Friday, March 20, 2015

Two Parts in Today's Comments--much to meditate and pray on:
Netanyahu wins election
Solar Eclipse a sign
Final Comments by Jonathan Cahn
Netanyahu Wins Election:
On Tuesday, in a bitter campaign, Benjamin Netanyahu retained his leadership of Israel. He had trailed in the polls up until the election, but a high voter turnout pushed him to a fought victory.
Mr. Netanyahu knows the danger that is facing Israel in these difficult times. In reality he is between a rock and a hard place. The pressure on Israel to negotiate land for peace increases each year as the world tires of the tension in the Middle East. The longer Israel resists the more intense the pressure to trade land for peace increases.
Israel is being told, not asked, to negotiate with those who refuse to acknowlege Israel's right to exist. Her enemies want to lure her into an agreement so that they can eventually destroy her. Check out history.
There has never been a Palestinian state, there has never been a Palestinian language or culture--ever in history. Most Palestianians are actually of Jordanian or Syrian heritage. These people could easily be assimilated by Jordan and Syria. The "Palestinians" are a pawn in the hand of Arab peoples who wish to destroy the Jews.
In 1948 all Arab residents of what is Israel, then called Palestine, a name given to the area by the ancient Romans, where told on the radio to evacuate the area in order that the Arab armies could destroy the Jews without harming the Arab people. These Arabs were told that after the war and the destruction of the Jews they could move back into the land.
Well, it didn't quite work out that way...and by the way at this same time Jews in Arab countries were expelled and their homes and businesses were stolen. The world conviently buries their heads in the sand on all these issues.
The poor Arabs! Look at a map of the mid-east. Can you even see little Israel? Surrounded by her enemies and their huge land area and populations. The poor Palestinians! Their own brothers can't assimulate them. Meanwhile the Jewish nation assimulated all (millions) of the Jews kicked out of Arabia and other parts of the world such as Russia!
The Arabs and the world see no need for the Jewish people to have a country of their own. The Jews are just so aparthied and unjust! We can't allow them a space about the size of New Jersey to live in peace in. We must destroy them! Yes, you are detecting sarcasim in my voice!
Psalm 37.12-15 tells us the end of those who will oppose Israel:
 The wicked plot against the righteous and gnash their teeth at them; but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he knows their day is coming. The wicked draw the sword and bend the bow to bring down the poor and needy, to slay those whose ways are upright. But their swords will pierce their own hearts, and their bows will be broken.
Mr. Netanyahu will have a difficult time dealing with the opposition of all those who hate Israel. This is going to be a difficult time for Israel as the world and Arab nations will begin to isolate her. All those who love Zion should be praying for God's blessing and direction for Netanyahu and the nation of Israel during these harsh times.
Bibi Wins!
Obama Steams!
Solar Eclipse March 20, 2015
Hand in hand with Mr. Netanyahu's election we turn to the Jewish sages for an explanation of the solar eclipse which followed on March 20th:

Notwithstanding the physical explanation of a solar eclipse, there is also spiritual significance to it: At the time when the sun is eclipsed, it is an unfavorable period for the world. A parable: This can be compared to a human king who made a feast for his subjects, and placed a lantern before them. When he grew angry with them, he told his servant, "Take away the lantern from before them, and place them in darkness!" (Talmud Bavli, Succah 29a)

The king is G-d, the King of Kings; the people at the table are ourselves; the lantern is the sun. The moon obscuring the sun is the kings servant who takes away the lantern. Although eclipses can be described in entirely natural terms and occur at set intervals, they nevertheless indicate that the period is one of Divine retribution for various sins. So, a solar eclipse signifies a harsh period. But an eclipse does not mean that the sun has been extinguished (contrary to what everyone else in the world thought)! The servant did not extinguish the lantern; he merely prevented it from illuminating the kings subjects. The sun shines as merrily as ever during an eclipse, even if we cannot perceive its light.

Many eras in history have been dark for us. But during these times, we should remember that G-ds light has not been extinguished; it is merely in a state of hester panim, hiddenness. The sun is not extinguished during an eclipse, nor does it move away; it is merely concealed. And just as the sunlight always emerges from its eclipse, so too are all situations of hester panim only temporary, destined to be followed by the light of G-ds redemption.

Ask the Rabbi:

Johnathan Cahn's Shemitah take:

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