Friday, September 15, 2017


I am not a financial expert, but back in 2009 the Lord led me to study and understand the financial markets. This was following the 2008 financial crises when AIG was shut down and our system came close to total collapse.

I began to understand Wall St and various financial activity that I had paid no attention to in the past. I looked at our debt situation and began to realize that this debt was a giant bubble that had to burst at some point. Here is a very simple explanation:

Our debt is now over 20 trillion dollars. If you began counting a dollar a second it would take about 30,000 years to count just ONE TRILLION! That is amazing.

The reason the attack on the dollar is so serious is because the dollar has been the world's reserve currency since the end of World War 2. This means that major trade is conducted in dollars. In order to trade other countries must keep a huge supply of US dollars on hand.

This makes the dollar a valuable commodity and allows the US to create money at will to satisfy this need. That in turn allows the US to constantly buy on credit. This fuels our local economy as credit expands. Most Americans are heavily in debt because our system functions on debt and the ability of the US to print dollars out of NOTHING.

As we print more and more money and extend more and more credit the value of those dollars decreases. This costs foreign countries more money as our currency devalues. The US wants to devalue because we then are paying the debt service with devalued dollars.

Foreign countries are at a disadvantage as they must trade for devalued dollars in order to conduct large scale trade. They must have huge reserves of US dollars on hand.

For instance, in 1971, President Nixon made a deal with Saudi Arabia and OPEC to sell all oil in US dollars. At the same time Nixon took America off the gold standard. Selling oil only in dollars made the dollar dominate.

This is when we started to print dollars which read, "Federal Reserve Note" rather then "Silver Certificate". That is when smart people started to keep their silver coins. Those coins had 90% silver in them and today sell for high premiums.

A regular silver dollar today sells for about $26. You can buy them in bags of 100 for $2600. It is called junk silver. In reality, as you can see, they are quite valuable. If our economy collapses those who have junk silver will have a very valuable commodity with which to purchase goods.

In the previous post I gave links to articles about how the dollar is being circumvented in trade by Russia, China, and their allies. This has been going on since 2009. The Russians and Chinese have been buying large amounts of gold with the US dollars they have in reserve.

This is a creative way for them to get rid of their dollars for the most valued commodity on the planet--GOLD! They have been setting up trading platforms to buy and sell energy in their currencies which will be backed by gold. In time, this will destroy the dollar because the US doesn't have enough gold to back the dollar.

When the major "event" will happen is anyone's guess--but it is going to come relatively soon. The Russians and Chinese will "pull the rug out from under us" when they are fully set.

In the past they had to go through a US system of clearing credit card debt called the "Swift System". Recently both Russia and China created their own clearing system in order to get around that dollar system.

Lately I have been seeing many articles on this type of activity.

Most of these things that are happening now I first began reading about in 2009. Today they are actually being to happen. America and all of us are going to experience a significant change of lifestyle when the impact of these changes fully strikes our financial system.

When I spoke to others about this stuff they all blew me off. They couldn't see it or believe it--but sadly this is one of the ways we as a nation are being chastised by God for our apostasy.

There are ways to prepare. Seek the Lord on how you can prepare. Many glibly say, "Oh, the Lord will take care of me, I don't have to worry."

Yes, the Lord will take care of you, but not in the manner and style you are currently accustomed to. A wise person prepares. Joseph prepared Egypt at God's command. You do have to think seriously about what is coming and try to make basic preparations.

I have taken steps to prepare in various ways and now I am going about my daily living with peace of mind. There are steps you can take that will give you some peace of mind. It will be difficult. It is important to be prepared mentally and physically for what is coming.

America may look more like a third world country than a superpower in the near future. Seek the Father on your own and ask Him what you need to do. Be calm and then carry on! This is very real.

I've posted some more articles below.

Venezuela stops selling oil in US dollars

Russian rubles and Chinese Yuan will be used in pricing silver on London Bullion Market

California pension funds stressed

Dollar no longer desired as only world reserve currency

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