Wednesday, January 25, 2017



It is as if the world has gone mad! Rebelliousness against everything is the norm today. Respect for others has gone out the window. There are few men and women of true character anywhere to be found. It is all about Me! Me! Me! All only seem to be interested in their own personal satisfaction. Common sense? There is no common sense anywhere. It is all chaos and confusion.

The Torah, the Royal Law of God, has been desecrated and trampled on by the entire world. Mankind thinks they know better than God.

God says marriage is between a man and a woman. A child needs a mother and a father. Genesis 2.21-24

God says abortion is murder. It is an abomination to Him. Deut 18.10; 2 Kings 16.3

God has created the borders of the nations for a purpose. Man wants to do away with them. Deut 32.7-9; 19.14

God says immorality is sin. Leviticus 18 and 19

God says sodomy is a sin. A man is a man and a woman is a woman. Deut 22.5; Lev 18.22

God says we should reason together. Isaiah 1.18

God says we should love Him above all things. Deut 6.4-15

God says we should love our neighbor as ourselves. Deut 6.4-9

God says we should not covet, lie, steal, bear false witness. Exodus 20.13-16

The world is going mad because the world refuses to obey God’s laws. The world knows better than God. Therefore, confusion reigns because we are transgressing ETERNAL TRUTHS and replacing them with our carnal desires and human secular laws.

Review Leviticus 26 and Deuteronomy 28 for God’s blessing and curses on mankind. Blessings for obedience and cursing for disobedience. Nobody is interested in these things today!

Fact is they are ETERNAL PRINCIPLES AND LAWS. Failure to make a decent effort to comply with God’s Law has ETERNAL CONSEQUENCES. We have a loving and forgiving God but after continued disobedience He must judge us because He is a righteous God and all His judgments are righteous.

The motto of most Christians today is “We are not under the Law anymore.” This is why the church is rampant with sin such as porn, fornication, and rebellion. True believers are saved from the “curse” of the law IF they make an attempt at living righteously and according to God’s code of conduct—which simply put is the LAW.

I am no more righteous than any other person on the planet but I have come to respect and understand God’ law and how it relates to how I live. I have been greatly blessed therein.

Lawlessness is going to increase, common sense is going to disappear, and the nations are going to rage. Our hope is in Yeshua and his saving grace. Fear not.

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