Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Dreams, Visons, and the Word of God

Everybody says, “The Lord told me” and many take that as 100% true. Well, “the Lord told me” in my opinion is oral (as in oral law, and we all know what that means). So let me say, “The Lord has told me, too” but I don’t like to use that phrase...but the Lord has told me a lot.


While praying and sitting quietly in His presence for a few years most recently and asking Him to “speak to me” I was hearing silence. Silence, nothing. However I was diligently studying the word and trying to allow the Bible to interpret itself thru both OT, NT, and Jewish sources, etc. I was reading and comparing scriptures asking God to help me discern truth and allow the Bible to speak for itself.


Silence...then a still small voice spoke to me in my spirit and it said, “Son, I am speaking to are reading my written word, my written law every day. I will speak to you through MY WORD.” Wow, I almost fell out of the chair! I took my Bible, put it on the floor, stood on it and said, “Oh, Lord this is my rock...I will stand upon your me to KNOW YOUR WORDS.”


Dreams are scriptural and useful to the assembly as we all know...but we must not jump too quickly when one says they have had a dream (or vision) it must line up with the word. Here are some scriptures from the other side of the coin:


Jeremiah 23.25-32, verse 28 is key; 29.8-9, Eccl 5.3. My point being: Lots of people have dreams...many of those dreams are about coming events...but in the big picture are they scriptural? We must be careful...I am careful maybe too much...but...If I err I will take that chance if I think it is not verified by the word.


This is why I am cautious when someone says they had a dream. It is very easy to manipulate people by saying, “The Lord told me in a dream.” I compare and pray. I seek the word. The word says when the nation turns from the Lord to idols and wickedness the Lord will chastise the nation. America is worshipping idols, and much of our foreign policy is wicked and our nation is in rebellion. At one point Ezekiel or Jeremiah was told not to pray was too late judgment is coming.


The Lord saves by His mighty hand. We are not going to present the kingdom to him...he comes and saves us as the OT and NT make clear. We occupy until He comes. We have need to be saved---and America is not going to save or lead the world. I believe America is a sheep nation—but at present we are in rebellion towards God’s word.


On the topic of revival I agree there will be revival...but I disagree on how it takes place. Revival in the OT always comes as a result of the nation being severely chastised...the people repent and turn back to YHWH. They are being judged or chastised for turning away from God. Historically, revivals come before or after major world wars. The 40’s, 50’s, and 60’s out pouring came after the horror of WW 2 and during Vietnam. Millions died in WW 2 and revival came after. Prior to WW II there were great revivals in the United States during the 1930’s.


I know of reliable sources who have predicted that Pope Benedict would step down and he did! These same sources say they had a dream that a terrorist nuclear WMD will explode in the U.S. between now and 2017. They believe this event will set off the Great Awakening which is to come. Is that going to happen? I hope not.

But a tragic event like that could be a catalyst towards true repentance and revival.


America is a spoiled child and she is going to be severely chastised. We see others say the same thing...I had a vision...I had a dream. Some say the dream told them Mr. Trump will be elected. Others they had a dream that Obama will declare martial law and not step down from the Presidency. Everyone has a dream or a vision—but why do they not agree? Our God is not a God of confusion. Therefore not all dreams are coming from the Lord. The problem is everyone wants to be a prophet!


Worship God; for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19.10). The true prophet calls the assembly and fallen world back to the Father, preaches the gospel of salvation in Jesus Christ, and warns the nation to turn back from their sins.


Let us not chase the dreamers...let the Lord play it out...sin and rebellion MUST be chastised and we are going to see things in this country that make us sick...but we are moving towards His return and the Millennial Kingdom...a day of great and terrible darkness...not a day in which America or any nation will shine. God is going to show the nations His glory, and His power, and he will save us because we are crying out to Him to save us...we are presenting no kingdom to him...He returns and restores the kingdom sharing it with us in the Millennial Kingdom.


There are many who claim the same source of their dreams and visions. Many do have dreams that are from the Lord but we must discern and move carefully. We as a people must be more discerning and wait on the Lord and truly hear from Him. Let the bible interpret itself. Study the scriptures and seek the truth diligently. The word as written will have and does have the answers but it takes time, prayer and digging.


Let us not be moved by these things but stand fast on the rock that is God’s Word!



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