Wednesday, July 26, 2017


My wife and I recently made a trip to London, England to view the many historical sites and look for signs of Ephraim and the lost tribes. We did a lot of sight seeing there and along the way asked for wisdom and understanding about what is happening in England and the European Union.

It seemed to us that God is all over England in their monuments from the past where He is glorified, but the God we serve today is appears DEAD in England. Of course we know God is always moving and has His people everywhere at all times, but generally speaking the population does not seem very  interested in Christianity or the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. In the few conversations we had with locals they politely changed the subject.


Muslim’s were everywhere in great numbers, the mayor of London is a Pakistani Muslim (seems like a good man) but the Christian ideals and message is not wanted. Eventually the English are going to lose their country to Islam if these current trends continue.

In the course of touring, walking, or riding the tube I spoke to several Muslim women. They were all polite and most of them spoke with a perfect English accent. As a matter of fact, any nationality (such as Chinese, etc.) of person I spoke with, most had perfect English accents. They have grown up in the culture.


Jewish people were conspicuous by their complete absence! We saw four people we could identify as Jewish out of thousands of people on the streets. Muslim’s, Chinese, Arabs, Japanese were all over the place—but no Jewish people!


We went to the Jewish Museum of London and very few people were there. It was sad. We learned about Jewish contributions to England and their history while there and looked up some old Jewish neighborhoods that are no longer Jewish...but we did not see orthodox type Jewish people with caps on anywhere.


We saw the Crown Jewels and I spoke to a woman about how it was not a “Christian ceremony” but an Old Testament one and she looked at me like I was from another planet. I explained briefly and she moved on. But I saw the jewels and instruments of coronation and it was all Hebrew and very interesting.

The King or Queen coronation service includes a vessel that contains anointing oil, a spoon to put the oil on, a canopy, and music by Handel that is very Hebrew and Biblical. One of the songs sung is "Zadok the Priest" written by Handel.

The ceremony is all right out of the Old Testament. The first place we see people saying, "God save the King" is in the book of 1 Samuel 9.15-10.27 when Saul is made King. In Hebrew it is translated..."Long may the King live." In any case, this phrase originated in the Bible and the people were entreating God to give the king a long and prosperous rule. Here are other locations in the Bible: 2 Samuel 16:16; 1 Kings 1:25,1 Kings 1:34, 1 Kings 1:39, 2 Kings 11:12; and 2 Chronicles 23:11.


London was extremely Multi-cultural which is great in a way—all these people seemingly getting along—but they all have their own gods and “we” are not supposed to preach the gospel message.

LGBT is BIG and laws are being passed that theology schools must teach it and accept it or no ministry. Nobody has time for Yahweh! Nor do they want to hear...Islam is growing in leaps and bounds because they have no restrictions pressed upon them. Islam is always looking for converts but the church is not strong on this today.


London City has a drinking culture—I like having a few pints occasionally so I am only reporting—the business men are all outside the pubs in front drinking at lunch. It is accepted behavior.

They do not appear drunk, but they drink at lunch and after lunch every day it seems. The beer is good and less carbonated than here—and most of them have a low alcohol percentage in the 3.8 to 4.5%. We met a group of locals over some pints and had a great conversation but when I told them I was studying the Bible from a historical point of view (based on finds at the British Museum) they asked no questions and did not pursue with questions.


The British Museum was full of Assyrian, Greek, and Roman finds that prove the Bible is true. I bought two books that show all the antiquities that support the Bible. It is incredible and yet the United Nations continually passes resolutions condemning Israel and claiming the Palestinians are the true local people.

That Israel has no claim to Biblical locations is really insane! It is all DOCUMENTED IN GREAT DETAIL AT THE MUSEUM—and I have the proofs with me now. In the mid 1800's when these finds were announced the entire country talked about it with passion. It was the first time Biblical history was proven through ancient artifacts. Today it is a yawn.


What a great country with incredible history! It was so sad to see the direction England is headed. America is not far behind as we too are going leftist and Godless. People are so busy playing with their electronic goods and seeking entertainment. Nobody wants to wait on the Lord!


It takes some time for things to change but the changes were obvious in London, a very multicultural city. The west has lost their passion for God and most do not believe in the Christian message or the Biblical law. It is all considered outdated.

The gay agenda has become foremost in entertainment, design, modeling, and lifestyle. Anyone who chooses to stand on God's word is mocked and demonized for opposing this lifestyle. It is not that a believer hates gay people, but if we trust in God's word it is not a lifestyle pleasing to Him.

The LGBT community will aggressively attack any who do not agree with their agenda. We are not permitted to peacefully disagree--we are persecuted. The signs are everywhere that the great apostasy spoken of by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2 is gaining steam and is already upon us.

It was a great trip and a real eye opener for me.

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