Tuesday, July 16, 2024



“But you, Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book until the time of the end; many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.” Daniel 12.4

In Daniel 12 the Angel of the Lord gives Daniel a short and very concise details about the end of this age and the resurrection of the righteous at Yeshua’s second coming. The Angel tells Daniel there will be an increase in knowledge and a “running to and fro” at that time.

This increase in knowledge is not necessarily a positive thing. We see a running to and fro in this day for new knowledge and understanding. The Bible says there is nothing new under the sun (Eccl 1.9) and that Elohim is unchanging (Malachi 3.6), “You are the same and your years will have no end,” says Psalm 102.27

Paul advised Timothy to beware of this very same thing: “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers, and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables”. 2 Timothy 4.3-4

This is the current clear and present danger in the assembly of those whom have been called out. Everyone is looking for something new. There is a distrust of government that has seeped into all facets of our civilization which has created confusion and longing for truth.

Our Elohim is not a God of confusion but He is the author of peace (1 Corinthians 14.16). It seems that the more you learn the less you know! Do not chase the fads. Where do we turn?

The simple answer is we turn to the Holy Scriptures and use the teaching of the Old and New Testaments to be our guide. Allow the Bible to interpret itself. Think logically. Follow the simple instruction Moses gives in Deuteronomy 4.2: You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you.

In order to avoid confusion and doubt we will follow the Torah, Prophets, and Apostles teachings. Our Father is not going to change His instructions after more than 3,000 years. We stand upon the “Rock” of His unchanging nature and word.

We cannot look at extra-Biblical works as equal to the Holy Scriptures. The books of Enoch, Jubilees, Jasper, and others should not direct us. They have historical purpose and may have been written by followers of the one true Elohim but they are not Biblical Canon. They can give insight into many other topics but once they are put on the same plain as Canon confusion will result. There is too much doubt about who wrote these books and when.

Many are seeking out the Zadok Calendar due to discoveries in the Dead Sea Scrolls. In addition to the preserved Biblical Canon many extra-Biblical writings were also included in the discovery.

Some believe the group at Qumran were not “Essenes” but rather the loyal Zadok Priests who were exiled there by the Hasmonean rulers of the era which began when the Second Temple was desecrated by the Greeks.

The Books of Maccabees describe this time in detail. These various theories are very intriguing. I’ve done some reading on them. Nobody is quite sure but the loyal Zadok priests seem to have vanished from history.

King Herod was of the Hasmonean Dynasty and was despised by the Sadducees and Pharisees of Yeshua’s time. Scholars disagree on many of the historical details of this period and who the community at Qumran was that was preserving these writings. They just aren’t sure.

Some believe the Temple priests from Jerusalem hid the writings in the caves rather than the Qumran community. This would be a valid theory as the Romans were coming.

The yearly Zadok Calendar always begins on a Wednesday each year. The reason for this according to their writings is that the fourth day of creation when Yahweh created the sun, moon, and stars is the true beginning of the year. The Bible says the first day of creation is the beginning. That’s what the Bible says. Are we going to allow the Bible to interpret itself or use extra-Biblical writings? I allow the Bible to interpret itself. Day ONE is the beginning.

The Zadok Calendar is a solar based 364 day calendar. It does not depend on the sighting of the new moon as the Biblical Calendar does. The Zadok Calendar will lose 1.25 days per year and will need adjustment for that loss in some way.

For exact details of the Zadok Calendar a person must rely solely on extra-Biblical books of Enoch and Jubilees. This contradicts Moses written Torah on the Biblical Calendar.

Some believe Enoch wrote the book of Enoch and Moses wrote the Book of Jubilees. If so then Moses is contradicting the calendar in Exodus and Leviticus.

The Bible uses the abib barley-visible new moon to determine the month. If the barley is not abib an extra month is added to that year. This will usually occur 7 times in a 19 month mathematic period. Some in Judaism use the 19 year mathematic calendar to determine the month rather than the barley.

To be honest, there is even disagreement among those who follow the abib barley-visible moon about which month is the beginning of the year as instructed in Exodus 12 and Leviticus 25. This is how the enemy works—sowing confusion. Our God does not create confusion. Man creates the confusion by complicating Yah’s simple instructions. All religion does is change, complicate, and confuse.

I know of at least four groups who follow the Biblical sighted moon/barley Biblical mandate and they don’t agree on when the feasts begin! There is even discrepancies among the Jewish Community about when the feasts begin!

The true Biblical Calendar was designed by Elohim is a lunar/solar calendar that requires His followers to rely on Him and carefully observe the times and seasons. If you are reading this you have an understanding of the yearly feasts and their prophetic implications. If not, search this blog and others for more information.

I will wrap this up by concluding that the calendar in the Torah is the one to follow. A careful study of the scriptures lays it out simply and clearly. The problem is US! We complicate and disagree and form a new group. The simple instructions are in the Bible which has been handed down for many thousands of years.

I decide each year which interpretation of the Biblical calendar marks the beginning of the year and the Passover/Unleavened bread feast begins. I don’t argue with others about which month it is. There are only two possibilities of when Passover/Unleavened Bread can begin—March or April on the Roman calendar.

The important thing is to observe the feasts. This will bring a blessing upon you. Don’t allow the confusion to frustrate you.

As a friend of mine always says, “Yeshua will come and He will show us the true day.” Therefore it is our command to observe the feasts. Observe them without guilt. We will know for sure during the Millennial Kingdom. For now observing is the command.

There is much more that can be said about the Zadok Calendar. I did my research and decided to allow the Torah to interpret itself—and the whole Bible. Each of us must decide for ourselves.

I do not believe our Elohim would change the rules after thousands of years and create confusion as we presently are experiencing. The running to and fro and increase in knowledge in not necessarily a positive. It is negative and creates confusion IF not in the written Word. Extra Biblical material is intriguing and many want to “be in the know” but are really chasing the wrong “knowledge.”

You Decide. https://hoshanarabbah.org/blog/2024/04/14/the-fatal-flaws-of-the-zadok-priestly-enoch-calendar/

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