Tuesday, February 26, 2019


And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. Matthew 24.14

In our day the church has done a fine job of preaching the Gospel of Salvation from sin and redemption in Jesus Christ. The Gospel of the Kingdom of God, in reality, is very seldom preached or taught! Some churches preach a salvation message each and every Sunday never touching on the deeper issues of what Yeshua taught.

The disciples were commanded to preach the Kingdom of God. A kingdom is a nation. A kingdom has laws. A kingdom has citizens and a kingdom has a king. How much do we really understand the Gospel of the Kingdom?

When I was first led into understanding the Hebraic roots of the Christian faith one of the first things the set apart Spirit of God led me to study was the Biblical Calendar.

I had a desire to understand the end of the age and the Book of Revelation. I was confused with all of the prophetic teachings on the end times. It wasn’t making sense to me. Why should I study the calendar?

For two weeks I resisted studying the calendar because I knew that the Biblical calendar would require I study the Jewish calendar. I also felt compelled to visit Israel. I soon was signed up to go on a tour to Israel with a recommended guide and I began to study the Biblical calendar.

I had always been stuck on Daniel 7.25: And he (Antichrist) shall speak great words against the most High and shall break down the saints of the most High and think to change the times and the law; and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the half or dividing of a time.

Slowly I began to see that the “times and the law” that would be changed were the Biblical times and laws! The Bible time and laws are much different than the times and laws the world currently observes. We are observing the Roman Gregorian Calendar—not the Biblical calendar. https://burningbush647.blogspot.com/2017/11/gods-time-and-calendar-vs-roman.html

I now understood that the Kingdom of God has its own calendar and time. The world operates on other calendars and time which obscure the truth. God’s calendar contains many clues concerning the Kingdom of God and coming world events.

The feasts and holidays we are to be observing are listed in Leviticus 23, Numbers 23, and Deuteronomy 16. My calendar study led me into the study of the feasts. Eventually I realized why we were to observe these feasts instead of the traditional Christian holidays.

These feasts contain instruction and prophetic information on the return of King Yeshua that traditional Christianity has missed by neglecting the importance of these Biblical feasts. These were exciting discoveries. The truth was setting me free!

The next phase I was led into was understanding the importance of our being grafted into “The Commonwealth of Israel”. Ref: Ephesians 2-3.6; Romans 9-11.

This phase took years to understand and I’m still learning! Grafted into Israel is of major importance in understanding who we are, what the kingdom is, and where we are headed. It is about inheritance, identity, and the Millennial Kingdom to come.

The Church has not replaced Israel as many have been taught. It is not about being Jewish. It is about both Jew and Gentile being transformed into the image of Yeshua—it is about becoming Yeshua-ish if you will.

Abraham was not Jewish. Abraham was a Hebrew. There is a big difference. A Hebrew is one who has crossed over. Abram (A high father) crossed over (into Monotheism) and became Abraham (a father of a multitude). Abraham is never called a Jew in the Bible. He is specifically called a “Hebrew” in Genesis 14.13. This was prior to his name being changed to Abraham and his meeting with Melchizedek.

Abraham came out of idolatry and crossed over the Euphrates River. He was called out by Yahweh and became a believer in the one true God of the Universe. He is our Father, both Jew and Gentile. Essentially we both are Hebrews (until we cross over into Yeshua).

Hang in with me, there is more! We are allowing the Bible to interpret itself. Very important.

Moving unto Abraham’s descendants we arrive at Jacob who fathers the 12 tribes of Israel. Jacob’s name is changed by Yahweh to Israel. The official name of the twelve tribes is Israel = He will be a prince with God; contender with God, one that prevails with God. Note they are not yet referred to as “Jews”—we will address this later.

A careful examination will reveal that the 12 Tribes of Jacob/Israel do not include Ephraim and Manasseh, the two sons of Joseph. This gets very interesting.

In Genesis 48 Jacob blesses the two sons of Joseph and in verse 16 says: “Let my name be named on them and the names of my father’s Abraham and Isaac.” Israel/Jacob is adopting Ephraim and Manasseh, grafting them into the family. They are not Israel/Jacob’s sons—they are Joseph’s sons. They are being grafted into Israel the nation.

Now in Genesis 49 Jacob calls unto “his sons” in verse one. He proceeds to bless them and in verse 28 we read: “All these (his sons) are the tribes of Israel. These are in order: Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, Zebulun, Gad, Asher, Dan, Naphtali, JOSEPH, and Benjamin.

Ephraim and Manasseh are not mentioned because they have been grafted into Israel. Joseph was the first born of the wife Jacob loved—Rachel. In Jacob’s mind Joseph is the first born and through the blessing of Ephraim and Manasseh Joseph is receiving the double portion blessing of the first born son.

Now we go to 1 Chronicles 5.1-2: Now the sons of Reuben, the firstborn of Israel, (for he was the firstborn, but because he defiled his father’s bed, his birthright was given unto the sons of Joseph, the son of Israel; and he was not counted as the firstborn.  For Judah prevailed above his brethren and was their prince, but the birthright was Joseph’s….

This is vital information. The birthright is given unto the sons of Joseph and the leadership is given to Judah (until Shiloh/Messiah) comes Gen 49.10). Judah, as we will see, is going to become “the Jews” as history progresses.

Joseph’s son’s mother was Asenath, the idolatrous daughter of the high priest of Egypt. Ephraim and Manasseh were most probably taught about the god’s of Egypt by their mother. Later, Ephraim will lead the northern tribes into Idolatry.

Ephraim and Manasseh represent the Gentiles or nations. They were grafted into the tribes of Israel. Later in Exodus we see Levi becoming the priests of the Lord (no land inheritance) and Ephraim and Manasseh receive land inheritance in place of Levi and their Father Joseph. Their grafting in is complete. Ephraim and Manasseh represent the gentile nations that will be grafted into ISRAEL. We are Ephraim and Manasseh.

The tribes go in and take the land of Canaan. Eventually David and Solomon become Kings. After Solomon’s death there is a rebellion. Solomon’s son Rehoboam wanted to raise taxes and the northern tribes rebelled and broke away under the Kingship of Jeroboam the Ephramite. Ref : 1 Kings 11-12.

Jeroboam becomes king of the 10 northern tribes who retain the name Israel. The southern kingdom becomes known as Judah. They are now Jehuda or as we call them today—Jews. The first mention of this is in 2 Kings 16.5-6.

Jeroboam sets up idols in Bethel and Dan and changes the Biblical feasts in 1 Kings 12.25-33. This is a shadow and type of what the gentile Christian church would do in the far future times—reject the feasts of the Lord and make up their own holidays/feasts.

The nation is now split in two. The northern kingdom of Israel, which has turned to idolatry, and the southern kingdom of Judah who retain allegiance to Yahweh. They are the modern day Jewish people who have remained true to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. They are the Jews.

Note: In 1948 the Jewish state was named Israel. This is prophetic. Ezekiel 37 says the two sticks of Judah and Joseph (Ephraim/Manasseh) will be joined together in the future. At that time they will once again become ISRAEL. Jew and Gentile reunited under Yahweh and Yeshua his son, the KING.

We know how Assyria conquered idolatrous Israel and they were relocated to Assyria and lost their identities as they were mingled into the gentile nations (Hosea 7.8-9). Read the entire book of Hosea. It is about how the northern tribes of Israel become the “lost tribes” and assimilate into the Gentile culture.

Later Judah will be exiled to Babylon, but be allowed to return to Judah and rebuild the temple. They had not lost their identity.


We all (Jew and Gentile) begin as Father Abraham--as Hebrews when we “crossover” into Monotheism. We are named by God “Israel”. We had a civil war and divided into Israel (Idolatrous gentiles) and Judah (Jews). Israel assimilated into the nations, Judah kept Judaism alive throughout the centuries.

Yeshua came and called us both to crossover into Him. That process is still in progress.

At a future time, in Yahweh’s own time and way, we two sticks shall become one in His hand. We will once again become known as Israel.

Yeshua will return and establish the Millennial Kingdom for a thousand years to teach all the world (Isaiah 64-66, Zecariah 12-14, Rev 20).

There will be a final rebellion (Rev 20). Then there will be a New Jerusalem and peace.

This information is documented in the Bible. It is the first step in understanding the “Gospel of the Kingdom” and how Yahweh is going to reunite Jew and Gentile once again as the nation of Israel. This is a basic “big picture” view of the Kingdom and what Yahweh is doing in these last days. This is how Jew and Gentile will become one in Yeshua.

It took me many years to come to this understanding. It is not the Gospel which is widely adhered to by the world, the Christian church, or Judaism. It is the truth. It has set me free. It is a stumbling block to the world.

Unity comes only through division. That is counter intuitive. The world sees unity as being all inclusive—everyone is welcome with all of their various religious beliefs. Soon we have a dead religion with no power and man becomes the god of this religion.

We arrive at truth through winnowing. The chaff must be winnowed away. We cannot be unified until we arrive at the truth. Has there ever been a time when the world stampeded towards the truth? Never. Have we ever really been in unity? Never. It shall come at the appointed time.

Knowing the truth can be a lonely path. Yeshua walked that lonely path. The Father will draw his own unto Himself--John 14 through 17 is much to understand. There is a remnant in God. It is not always a comfortable place in which to dwell but it is our calling. The world will never understand—but Yahweh has a magnificent plan.

Below is a link to a short treatise on the Gospel of the Kingdom of God by Tessa Beswick. It should be our manual and manifesto of the Kingdom. Please take the time to prayerfully read and heed it.


Monday, February 18, 2019


The wall is going to be built because President Trump outfoxed the Democrats and those who seek to bring America down.

The news media is telling us that President Trump will not be able to build the wall and that the democrats will challenge the "State of Emergency" declaration. We are also told that there were "land mines" in the spending bill the President just signed that will prevent him from moving forward without Congress approval. Not true!

Here is how it is going to work. You will recall that prior to signing the spending bill President Trump said before he would sign it he was going to look it over to find where the "land mines" were. He did his home work!

He found the land mines, then using his Constitutional authority as President, signed Executive Orders neutralizing the land mines.

The spending bill allows an initial $1 billon plus to be spent now. Then President Trump will use $601 million of Treasury funds legally available to fund additional wall sections.

After that money is spent he will get another $2.5 billion from a fund 10 USC #284 that does not require a national emergency in order to be spent.

That is a total of more than $3 billion dollars BEFORE he uses the Emergency Declaration monies.
While the democrats go to court suing the President over the Emergency he will be legally authorized to spend the above $3 Billion plus dollars!

The money will be spent in sequence prior to the emergency money. The wall is going to be built.

Finally, we can document that all of the past Presidents, beginning with Papa Bush, which includes Presidents Clinton and Obama, are on record that our border situation is an emergency. How convenient that Democrats forget this.

President Trump is using the US Constitution and the authority it gives him to thwart and out maneuver those who would sell America out in order to gain votes and destroy our freedoms.

Don't be fooled. There is an attempted coup to bring down American sovereignty playing out in front of our eyes. God is shaking America to its very foundations. There is already a revolution taking place. There are many traitors, lurking wolves in sheep clothing.

We are going to go through some immensely difficult times in our country. Yahweh is in control but that does not mean the times will not be difficult. Which way will America choose?

This is the Father's way to get our attention and turn the nation back to Him. Our sins as a nation are overwhelming us. It is a dark time but as you can see there is hope. The Father is pleading with us and giving us a chance to decide as a nation the path we will walk.

Watch and pray for our nation and leaders. There is overwhelming lawlessness all around us. God is our salvation and strong tower! Only a deep serious move of God upon our nation such as the Argentine revival will save us. https://burningbush647.blogspot.com/2019/01/the-argentine-revival-of-1954-reveals.html

We live in momentous and prophetic times!

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

You gotta love Reggie McDaniel, the southern grocer who posted this sign in his store in Arkansas.
I love to allow the Bible to interpret itself. All of the political human secularist issues of our day are covered in the Bible and are presented to us from Yahweh’s perspective and desires. There are reasons for every command in the Bible. Often we don’t understand the reason for particular laws or commands.
There are no five minute conversations on Biblical laws and reasons. We must study and allow the Word to interpret itself. The simple problem is that the world does not want to obey God’s laws. The world thinks it knows better!
We know that the word of God is the Law of God. Unfortunately, many churches like to say they are not under the law. That is not true. It is true that we are not under the curse of the law. Yeshua died to save us from the curse of the law but we still must obey the law. We must conduct ourselves righteously according to the law.
Check out the Ten Commandments in Exodus 20. All of humanity is responsible to keep these commands. Later in the book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy these laws are explained in application to our daily lives.
The laws concerning the duties of the priests make up about 30% of the written law. Yeshua’s death on the cross has done away with the animal sacrifices. This portion of the law has been fulfilled by His blood sacrifice. The rest of the laws can be considered to be our code of conduct.
A careful study will reveal the reasons for all of them. God’s people are to be a light to the world. Our conduct should reflect this.
A nation without the rule of law will perish. America today is becoming a lawless society.
A nation without secure borders will perish. God created borders for a reason. https://burningbush647.blogspot.com/2018/07/deuteronomy32-is-key-to-understanding.html
The Millennial Kingdom city of Jerusalem will have a wall:  And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain and showed me that great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of the heaven from and with God, having the clarity of God; and her light was like unto a most precious stone, even like a jasper stone, shining like crystal. And it had a wall great and high, with twelve gates, and at the gates twelve angels, and names written thereon, which are the names of the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel: Revelation 21:10-12
Only legal immigrants will be allowed to enter the gates. Criminals will not be allowed to enter: And there shall in no wise enter into it anything unclean or that works abomination or makes a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life. Revelation 21:27
He that is unjust, let him be unjust still; and he who is filthy, let him be filthy still; and he that is righteous, let him be justified still; and let the saint be sanctified still. And, behold, I come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give each one according as his work shall be.  I AM the Alpha and the Omega, beginning and end, the first and the last. Blessed are those who do his commandments that their power and authority might be in the tree of life and they may enter in through the gates into the city. But outside are the dogs and the sorcerers and the fornicators and the murderers and the idolaters and whosoever loves and makes a lie. Revelation 22:10-15
Finally the Kingdom of God has immigration policies. Not everyone is allowed in.
He that overcomes shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son. But the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and fornicators and sorcerers and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. Revelation 21.7-8
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,” 1 Corinthians 6:9
You see, even that grocer down in Arkansas can figure this out. It isn’t all that difficult. Just read the book.