Wednesday, May 29, 2019


 “When a prophet of YHWH is among you, I reveal myself to him in visions, I speak to him in dreams. But this is not true of my servant Moses; he is faithful in all my house. With him I speak mouth  to mouth, clearly and not in riddles; he sees the form of YHWH. Why then were you not afraid to speak against my servant Moses?” The anger of YHWH burned against them, and he left them” (Numbers 12:6-9).

In no way do I wish to diminish the office of Prophet in the Body of Y’shua. It is one of the most important services in our assemblies. It is also a position where we see much deception. Y’shua warned us to beware of false prophets.


If we spend time getting to know Yahweh we will have His discernment. As the last days intensify there will be many false prophets, signs, and wonders (Matt 24.21-26). People are drawn to signs and wonders—it is our human nature.


When Y’shua performed miracles He also drew large crowds. You will notice, however, that Y’shua often pulled people aside in an attempt to not draw a crowd—but this kind of thing is difficult to do with crowds hearing and running to see.


A person calling themselves a prophet has the potential to be a manipulator of people. They potentially can use their “dreams and visions” to get people to do what they want. It is a fine line. It is easy to manipulate those unfamiliar with the word. We must be able to discern. It seems, according to Matthew 24.21-26, that false signs and wonders will be in abundance as things deteriorate. A man of God does nothing for himself, but for Master Y’shua.


Therefore, we need to discern. All of these things are good and we are to do them in Y’shua’s name. What struck me about what YHVH told Moshe was the intimacy of what was said.


The word mouth, in Strong’s is 6310 = peh = speech, command, testimony; edge of a sword.

By our mouth we speak words, we declare, we give testimony. In other words, we give our WORD. We also know by scripture that the WORD of Yahweh is a two edged sword (Hebrews 4.12).


Moshe was so close to Yahweh, so abiding in Him that Yahweh spoke to Moshe mouth to mouth—or WORD to word. Y’shua is the WORD made flesh, man is created in His image—or word!


The prophets receive dreams and visions which can be riddles that have to be discerned, but Moshe had no need of dreams or visions. Yahweh spoke clearly to him. Moshe was “faithful in all My house” Yahweh said. Isn’t this the kind of relationship we desire of Master Y’shua? An abiding close, mouth to mouth, relationship. Hearing clearly.


To achieve such a relationship we need to lay down our lives, dreams, desires, and take up our cross and follow Y’shua. We need to cry out to Him for help to love Him and move into this close relationship. It goes against our vile human nature to seek God. Remember how you used to be?


It is essential we spend TIME in the written word. Moshe was given this WORD directly from Yahweh. He wrote it down. He spent time with the WORD. He spent time with Y’shua, the living WORD. The word is the real thing. That is where we needs to be! In so doing, we draw close to the Master and are able to discern the real from the counterfeit.


There is another very important thing to know Yahweh, not that we cannot know Him in many ways. We have to understand the entire book—we need to understand the Tanakh, the Old Testament. In these times it is important to develop a Hebraic understanding of the word which will help us to “understand the times and know what to do.” 1 Chronicles 12.32


When I began to seek Yahweh in earnest I knew in my spirit I had to have a deeper understanding. Pastors and Priests were not able to answer the many questions I had. I was trying to understand the Book of Revelation and Y’shua’s parables—but something was amiss.

Several important things happened to me. A friend of mine gave me some DVD’s by Jonathan Cahn that explained the 9/11 tragedy from an Old Testament viewpoint. In these video’s he explained how the attack happened during the weeks of the fall feasts of Yahweh—the feasts of Trumpets, Yom Kippur, and Tabernacles. How it was a warning to the nation from Yahweh.


I was amazed at the insights he had. I realized that he was formally a Jewish Rabbi who had become a believer in Y’shua. His knowledge of the word and background enabled him to understand what Yahweh was doing.

At that time Yahweh was leading me into understanding the Biblical calendar and told me to go to Israel in order to begin understanding “His people” and their ways.


Later I was introduced to other teachers through the internet. One of them was Norm Frantz a Gentile believer in Hebraic roots of and the other was Arnold Fruchtenbaum a Jewish believer, now a Christian.


From 2009 through 2015 I prayed, fasted, read the word, and heard many other teachers. I sifted through all of this, using the word as the final confirmation, to discern the truth. I studied Judaism to understand the culture in order to understand Y’shua. All this was just how I began to seek truth. I prayed and waited, sought and searched. Answers came slowly and all had to be confirmed by the word.


I read church history, Jewish history, and briefly looked at Islam. I prayed for understanding and truth. I began to see many things which are not truth in ALL religions--how the Word of Yahweh has been twisted and turned by man. Sometimes the truth is hard to take. It requires that WE change.


I thought my fellow believers would want to hear the things I was discovering. To my dismay, I learned that they did not want to hear, dig into the word, or do any of what I was learning. That was all part of my “education” in following Yahweh our Elohim!


We learn through our trials that the “praises of men” is not our goal, but rather the “praise of God.”

The word of God is a sharp two edged sword that discerns the thoughts and intent of the heart. I was getting “cut” by those I thought were friends. Once you see and accept the truth there is no going back. It was all part of my education, trial, and testing by the Father.


There is one way--to allow the scripture to interpret itself. This is how we begin to know the Father and abide in Him. It is a slippery path and we must tread prayerfully. Everybody thinks they have the truth! Not everyone wrestles to allow the scriptures—both sides, old and renewed—to interpret itself. I was shocked to understand how few allow the scripture to interpret itself!


Throughout history when the answer was not known, most just made something up. Very seldom did our Gentile Church Fathers seek out the Old Testament or a rabbi to help them understand the deep issues of the scriptures. That is how serious Anti-Semitism was in the church! This of course led to syncretism—a mixing in of pagan beliefs.


Today we have self-proclaimed prophets who constantly claim they have dreams and visions. Their "prophecies" are about how God wants to bring us to a higher level of understanding and revelation. How we are going to be blessed, etc., etc.


They don't really say anything and I never hear them "prophesy" that in order to receive all these blessings and revelations that we are to meditate on Yahweh's word and wait in His presence. They make a living off this kind of thing!


It is a joy to allow the scripture to interpret itself. It is the beginning of knowledge. Hosea 4.6 says we are destroyed for lack of knowledge. Cling to the entire word and seek the Father and He will teach you of His ways.


A few years ago I was waiting on Yahweh very quietly trying to develop my “hearing.” I told Him I felt like I wasn’t hearing. Deep in my spirit I heard, “My son, I have given you my word—a whole book to read—I am speaking to you very clearly.”


I just about fell out of the chair! He speaks through your knowledge and understanding of His WORD during those quiet times. He lights your path through His word. Clearly.


It’s OK to have dreams and visions but I’d rather hear Him speak to me mouth to mouth. Knowing the WORD will enable you to not be manipulated by false teachers and prophets.


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