Tuesday, April 9, 2019



Biblical prophecy continues to develop and unfold in the European Union as the world is totally unawares or doesn’t really care. The two EU nations signed an agreement on January 22, 2019 to share defense, foreign and economic policy known as the Aachen Treaty.

Aachen is a German city on the border of Germany and Belgium which was once the imperial residence of Charlemagne King of the Franks. This history goes back to 786 AD and the city is symbolic of the Holy Roman Empire—Charlemagne was crowned Holy Roman Emperor on Christmas Day, 800 AD.

This is the city and name of the cooperation treaty the French and Germans signed in January. It has a great deal of symbolism that this treaty should be signed here. The European Union is in reality a reincarnation of the Holy Roman Empire and will factor in the end times prior to the return of Yeshua and the establishment of the Millennial Kingdom (MK).

The Times of London reported that the treaty guarantees that France and Germany will be able “to present a united diplomatic front and act jointly in peacekeeping missions.” This may be the beginning of the integration of the EU as a powerful military and economic power.

The present EU is made up of 28 member states. Every member state is part of the founding treaties of the union and is subjected to binding laws within the common legislative and judicial institutions. In order for the EU to adopt policies that concern defense and foreign affairs, all member states must agree unanimously.

The Bible states that there will be 10 kings in the latter days that make up the “Beast power” which is to arise. Could this treaty be the first step in consolidation of power in the EU?

All nations in the EU are not equal in military and economic power. It is entirely possible the ten most powerful nations in the EU will bind together to lead this loose confederation of states.

The United Nations Security Council now consists of the five victors of World War II—the U.S., United Kingdom, France, Russia, and China. Now France is lobbying for Germany to be included.

As the United States and Great Britain continue to wane as world powers we are going to see many stunning changes developing in the current balance of world power.

Watch for the Vatican to become a strong influence as to how the EU develops and unites. Watch for Israel to turn towards Germany and the EU for protection as the US withdraws from European affairs and NATO. It is all developing in plain sight.

Great Britain is being marginalized by the European Union in the Brexit debacle. They want to keep Britain confused and in the Union. The best thing Britain could do would be to leave but they currently do not have the courage to just leave.

In order to be a member of the EU a nation must adopt policies that concern defense, economy, and foreign affairs--all member states must agree unanimously. This requires the creation of regulatory organizations and expenses that cost in the billions of dollars.

The European Parliament is run by unelected politicians who are appointed by unelected politicians! Nation sovereignty is sacrificed for the good of the Union. The British people are not sure they wish to be a part of this.

The EU, Russia, and China are rising as the political and economic powers. America and Britain are caught up in socialism and confusion on issues of major importance.

The border issue in the US is not about racism. It is about legal entry and rule of law. America is a nation of legal immigrants. What is happening now if unchecked will cause America to become a socialist country where everything is provided for its citizens.

The problem is that America is bankrupt. Our nation is imploding with debt. Where will all this money come from? Read Isaiah chapters 1 through 5 to understand where America is at. Chaos, difficulties, and bloodshed in the streets are coming. It is not going to be a peaceful transitions.

Powers that wish the US to fall are at work. The population is too busy trying to survive day by day to know how to prevent that which is coming.

Psalm 37 encourages us not to fret about the wickedness surrounding us. God is in control. In reality it is impossible not to be saddened by the state of the nation. God is in control but we will all have a high price to pay in sorting out the coming troubles. Prepare.

Take hope in the fact that we are members of the Kingdom of God. We will be required to act and live accordingly in the days ahead. Now is the day of preparation. God Bless.

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