Wednesday, September 18, 2024



America is under attack by dark enemy forces that wish to dismantle our Constitutional rights and install a leftist communist government whose only aim is to control we the people.

This is a difficult subject to discuss as the majority of Americans are incredibly unaware of the destructive forces coming against our nation. The media are not telling the truth as they have become propaganda instruments of the current leftist regime. Lies are the order of the day!

President Trump has a four year record of achievements which made us prosper. He cut taxes, controlled the border and created jobs. The Biden Administration reversed all of those things.

The border is wide open and millions of un-vetted immigrants have crossed into the country since the Biden-Harris regime took over. The main stream media does not tell the truth about this invasion.

Anyone with any intelligence should be able to seek the truth on the internet and discover what is really happening. The Democrats are purposely destroying the America I was born into in 1951.

They are bought and paid for by the elite billionaires like George Soros and his son Alex, the World Economic Forum, and other deep pocketed leftist organizations.

I am beyond amazed at how shallow and ignorant a large portion of Americans don’t recognize the current dire situation. They are oblivious to the lies the left is spewing on mainstream media.

Why would former Republicans like Dick and Liz Cheny, Mitt Romney, the Mc Cain family, and others say they are going to vote Democrat? Why would Hillary Clinton want to jail anyone who posts truth (what she calls lies) on social media be arrested?

These people are all part of the Uni-Party who have been controlling we the people for years. They are in a panic because President Trump has been exposing them for years. Finally a large portion of the population are beginning to awaken to this.

Our current government is corrupt and are destroying the Constitutional rights of the people on purpose. Let that sink in. They are corrupt, paid off, liars, and war-mongers. They purposely want to bring America down!

The borders are open in order to allow non-citizens to vote for the party that has allowed them to enter the country. Included are tens of thousands of criminals that have been directed here from their own countries. Our government is paying to house these people in hotels in large cities, paying them thousands a month for expenses, and issuing drivers licenses whether they can drive or not.

I could go on and on but if you’re reading this you most likely are aware of the dire situation we are facing in the coming months and years. America is being torn apart.


There is a tremendous amount of fear mongering in the alternative media about the end of the world. Many Christian ministries talk about the current crisis and then direct you to their page to sell you all the products you’re going to need to survive the coming storm.

Don’t misunderstand, I do believe we should all be preparing for difficult times ahead, but these people speak in a high degree of fear mongering and are making a lot of money off of your fear.


We can prepare for the difficulties in many common sense ways that will have you prepared for much of what is coming.

Just looking for sales on food items such as canned soups, fish, rice, beans, and wheat can be practiced every time you shop. We have a bread machine, grind our own flour, and bake our own muffins, etc. Most soups have at least an 18 month good date on them. All these types of items can be stored and rotated during the months and years.

It is also good to make an attempt to clear yourself from as much debt as possible. Owning your house and car are ideal. Tough to do, but if you’ve been paying extra for years it can be accomplished.

Also it’s a good idea to have at least three months of cash under the mattress to pay your bills if the economy crashes. The less money you have in the bank the better. In a crash the banks will be allowed to use your savings as a “bail in” and you’ll never see it again.

Some have been buying 90% junk silver or gold whenever they can. That is difficult because the price has been going higher but it is better than having too much cash. Check out where you can buy gold and spend it on a credit card they issue.

If the economy goes digital the card will allow you to spend the gold and you don’t have to have it in your physical possession. Sort of the same idea as bitcoin, but in the glint form you become your own central bank! Gold is money and if you spend it when it’s going up and use other means when it goes down you are making money!


As believers in Yashuah we must prepare ourselves for the most difficult times in our lives. The wicked will not give up their power willingly but will do whatever it takes for them to survive. More people are awakening to the current dilemma than ever before.

Expect both parties to not accept the election results. The Dems will try to decertify the results. There will be riots and unrest, burning of cities, violence. That’s the least we can expect.

They hate President Trump so much for exposing them they will do anything. Will the military intervene? If so, whom will they support?

If President Trump prevails they will do everything they can to discredit him and disrupt his agenda just as they did with the Plan-Demic. He had our country humming.

We are facing a Constitutional crisis. We are partly to blame for not paying attention. America is becoming 2 Timothy chapter 3. We need to personally repent before our Father.


I would suggest reading 1st and 2nd Timothy for direction and understanding of the current times and how to pray. Here is an interesting example: First of all, then, I urge that petitions, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for everyone,  for kings and all those who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. 1 Timothy 2.1-2

I note that Paul is telling Timothy to pray for those in authority in order that we may lead our lives quietly and in tranquility. I have wrestled with these verses in the past but I believe the Father showed me something interesting.

We are basically praying that the authorities will be honest and good people who will allow us to live without fear and hassle. I didn’t feel like I could pray for corrupt leaders. Then I realized that I was praying for them to act in a righteous manner.

If they are wicked as Paul writes about in 2 Timothy 3 we will not be able to live in peace. Therefore I realized I am not praying for them to prosper but rather that they repent and turn from their wickedness in order that we may live in peace! It gets better.

Now read Psalm 94 in its entirety: Oh Lord God, to whom vengeance belongs…it begins. It goes on to describe how God will judge them, chastise us, and how He will watch over us.

We are praying our leaders will repent and if they don’t then we are asking they will be judged by God, we will be chastised for not paying attention, and he will watch over us! This made perfect Biblical sense to me. My prayer was invigorated!


Let’s take each day as it comes. The world is in a dangerous place. The neocons, those pols who want war with Ukraine, Russia, and the Middle East want WAR to distract us. War is their way of controlling us. Destruction is the tool. They have been controlling the USA for decades…endless wars with no victory.

Live one day at a time. Go about your business and pray for God’s mercy and direction. Take care of and love your family. Do not be blown about by rumors and fear mongering about the end of the world. Prepare like Joseph!

If the tribulation is indeed a seven year period than every morning when I arise I know the world will be here for at least 7 more years. Many things must still take place before He comes! To SAVE US!

Finally, don’t think you will be raptured out before tribulation: “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16.33

Keep calm and carry on!

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