Thursday, November 30, 2023



These study notes are based on a talk by Dr. Stephen Pidgeon of and Steven M. Collins four book study on where the Tribes of Israel migrated. The study is based on inductive reasoning using ancient historical and Biblical markers, stone carvings, etchings, and other historical information.

The reader can decide for themselves the veracity of the information. Some of the information is gleaned from extra Biblical works such as the books of Baruch, Esdras, and others. I’ve spent much time studying these things. Read the previous 6 postings for understanding of the Controversy of Zion and Jacob’s trouble when finished with this.

Our Elohim has many surprising things to reveal to us during His Millennial Reign! His plan to gather His people at His return is much bigger then we realize.

In a study like this the knowledge of ancient and recent Hebrew language is quite important. Understanding how languages can change over decades or centuries help us to track the migration of the tribes. Ancient writers such as Josephus and Pliny also help us to trace the movement and names of the tribes as they are scattered throughout the nations. Names of places also reflect and are based on names of ancient Hebrew tribes. Zaragoza, Spain, for instance is based on the name Zarah a son of Judah and Tamar.

Transliterating names of tribes aids in the search. King David’s Kingdom was Yahud. Its citizens were called Yahudis. The tribe of David in the KJV is Judah. The closer we stay to the ancient Hebrew the easier it becomes to locate potential wanderings of the tribes. The secular world refuses to truly investigate these things.

Josephus in his works introduces Greeks and Roman historical figures which is almost like a continuation of 1st and 2nd Chronicles according to Dr. Pidgeon. It reveals ancient history and where tribes initially migrated.

In the KJV Old Testament the Hebrew for Holy Spirit becomes Holy Ghost in the New Testament but in the Hebrew a better translation is Holy Breath.

Jacob’s name Israel in Hebrew would sound like Yah shah el = Israel = Upright one. “Yah shah el is my first born son” the scripture says = “the seed of” = seed is of the tree—leaves so to speak are what comes after, year after year. We are generational seed of Abraham.


Joseph was the beloved son to Jacob because he was the first born of Rachel. Joseph came for the blessing from Jacob in Genesis 48.12-22. Joseph brought Manasseh the first born and Ephraim toward Jacob for blessing. Jacob reverses his hands to give Ephraim the first blessing and Joseph says, “No, no!” Jacob told him he knew what he was doing and proceeded blessing the younger Ephraim with the first born blessing.

Manasseh would become a great nation and ferocious warrior, Ephraim would become a company of nations. These prophecies have a long history of fulfillment up to the present age. (The prophecies in Genesis 49 help us understand the future of each tribe.)

Manasseh would receive a portion on both the west and east side of the Yardan River (Jordan). Their north eastern portion was in Bashan which was fertile ground for cattle and on the border which faced all oncoming future enemies. This is why Joshua was happy these ferocious warriors were located there. Manasseh would have faced Og the King of Bashan when Israelites killed him in battle.

This Bashan area would be near the present day area of the Golan Heights at the border of Syria. Interestingly today, the Hezbollah terrorist are massed against Israel there. Never ending conflict is the history of the Bible.

Manasseh would fight off many enemies of the Kingdom of Israel but would eventually be defeated in 722 BC by Assyria also known as Asshur when the Northern Kingdom fell. Isaiah 9.8-12 is a curse on Manasseh and the Northern kingdom (also referred to as Ephraim because it was the capital tribe of Israel) predicting their fall.

Assyria had developed the compound bow and there was no weapon to match it. They powerfully defeated the Northern Kingdom (also referred to as Ephraim in the O.T. because the tribe of Ephraim was the capital).

According to Dr. Pidgeon, Manasseh migrated east of the Caspian Sea into what is now Afghanistan and eventually were called the Massagetae. Mr. Steven Collins in his book, Parthia, also confirms this including Ephraim among them. The Massagetae may have been responsible for killing Alexander the Great.

Another area north east of Afghanistan would be the Scythian kingdom which would also be a major migration of lost tribes after Alexander the Great’s death.

These Massagetae (Manasseh) later would become the peoples of Genghis Kahn and the Mongol Empire. Many lost tribes would have been absorbed into this area as they were dispersed among the Gentile nations and lost their identities. The Mongol tribes of Genghis Kahn fought on horseback and conquered territories as far west as Turkey. Manasseh (Massagetae) learned this type of warfare after the Assyrian occupation.

They would have migrated into the Turkic people in an area then known as the Khazar Kingdom. This area would include European Russia, southern Ukraine, Crimea, and Kazakhstan today. The kingdom would have included Jews from all twelve tribes of the Diaspora. Simon Schama in his monumental two volume The Story of the Jews, Volume One touches on this topic:

Many teach today that Khararian Jews are fake Jews. I’ve looked into it and believe it is a form of Anti-Semitism. In any event, many Jews who stayed in Babylon and refused to return to the land with Ezra would have migrated into this Kazaria when Babylon fell to the Medes-Persians and later to Alexander the Great. There was constant movement of Israelites throughout the world.

As these mixed peoples migrated east from Mongolia into Russian they could have crossed the ice bridge into what is now Alaska and migrated south into Canada and North America.

Dr. Pidgeon believes several Native American Tribes including Navaho (Dene) and Cherokee could have this DNA. Many Native American tribes today believe this to be true:


Over the centuries these Jews and lost tribes would have lost their identities among the Gentile nations as Yahweh Himself points out in the Book of Hosea.

Eventually a new nation called Parthia would arise in the area of Babylon which is now Iran and Iraq. Steven Collins Book Parthia the Forgotten Ancient Superpower and its Role in Biblical History covers this topic in great detail:

The Romans and Parthia would fight ten vicious wars from 50 BC to 250 AD but you won’t find much of that history in western textbooks. The Lost Tribes of Israel became Parthia as they migrated through the Caucasus Mountains. Tribes became known as Caucasians because of their light color.

Tribe of Dan - Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path that bites the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward. Gen 49.17

Dan has a very interesting history and like a serpent in the dust leaves a trail of where he was going, so Dan pronounced “Don” has left his trail leaving his name wherever he travels! Dan did not stay in his original tribal area but moved northward (Joshua 19.47-48).

Dan can be associated with many nations as he sailed through the Mediterranean Sea with his tribal brothers whom secular history call Phoenicians but were really part of the Northern Kingdom and the tribe of Asher (later we will discuss Asher).

As Dan travels west into Europe he names rivers after himself such as the Danube, Dnieper, and the Don. Eventually he will travel through North Ireland and lived among the Gaul’s. Mic Donald is a name from N. Ireland. This is why Irish were called “Mics.”

In North Scotland we have the name Mac Donald which means “son of Dan.” Then Dan moves north and establishes “Danmark” as a home. Old maps from the 1930’s have the name Danmark on their maps.

Dan was and is a city in north Israel that has a park with their golden idol at the center of the park. One of the reasons Dan is not included in the 144,000 is because he was responsible for idol worship in the north of the Northern Kingdom of Israel prior to Assyrian defeat.

Moses prophecy on Dan in Genesis 49.22 says, “Dan is a lion’s whelp: he shall LEAP from Bashan!” Dan and Benjamin may have become the Viking raiders of old. Jacob’s future prophecy on Benjamin was that is a ravenous wolf who would divide the spoil (Gen 49.27). Sounds like Vikings dividing the spoil with his brother Dan!

Judah, Tamar, Pharez, and Zarah – Genesis 38

Judah had twins with his daughter in-law who also migrated into the nations, Perez and Zarah. We begin with Zarah. He is called Hebrew after Abraham’s grandfather, Eber. It is believed the name Hebrew comes from Eber. In Genesis 14.13 Abram/Abraham is called a Hebrew. He is never referred to as a Jew in scripture—He is a Hebrew. This is the only scripture describing who Abraham was.

The word Hebrew means “one who has crossed over” as in Abram being called out of Chaldea and crossing over the Euphrates River at the call of Yahweh. When we cross over into our Hebraic roots and begin to observe the Biblical Feasts of the Lord (Lev 23) we have crossed over and are truly grafted into Israel (Romans 11 and Ephesians 2 and 3).

We follow Zarah into Spain. The chief river of Spain is the Ebro (Eber) a river in northeastern Spain that flows southeast into the Mediterranean Sea. The city of Zaragoza, Spain overlooks the Ebro River! Zarah’s emblem is the red lion. Zarah had the scarlet string attached to his hand when born. Interestingly the Red Hand of Ulster was the flag of Northern Ireland until quite recently.

Then we have Perez whose emblem is the golden lion. Dr. Pidgeon believes Perez became the sect of Pharisees. Both tribes have Spanish heritage. In Spanish names we often see the letters “ez” at the end of names like Chavez, Torrez, Perez, etc. Does the “ez” stand for Eretz Zion, the Land of Zion and Jerusalem?

The Spanish then migrated to South America from Barcelona. We know the history of the cruel Conquistadors making converts by the sword to the Catholic faith. How many of them had DNA of lost tribes? How many intermarried with the native peoples over time? Again, the Book of Hosea says Ephraim (House of Israel) has mixed himself with the nations.

When I lived in Arizona I met a jeweler who I asked if he was Mexican. He told me, “No, I am Spanish. My family heritage did not intermarry with the native born. A Mexican is a former Spaniard who intermarried with the natives.” That’s what he told me.

Finally the Spanish discover Florida and establish a fort at what is now the town of St. Augustine, Florida. It was established in 1565 and is the oldest settlement in North America from European exploration of the New World.

Columbus when sailing to find a trade route east was following the extra Biblical book of 4 Esdras 13.39-44 which speaks of ten tribes led away captive by Assyria and later crossing waters into another land.

In St. Augustine at the Pirate Museum there is a display of those Pirates known to be Jewish. How many more such Pirates don’t we know about?

Zarah also has Spanish connections. Many of them migrated to South America from Barcelona. Today there are approximately 1.5 million of them in South America.


Asher’s territory was north east of Tyre, Zidon, Acco, and Haifa. They would have done business with Tyre. Asher became merchants and port keepers, operating the daily coming and goings of merchant fleets. Rehoboam, Solomon’s son levied heavy taxes on the Asherites and the other tribes causing the Northern Kingdom of Israel to rebel and divide the nation (1 Kings 11 and 12).

Dr. Pidgeon believes Asher ended up in Venice when dispersed from the Northern Kingdom. They would have become the “Merchants of Venice.” We need to remember that the early Christians did not charge interest. They looked to the “Jews” to become the bankers because the Torah allowed charging interest to Gentiles.


Gad in Hebrew is pronounced “God.” From Gad come the Goths and Visigoths. They migrated through the Caucasus Mountains into what is now Germany and later Gaul (France) and Spain. They would burn Rome 8 times during their barbarian history.

It is ironic that Rome hated the Jews, destroyed the temple and later Jerusalem after the Bar Kokhba revolt in 132-35 A.D. later to be invaded by the Gothic tribes. Divine justice!


Ephraim became the Anglo-Saxons as they migrated northwest toward France and Saxony. In Hebrew Saxon means Sacs sons or Sons of Isaac. The emblem of Ephraim was a bull/ox. England’s mascot is John Bull. The word British is made up from two Hebrew words: Brit = Covenant and ish = man = British. Ephraim would become a “company of nations” when Jacob blessed him.

Lud son of Shem

Finally we have Lud a son of Shem. It is believed the Apostle Paul actually went to Spain as he said he was going to in his epistle and later went to Britain. The City of Lud was erected around Mt. Lud where today stands the St. Paul Cathedral. It is said Paul spoke on Mt. Lud. This area today is called the East Gate of the one square mile City of London = Luddon, Lud and Dan.

In Conclusion

We see that the dispersion of the Nation of Israel into the Gentile world has had mysterious and wonderful results. Elohim is working out His will and the world has no understanding of any of this. The reader should take the time to read and meditate on the following scriptures in order to understand the end of this current age:

Ezekiel 37.15-28 documents the reunification of the House of Judah and the House of Israel (also referred to as Ephraim).

1 Kings 10 thru 11 the division of the nation.

The Book of Hosea describes the diaspora especially chapter 7 and 8.

Romans 11 – Gentiles grafted into Israel. Ephesians 2.11-3.6 also describes our grafting into Israel (the unified kingdom as described in Ezekiel 37.15-28

Ezekiel 47.22-23 – Those grafted into reunited Israel receive a land inheritance in the Millennial Kingdom!

Also search this blog for articles on these subjects. The House of Israel, the northern kingdom, was dispersed throughout the earth. Judah was taken captive by Babylon and about 50,000 of them returned and rebuilt the temple. The others remained in Babylon. Many later dispersed and lost their “Jewish” identity. Those who remained in Babylon would write the Talmud (200 – 500 AD).

The end of this age and the second coming of Yeshua ha Mashiach has deeper meaning than we have realized. It will center on both the Jewish people, the lost tribes of the Northern Kingdom, and Gentiles (grafted in) with whom the tribes have mixed.

It is known as Jacob’s Trouble and the Controversy of Zion. He will be coming to save us all at the end of the Great Tribulation.

Here is the video of Dr. Pidgeon’s talk on the Lost Tribes:

Be Blessed!