Monday, August 19, 2024



For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have given it to you upon the altar to make atonement for your souls; for it is the blood that makes atonement for the soul. Leviticus 17.11

And He said, “What have you done? The voice of your brother’s blood cries out to Me from the ground. So now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. Genesis 4.10-11

“Whoever sheds man’s blood, by man his blood shall be shed; for in the image of God He made man.” Genesis 9.6

Blood is a very serious topic in the WORD of GOD. There is little time spent studying this important topic. The verses above reveal that the life of all flesh is in the blood. Blood makes atonement for sin. There is no atonement without the shedding of blood. Blood cries out for justice—it cries out from the ground on which it was spilt. It defiles the earth.

America is heading for civil war because of blood. Why? Because we have allowed the blood of innocent children to be spilt in abortion clinics. We have allowed this destruction of innocent of human life. It is considered a “right” by the woman who does not want the baby. What about the baby’s rights? What about God’s law?

America and the nations are heading toward civil war and bloodshed if there is no repentance. When individual’s and nations turn away from God’s Laws and commands bloodshed ultimately follows.

The first generation in the Book of Genesis, Adam and Eve’s sons, shed blood when Cain slew his brother Able because God favored Able’s sacrifice. God told Cain to follow his brother’s example and all would be well. Cain was jealous of his brother and slew him.

Able had brought as a sacrifice the firstling of his flock as a blood offering for sin. Cain only brought a grain offering. God had shown Adam and Eve that only a blood offering would cover their sin. God had clothed them with animal skins after their sin. Cain and Able would have been taught this by their parents.

All Cain had to do was bring a proper offering. Instead he chose to murder his brother. There is no atonement without the shedding of blood. Yeshua, God’s only son, became a blood offering for the sins of the world. God did not spare His own son. God was not above His Law. He provided the proper blood offering. This is an incredible fact! Think about that!

It would be fruitful for anyone reading this to take the time to read Leviticus 17 through 20, Genesis 4, and Genesis 9.1-7 as a primer on blood.

The land of Canaan had been defiled by the sins and bloodshed of the people living there. Their sins are beyond our imagination. The Bible reports that they murdered their children as a sacrifice to Molech (a type of abortion) they were practicing all sorts of immorality, such as having sex with beasts, they worshipped and sacrificed their children to Molech, practiced witchcraft, and had sex with their own children!

The Lord had told Abraham his people would be in bondage in Egypt but after 400 years they would be set free and take the promised land. He told Abraham the sin of the Amorites had not reached its full measure (Gen 15.16). The Israelites would be given the land because the sins of the people in the land were horrible.

God sent the Israelites in to clean up the land. Leviticus 18.23-24 point this out: Do not defile yourselves with any of these things; for by all these the nations are defiled, which I am casting out before you. For the land is defiled; therefore I visit the punishment of its iniquity upon it, and the land vomits out its inhabitants.

This is harsh treatment but these nations were totally immoral and wicked. God gave His sanctified people the land in their place. God cannot tolerate sin like this. He waited 400 years for these people to turn to Him and they did not (Gen 15.16).

He told His people not to participate in the sins of those nations. He warned His people the same thing would happen to them at the hand of another nation if they disregarded His warning.

America is on the brink of civil war because a large portion of the population have absolutely no regard for God or his law. Recently House Chair Nancy Pelosi said that a ban on abortion “ignores basic morality.”

That is an amazing godless testimony for a woman who claims she prays every day!

The laws of God have been cast aside in America. Good is now considered evil and evil is considered good (Isaiah 5.20). We are on the verge of civil war as our Constitution and rights of worshipping God are under attack.

Millions of unborn children have been aborted/murdered since 1973—millions. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what has been happening. The point here is that blood has been sacrificed without regard. Blood is always avenged.

God is not sitting on His throne looking for an opportunity to chastise and judge His creation. He has given us His law and has told us what the consequences are for disobeying His laws. He has given us a book with all the rules. There is a price to pay for disobedience.

He is allowing us to do what everyman thinks is right. He is allowing us to reap the consequences of our disobedience. Man is doing unto man. God is sitting up there weeping at our civil disobedience towards His Law. We are doing it to ourselves. Please don’t blame God.

The WORD of GOD is life giving. His laws bring forth justice, peace, and righteous living. When we as individuals and nations discard His commandments he lets us learn the hard way. He is not intervening. He is allowing us to reap what we are sowing. He is going to allow the world to be on the brink of destruction before He comes to save us.

For this present time we can expect the civil unrest and disobedience to become much worse. It could turn into a full blown civil war. There is going to be much more bloodshed in the streets.

We have allowed Marxist and socialists, who are ungodly, have too much influence in our nation. Be prepared. I am sorry to bring such bad news but blood is the penalty. We all bear some responsibility for the current crisis. We have all paid very little attention throughout the past decades.

Perhaps God will give us a period of grace before things become much worse. This event is very important. You don’t have to go to D.C. to participate. Go to the site and decide what you need to do during Sept 18 -28. Call upon God for mercy and grace. Our way of life, our families, and our children’s future depend on it.

I believe God may give us some extra time before things become worse but it is up to us to beseech Him. Each generation is responsible for itself to God. This is our opportunity. This is for NOW! The generation behind us will have to decide which path they are going to take.

WE have a widow of hope. God bless and be safe. The alternative will require blood.

Monday, August 12, 2024



A short study for our time

 1:1-11 A picture of a politically corrupt and fallen nation. Food shortages 1:11, riches gone 1:7, possessions sold off for things to eat 1:11.

 1:13-14 Difficult times - sin weighing the nation down. 1:16-17 The prophet weeps at the sorry condition of the nation. There is no comfort 1:17.

 1:20-21 The nation’s enemies are glad to see this suffering. The prophet calls for the people to repent, admit their rebellious ways, and return to God.

 2:11-12 Weeping, hunger, desolation. The children are hungry. They want to eat. The nation is in the throe’s of poverty. There is also hunger for the true word of God--but no one speaks. Only false words of soothing from the government which lies to them--lulling them into a false sense of security 2:14-16.

 2:17-19 The nation cries out to the Lord for more of Him. They weep and mourn for their sinful condition.

 3:1-17 The Lord is chastening His people. There is no escape from hardship--only sorrow. There is, however, hope in God 3:18. God still loves his people and desires they return to Him. He will be faithful if they return and come back to His ways 3:21-44.

 3:44-45 The Lord takes no joy in their turning away from Him. He covers Himself in a dark cloud covering His eyes like a man who cannot bear what he is seeing.

 3:55-66 The Lord is their defender and redeemer. He will deliver them when they call out to Him and forsake their sinful ways. They must repent. The Lord demands justice.

 4:1-18 A once proud nation now begins to realize how far they have fallen from their past moral days. They now experience poverty where once they had riches 4:4-10. God is a consuming fire--sin must be forsaken 4:11. Sin separates us from God and His justice and righteousness 4:13-18.

 5:1-17 Living in sin is self-destructive and is a hard yoke to bear. His burden is light and yoke easy--if we live by His commandments. Our sin has made us sick 5:17. If we turn towards God we will be renewed! 5:20-21

 We see in Deut 28 and Lev 26 how God blesses or curses a nation. The laws are irrefutable and are eternal. If we obey we are blessed. If we rebel and sin we bring the curses upon ourselves. God’s commandments are designed to bring blessing or cursing based upon our decision to follow or rebel. God is righteous and demands we also live righteously. The wages of sin is death.

 These principles apply to the nation and to us as individuals. God only asks that we live righteously and love one another as He loves us!

Friday, August 2, 2024



Tensions are high in the Middle East today and I thought it would be a good time to review the Psalm 83 War. I will not apologize for the harsh language of the Biblical account. God gave the Children of Israel the land and the world refuses to acknowledge this fact. 

Elohim has proclaimed blessing upon Israel and the Arab peoples but “Esau” refuses to acknowledge the Biblical promises. Therefore Israel and Esau will continue this hatred until Messiah Yeshua returns. Jacob’s Troubles are just beginning. Watch and pray as things begin to heat up. 

If you would like to review my series on the Biblical History of Jacob and Esau begin here:


Consider the opening verses of Psalm 83: Do not keep silent, O God! Do not hold Your peace, and do not be still, O God! For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; and those who hate You have lifted up their head. They have taken crafty counsel against Your people, and consulted together against Your sheltered ones. They have said, “Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more.” For they have consulted together with one consent; they form a confederacy against You” (Psalm 83:1-5 NKJV)

This is the invocation of God’s help against the confederacy. The psalmist says the confederates are enemies of God. They have lifted up their heads against God, but since they cannot get at Him they lash out in their anger against the people God has protected. The target of their anger is the State of Israel – the Jewish state.

God’s esteem for Israel is a major topic of the Bible, beginning with God’s solemn promises to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (renamed Israel by God Himself) to give them and their descendants the land now called Israel. God has called Israel the apple of His eye, and has promised to deal with the nations that have plundered the land and people.

It is well known that Hamas, Fatah, Hezbollah, the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaida, Syria, and other Arab entities have spoken consistently about demolishing the Jewish state. These are all members of the Psalm 83 Confederacy.

Iran also has spoken out vehemently against Israel, even voicing the sentiment of cutting Israel off from being a nation. Although Iran is not mentioned as part of the Psalm 83 confederacy, it is part of the Gog/Magog alliance, and its former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad drew global attention throughout his presidency for his vocal anti-Israeli sentiment and policies. But who, exactly, is in this Psalm 83 Confederacy? It is a familiar list, and all of them are identifiable in Scripture:

The tents of Edom and the Ishmaelites; Moab and the Hagrites; Gebal, Ammon, and Amalek; Philistia with the inhabitants of Tyre; Assyria also has joined with them; they have helped the children of Lot. Selah. Deal with them as with Midian, as with Sisera, as with Jabin at the Brook Kishon, who perished at En Dor, who became as refuse on the earth. Make their nobles like Oreb and like Zeeb, yes, all their princes like Zebah and Zalmunna, who said, “Let us take for ourselves the pastures of God for a possession.” Psalm 83:6-12 NKJV

·       Edom: Descendants of Esau (Edom) (Genesis 36), whose hereditary land is southern Jordan, and who include Palestinian Arabs in the West Bank and Israel.

·       Moab and Ammon: Descendants of Lot’s sons (Genesis 19:30-37). Their hereditary lands are the rest of Jordan. The capital of Jordan, Amman, even retains the name of the Ammonites.

·       Ishmaelites and Hagrites: Descendants of Abraham’s first son, Ishmael, whose mother was Abraham’s Egyptian concubine, Hagar (Genesis 25:12-18). Many of the Arab peoples descend from Ishmael, including those of Saudi Arabia. The Hagrites (I Chronicles 5:18-22) are the people living east of Gilead in southern Syria. Since Hagar was Egyptian, it is possible Psalm 83 includes at least part of Egypt in the confederacy. If so, it may mean only the inhabitants of Sinai since the psalm would likely name Egypt specifically if that nation were rising against Israel.

·       Gebal and Tyre: This is Lebanon. Tyre, along with Sidon, were prominent cities of the Phoenicians (Mark 7:24-30), a seafaring Canaanite people who built the ancient world’s greatest commercial empire. Although King Hiram of Tyre was an ally of David and Solomon (I Kings 5), Ezekiel 28 names the king of Tyre as a symbol of Satan.

·       As for Sidon, its great biblical significance is as the hometown of wicked Queen Jezebel, the woman who induced King Ahab of Israel to make Baal worship the official state religion. Gebal (modern Jubayl; Joshua 13:5; Ezekiel 27:9) is also in Lebanon and was another Phoenician city. Today Lebanon is a divided land, split between the powerful Shi’a Hezbollah terrorist army and less organized Sunni militias. All of them, however, harbor enmity toward Israel. Whether it is Hezbollah alone or the various factions united against a common enemy, all of Lebanon will be involved in this war.

·       Amalek: A grandson of Esau (Genesis 36:12), Amalek and his descendants populated southern Jordan, the Negev, and northern Arabia. They are the only people God commanded Israel to hold as enemies forever and wipe out completely (Deuteronomy 25:17-18). It was the Amalekites who ambushed Israel on the way out of Egypt, and Haman, a descendant of King Agag of Amalek, came close to destroying the Jews in the days of Esther.

·       Philistia: Philistia is the ancient territory of the Philistines, hereditary enemies of Israel who originated on the island of Crete. The five cities of the Philistines were Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, Gaza, and Gath (Joshua 13:3). The only major city of the Philistines not currently under Israeli sovereignty is Gaza.

·       Jabin and Sisera: In the days of Israel’s judges, Jabin was king of Canaan and Sisera was his general. They were defeated by Deborah and Barak (Judges 4). This reference in Psalm 83 indicates that the war will include the present-day Canaanites: the Palestinians who live in Israel among the Israelis, as well as those living in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria).

Already there have been several Intifadas (uprisings) against Israeli control over the Palestinian territories since 1987 to the present time, 2024, and there have been calls for all out war since the October 7, 2023 terror attack.

·       Oreb, Zeeb, Zebah, Zalmunna: These were Midianite kings defeated by Gideon (Judges 7-8). Midian is the territory of northwest Saudi Arabia next to the Red Sea. This reference to Midian indicates that Saudi Arabia, or at least portions of it, could be involved in this war.

·       Assyria: The heartland of Assyria is northern Iraq and eastern Syria, it is certain that they will be involved in this war as it escalates.