Monday, October 3, 2016

Economic Warfare, Banking Crisis, Feasts of the Lord, and the Rising of the Beast

It is quite interesting to observe world events as we are entering into the appointed times or fall Feasts of the Lord on the Biblical calendar. Sunday evening October 2, 2016 begins the fall Feast of Trumpets (Yom Teruah) on the Biblical calendar.
This feast begins the fall season on the Biblical calendar and includes the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) and the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) which are all shadows of the coming end of the age.
The Hebrew words for these feasts in Leviticus 23.2 means "a calling together for a hallowed ceremony." The ceremony is to remember and rehearse for coming events.

Briefly, the Feast of Trumpets is the "Day of Blasting" of the shofar to warn us to repent. Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 4 that the Lord will return with the sound of the shofar. This is like an air raid siren--a warning. In Revelation 8 and 9 we read of the seven trumpet judgments.

The ten days between the Feast of Trumpets and the Day of Atonement are called "The Days of Awe" in the Jewish community. During this time we are to think about our lives and repent for the sins we have committed. In the Book of Revelation 16 we see bowls or vials of the wrath of God being poured out upon the wicked. These judgments are a type of the Days of Awe.

The Apostle Paul said (1 Thess 5.9-10): "For God has not destined us for wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us so that whether we are awake or asleep we might live with him."
The Days of Awe are a time of God's wrath upon the wicked--but His people are not destined for  wrath, but are to be redeemed. There is a place of safety for God's people at this time (Zephaniah 2.3 and Psalm 27.5 to mention two). This brings us to:

The Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur). This is the day the "gates are closed" and those who have refused to repent (Rev 16.10-11) are experiencing God's wrath. Yom Kippur is the day of God's wrath upon the wicked but it is the day of redemption for the righteous!

Five days later the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) begins. The is the time the Jewish people build their sukkah's or booths and spend time celebrating in them. This represents the Wedding Feast of our bridegroom Yeshua. It is when God comes to "tabernacle" or live among His people.

What does this have to do with economic warfare, banking crisis, and the Beast? This is the Book of Revelation unfolding in our time. Many events that happen in our time revolve around the Biblical Calendar and these fall feasts.

The twin towers were attacked during the fall feasts and the 2008 financial crisis took place during the same season. We don't recognize this because in the Christian world we keep time on the "Roman Calendar" and most of us have no knowledge of the Feasts of the Lord (Leviticus 23.1). WE are now entering this season...will an event take place? I can't say it will...but we should be alert for the possibility.

The beginning of knowledge is in understanding the Biblical Calendar. The entire Bible is written in God's time as expressed in Genesis 1.1-15. Notice it says in verse 5 that "evening and morning" were Day One.

In the Bible time is measured from the going down of the sun. That is the beginning of the 24 hour period we call a day. When the sun sets, on what we on the Roman calendar call Tuesday night, it is Wednesday night on the Biblical time clock. Darkness begins the day, daylight then commences. Just as we are in darkness until we come to Yeshua--the light of the world.

A Roman day begins at midnight, God's day begins at sunset. For convenience we can say from 6 PM until 6 AM are the first 12 hours and 6 AM until the sun sets at 6 PM are the second 12 hours. When it says in Mark 15: 25, "And it was the third hour when they crucified him" it means 9 AM Biblical time. It is three hours from 6 AM, the beginning of the day hours, until 9 AM.

Later, in another scripture it says the world was in darkness from the 6th hour until the 9th hour. That was from 12 noon until 3 PM. This may seem trivial to a person who reads the Bible but many things not understood become clear as you open your heart to this. Note: In many modern translations they will say 9 AM instead of "third hour" because they have are putting it in modern English--but the original language says third hour.

Without getting into it, Jesus was not crucified and buried on Good Friday when you understand the Biblical time of day. He said he would be in the belly of the earth for three days and three nights (72 hours). If He said it He means it! Impossible if He was crucified and buried on Good Friday--that's only two nights.

It this is fact then how many other things have you been taught that are false? Think about that. Your understanding of the end times and the Book of Revelation is directly related to God's Biblical time and calendar.

As I shared on the September 28 post on this blog many financial events are coming to a head. The world stands on the brink of financial crisis. Deutsch Bank is on the verge of collapse. If it collapses then other banks could fail and we will experience an event worse then the 2008 financial collapse.

Nations are waging economic warfare against each other as I write.

There is a war between fiat paper money and precious metals such as gold and silver. Our paper money is based on faith in our government. There is nothing "real" backing that paper but "trust and faith" in the US Government.

Russia and China certainly have their own economic troubles but they have wisely chosen to increase their gold reserves against the day of financial ruin. Many think the United States has it's own stash of gold but that may not be the case.

The US Government refused to allow an audit of Fort Knox in Kentucky. Many believe there is no gold there. They believe it is gone through lending to other countries in an effort to prop up the current regime of US Dollar hegemony. We will soon find out.

The Russians and Chinese are prepared for a new world currency backed by gold because it will bring stability to trade and finance. The US has built up a debt that can never be repaid. The US Dollar is the current world currency used in trade. That day is soon to be coming to an end.

World financial crisis and collapse will usher in a "new world order" based on a currency backed by gold and it will not be the US Dollar. The United States will no longer be in control of world trade when this occurs and the dollar will be replaced by a new world currency for trade.

The result of this will drastically change our way of life in the USA. Our debt is a house of cards and it is going to fall hard. We will no longer be buying stuff on credit. It will be a major depression much worse than 1929-1936.

This new world order will allow the "beast government" to begin its ascent. World finance will be conducted by international world trade and banking organizations. The US will not be in control. More likely it will be Europe, Russia, and China leading the world.

Europe will reorganize into a much more efficient trading block and will look east ward towards Russia and China for trade and alliances. The nations are tired of the corrupt polices of the US Government and their Wall Street "Banksters" as they move towards this new world currency.

America has been waging economic warfare on the nations through trade and finance in a very "one sided" way for decades. Once the dollar collapses these nations will set up financial platforms that are much less corrupted. Sadly, because of our corrupt polices, we will lose our leadership role in world trade and finance.

This calls for wisdom: "Let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666 (Rev 13.18)."

Daniel had a dream in which he saw beasts that represented kingdoms. A beast in the Bible represents government. Who runs government--men do.

God created the heavens and the earth in six days. On the sixth day he created man. A day is as a thousand years unto the Lord. On the Biblical calendar it will be the year 5777 as we move through the fall feasts.

This number, 5777 is the number of years since God created Adam, when using the genealogies in the Biblical record. That is almost six thousand years. The Jewish wise men of old said that unto man would be given six days (six thousand years). The seventh day we would enter into Yahweh's rest.

The number of the beast is the number of man. God created the heaven and the earth in six days, man is created on the sixth day, and given dominion over the earth, man is to work six days (literally and spiritually and then rest on the seventh)--666 the number of a man.

The beast is the coming  new world financial order and it is a government run by man. The harlot that rides the beast (Rev 17.4-6) is a false human secular pseudo Christian like religion. This is a union of church and state that will have teeth of iron. It will deceive the whole world (Rev 12.9).

Jesus asked: "When I return will I find faith on the earth?" in Luke 18.8 because He understood that this false union of church and state will deceive the world.

How much will transpire in our life time I do not profess to know--but I do know it is coming and will begin to rise up and establish itself very soon.

Yahweh bless and keep us. Amen

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