Monday, October 7, 2019


There is a tremendous struggle taking place in Washington, D.C. between President Trump and the "Deep State", those who hate the President and everything he stands for.

The purpose of governmental agencies is to work for the people and the nation and to support the policies of the President who has been elected by the people. This is not the case. For those of you who have been seeking, searching, and reading, it is obvious an attempted coup is taking place in Washington, D.C., which by the way represents Babylon. Read this post from May 1, 2019 and the rest of the May postings on Washington D.C. to understand the spirit at work in our capital city:

President Trump may not exactly have the approach that most would like--but he is up against great forces of evil and wickedness, those two words are not too strong, there is great evil at work in our nation and the world by the Globalists or New World Order, whatever you want to call it.

Wickedness = 4189 = in the NT always a negative moral quality opposed to God and His goodness. Inventors = 2182 = contriver
Witchcraft = practice of a witch, practice of magic, sorcery, magical influence. Exorcise evil spirits by use of magic. Bewitch, charm.
Sorcery = the art or practice of spells of a person who is supposed to exercise supernatural powers through the aide of evil spirits, black magic, witchery.

For rebellion is the sin of witchcraft, and to break the word of the Lord is iniquity and idolatry. Because thou hast rejected the word of the LORD, he has also rejected thee from being king. 1 Samuel 15.23
In the spirit we could say that Washington D.C. is full of witchcraft--if witchcraft is as the sin of rebellion. There is rebellion and lawlessness against not only President Trump, but against the Constitution of the United States. Our freedoms are under attack by the forces of evil that would bring our country down.
The Democrats project unto Trump the very things THEY ARE! It is projection. They are desperate to remove him from office because he is aware of the agenda of the Swamp Creatures.
Anyone who seeks truth should be able to see what is going on. The criminal acts of Hilary, Biden, Schiff, Pelosi, and others is ignored by the corrupt media--the focus is on Trump.
They have nothing. It is all political theater and a coup attempt. Remove Trump and they will shove their agenda down your throat just like they shoved Obama Care down your throat.
I was reading Jeremiah the past couple of weeks. It sounded like he was talking about our country:

For, behold, I awake and cause to come up against Babylon an assembly of great nations from the north country, and from there they shall set themselves in array against her; she shall be taken; their arrows shall be as of a mighty expert one, who shall not return in vain.
And the land of the Chaldeans shall be for a spoil; all that spoil her shall come forth full, saith the LORD. Because ye were glad, because ye rejoiced destroying my heritage, because ye filled yourselves as a heifer on grass and neighed like horses...Jeremiah 50:10-12

Is the Lord coming against Babylon in our country? Could we say this is the Lord speaking to those who would destroy America?

Put yourselves in array against Babylon round about; all ye that bend the bow, shoot at her, spare no arrows; for she has sinned against the LORD. Shout against her round about; she has given her hand; her foundations are fallen; her walls are thrown down: for it is the vengeance of the LORD; take vengeance upon her; as she has done, do unto her. Jeremiah 50:14-15

This is the message the Lord has for the wicked:
The wicked plots against the just, and gnashes at him with his teeth. The Lord laughs at him,
For He sees that his day is coming. The wicked have drawn the sword and have bent their bow,
To cast down the poor and needy, to slay those who are of upright conduct. Their sword shall enter their own heart, and their bows shall be broken. Ps 37.12-15

The sword in the Bible is the word of God. Our words are our sword. The swords of the wicked will pierce their own hearts! Their words will come back on what happens to Joe Biden in the coming months, watch what happens to Adam Schiff...their words are going to come back and pierce them! The Lord is going to do this...vengeance is mine says the Lord.

President Trump is not the most polished smooth talking cultured person. But God has chosen him to taunt at and expose the wickedness in this country because he is a fighter. God is being merciful to this country and giving us a chance to see how corrupt we have become.

President Trump is Elohim's instrument. This is not about Trump it is about the direction in which America is going...the corruption which will be revealed will stun America. It is going to be ugly.

How will America react? Will this bring us to repentance or further rebellion?

Lift up your voices and God's word to Him. Remind Him that the "day of the wicked has come" and pray that America repents. If not then the rest of Jeremiah will come upon us.

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