Monday, August 19, 2024



For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul. Leviticus 17.11

And He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground. So now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. Genesis 4.10-11

“Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man.” Genesis 9.6

Blood is a very serious topic in the WORD of GOD. There is little time spent studying this important topic. The verses above reveal that the life of all flesh is in the blood. Blood makes atonement for sin. There is no atonement without the shedding of blood. Blood cries out for justice—it cries out from the ground on which it was spilt. It defiles the earth.

America is heading for civil war because of blood. Why? Because we have allowed the blood of innocent children to be spilt in abortion clinics. We have allowed this destruction of innocent of human life. It is considered a “right” by the woman who does not want the baby. What about the baby’s rights? What about God’s law?

America and the nations are heading toward civil war and bloodshed if there is no repentance. When individual’s and nations turn away from God’s Laws and commands bloodshed ultimately follows.

The first generation in the Book of Genesis, Adam and Eve’s sons, shed blood when Cain slew his brother Able because God favored Able’s sacrifice. God told Cain to follow his brother’s example and all would be well. Cain was jealous of his brother and slew him.

Able had brought as a sacrifice the firstling of his flock as a blood offering for sin. Cain only brought a grain offering. God had shown Adam and Eve that only a blood offering would cover their sin. God had clothed them with animal skins after their sin. Cain and Able would have been taught this by their parents.

All Cain had to do was bring a proper offering. Instead he chose to murder his brother. There is no atonement without the shedding of blood. Yeshua, God’s only son, became a blood offering for the sins of the world. God did not spare His own son. God was not above His Law. He provided the proper blood offering. This is an incredible fact! Think about that!

It would be fruitful for anyone reading this to take the time to read Leviticus 17 through 20, Genesis 4, and Genesis 9.1-7 as a primer on blood.

The land of Canaan had been defiled by the sins and bloodshed of the people living there. Their sins are beyond our imagination. The Bible reports that they murdered their children as a sacrifice to Molech (a type of abortion) they were practicing all sorts of immorality, such as having sex with beasts, they worshipped and sacrificed their children to Molech, practiced witchcraft, and had sex with their own children!

The Lord had told Abraham his people would be in bondage in Egypt but after 400 years they would be set free and take the promised land. He told Abraham the sin of the Amorites had not reached its full measure (Gen 15.16). The Israelites would be given the land because the sins of the people in the land were horrible.

God sent the Israelites in to clean up the land. Leviticus 18.23-24 point this out: Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you. For the land is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants.

This is harsh treatment but these nations were totally immoral and wicked. God gave His sanctified people the land in their place. God cannot tolerate sin like this. He waited 400 years for these people to turn to Him and they did not (Gen 15.16).

He told His people not to participate in the sins of those nations. He warned His people the same thing would happen to them at the hand of another nation if they disregarded His warning.

America is on the brink of civil war because a large portion of the population have absolutely no regard for God or his law. Recently House Chair Nancy Pelosi said that a ban on abortion “ignores basic morality.”

That is an amazing godless testimony for a woman who claims she prays every day!

The laws of God have been cast aside in America. Good is now considered evil and evil is considered good (Isaiah 5.20). We are on the verge of civil war as our Constitution and rights of worshipping God are under attack.

Millions of unborn children have been aborted/murdered since 1973—millions. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what has been happening. The point here is that blood has been sacrificed without regard. Blood is always avenged.

God is not sitting on His throne looking for an opportunity to chastise and judge His creation. He has given us His law and has told us what the consequences are for disobeying His laws. He has given us a book with all the rules. There is a price to pay for disobedience.

He is allowing us to do what everyman thinks is right. He is allowing us to reap the consequences of our disobedience. Man is doing unto man. God is sitting up there weeping at our civil disobedience towards His Law. We are doing it to ourselves. Please don’t blame God.

The WORD of GOD is life giving. His laws bring forth justice, peace, and righteous living. When we as individuals and nations discard His commandments he lets us learn the hard way. He is not intervening. He is allowing us to reap what we are sowing. He is going to allow the world to be on the brink of destruction before He comes to save us.

For this present time we can expect the civil unrest and disobedience to become much worse. It could turn into a full blown civil war. There is going to be much more bloodshed in the streets.

We have allowed Marxist and socialists, who are ungodly, have too much influence in our nation. Be prepared. I am sorry to bring such bad news but blood is the penalty. We all bear some responsibility for the current crisis. We have all paid very little attention throughout the past decades.

Perhaps God will give us a period of grace before things become much worse. This event is very important. You don’t have to go to D.C. to participate. Go to the site and decide what you need to do during Sept 18 -28. Call upon God for mercy and grace. Our way of life, our families, and our children’s future depend on it.

I believe God may give us some extra time before things become worse but it is up to us to beseech Him. Each generation is responsible for itself to God. This is our opportunity. This is for NOW! The generation behind us will have to decide which path they are going to take.

WE have a widow of hope. God bless and be safe. The alternative will require blood.

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