 mid-night.

If Jesus says the only sign He will give this generation is the sign of Jonah—three days and three nights in the earth—then if He said it, He must mean it (Matt 12.39-40).

It is impossible for Him to be in the grave three days and nights if we use a Roman calendar and the Good Friday crucifixion day. We must use the Biblical calendar in order to understand that Jesus was buried before sunset on Wednesday evening.

The Biblical calendar explained it. This truth began to change my beliefs. Why had I not heard this in any church schooling?

The Biblical calendar explains the end times. The Biblical calendar explains things to come.  It is important to understand this truth and build your doctrine around it. It takes much study and understanding of the Old Testament.

This led to a study of Judaism. This eventually helped me to understand parables and events which took place in the New Testament with a completely fresh understanding. Things began to make sense. You will discover these things if you walk this path.

As we begin the new year keep this in mind as you research the blog. You may not agree with everything but knowing the manner in which I sought these answers may help you in your own search for truth.

Eventually you will see it by revelation of the Father who draws those whom he will. Then it doesn’t matter what others think. The truth will set you free.

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