Sunday, December 16, 2018

This is a word study to help you interpret words found in the King James Bible that are difficult to understand the meanings of.

Uncleanness = Strong’s 167 Gr. akatharsia = impurity, a state of moral filthiness, especially in relation to sexual sin, many                                                   references in the N.T. epistles.

Lasciviousness = Strong’s 766 Gr. aselgeia = debauchery, sensuality, lewdness, wantonness, filthy. As used in epistles.

Filthiness = Strong’s 3436 Gr. Molymos = contamination, defilement, filthiness. As used in epistles.

Fornication = Strong’s 4202/4203 Gr. porneia/porneuo = sexual immorality, marital unfaithfulness, prostitution, adultery, a generic term for sexual sin of any kind. As used in epistles.

Witchcraft = Strong’s 5331 Gr. parmakeia Gr. = witchcraft, magic, the use of spells and potions of magic, often involving drugs: sorceries. Also see: 5332 = pharmakeus = one who practices magical arts, magician:-sorcerers.

                                                5333 = pharmakos = one who practices magical arts: sorcerers

Emulations = Strong’s 2205 Gr. zelos = an attitude of emotion of deep, earnest concern: jealousy, envy, rage, morally corrupt zealous ill will. Galatians 5.20

Variance = Strong’s 2054 Gr. eris = quarrel, strife, dissention, discord…Galatians 5.20

Seditions = Strong’s 1370 Gr. dichostasia = division, dissention, divisions, sedition

Revellings = Strong’s 2970 Gr. komos = orgy, revelry, carousing, rioting

Eyeservice = Strong’s 3787 Gr. ophthalmodoulia = service performed to attract attention: eyeservice

Perdition = Strong’s 684 Gr. apoleia = destruction, ruin, waste: damnable, pernicious ways

Concupiscence = Strong’s 1939 Gr. epithymia = desire, coveting, craving, lusting in context of immoral or sinful, lust after

Unruly = Strong’s 183 Gr. akataschetos = uncontrollable…1 Thess 5.14…506 Gr. anypotaktos = rebellious, disobedient, not made subject to, independent, unruly…Titus 1.6, 10…813 Gr. ataktos = idle, lazy; unruly…James 3.8

Striker = Strong’s 4131 Gr. plektes = violent man, bully—striker

Lucre = Strong’s 146 Gr. aischrokerdes = pursuing dishonest gain: greedy of filthy lucre, given to filthy lucre, greediness for money

Brawler = Strong’s 269 Gr. amachos = peaceable, not quarrelsome, without conflict…1 Timothy 3.3

Double tongued = Strong’s 1351 Gr. dilogos = insincere, double-tongued

Abomination = Strong’s 8441 Heb. toeba = detestable thing, loathsome thing, abomination

                                            8251 Heb. in Daniel = siqqus = detestable thing, vileness, abomination, abominable filth or idol

                                            8263 Heb. as used in Leviticus = seqes = detestable thing, abomination

                          = Strong’s  946 Gr. = bdelygma = abomination, something destestable

Desolation = Strong’s 2049 Gr. Matt 12.25 = eremoo = to be brought to ruin, laid waste, come to nought, desolate

                     = Strong’s 2050 Gr. Matt 24.15; Mk 13.14; Luke 21.20 = desolation, devastation, destruction. “The Abomination of Desolation is a Hebrew term formally, “the detestable thing of desolation.” This abomination is a person, thing, or event that defiles a holy place and thus causes it to be abandoned, implying that God detests this thing or action. Strong’s comment.                                                                                                                                                                   

                     = Hebrew 8074 in Daniel = samem = to be desolate, be appalled, to lie desolate, laid waste, astonished

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