Tuesday, December 15, 2020


For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace.

 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. Isaiah 9.6-7

Many in the assembly of Yeshua, or mainstream Christianity, have no idea what “Christmas” is really about. Yeshua was not born on December 25th or anywhere near that date. A strong argument for his birth occurring during the Lord’s Feast of Tabernacles can be made through a thorough study of the scriptures.

It begins with 1 Chronicles 24.10 with the priestly course/order of service in the Temple established by King David. In this verse we understand in Luke 1.5 that John the Baptist’s father, Zacharias was serving in the Temple during the 8th course of service as stated in 1 Chronicles.

With the information contained in Luke chapters 1 and 2 we can determine that Yeshua was most likely born during the Feast of Tabernacles. This Feast celebrates God dwelling with his people—living with them in his tabernacle. For a great video on this go to: https://ascensionministries.biz/products/the-appointed-time-of-messiahs-birth

The birth of Messiah was the re-establishment of Yehovah’s Kingdom on this earth. King Yeshua was born as the Wonderful Counselor, mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. He came to re-establish His government on earth with judgment and justice forever! The Creator was sending a message to haSatan, the adversary, that there was a new sheriff in town—Yeshua HaMashiach—the Messiah.

Yehovah’s Kingdom began with the birth of this infant and will rule the earth forever more. It’s all about the establishment of the Kingdom of God!

Oh, how Christianity has lost the vision of the Kingdom!

A Kingdom has laws, a calendar, and holidays does it not? What holidays is Roman Christianity celebrating? All of Christianity is Roman in nature. The Protestant Reformation did not go all the way. They retained many of Rome’s holidays—the pagan holidays—and “Christianized” them. This is not the Kingdom of God!

The Biblical/Hebrew Calendar is part of God’s Commandments as contained in the Torah—the first five books of the Old Testament. The Feasts or Holidays of God’s Kingdom are found in Leviticus 23 and Numbers 29. These are the Lord’s Feasts, not Jewish Feasts. They are the official and lawful Feasts of God’s Kingdom.

They are Passover, Unleavened Bread, First Fruits, Pentecost (Shavuot), Trumpets, Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement), Tabernacles (Sukkot), and the Last Great Day.

When we read the Gospel accounts of Yeshua’s life and ministry we will note that he observed all of these feasts during his life and ministry. He was moving prophetically in lock step with these feasts.

He was showing us the way. He was faithful to observe them and the one and only lawful Sabbath—Saturday. His life and ministry revolved around the “Feasts of the Lord.” Ref: Leviticus 23.1

This is the Calendar of the Kingdom. These feasts contain prophetic information which allows us to understand the scriptures of past, present, and especially, events to come. The Book of Revelation cannot be understood without an understanding of the Feasts and Calendar of the Kingdom of God. Note: There are many postings on this blog you can search for additional information and understanding of these things.

Mainstream Christians have a woeful lack of knowledge of these truths. Yeshua did not come to establish a new religion. He came to establish his Kingdom according to the writings of Moses and the Prophets contained in the Hebrew Bible.

We, as servants of our King, Yeshua, who were formally Gentiles, with no knowledge of these things have been called out and grafted into the Kingdom! Ref: Ephesians 1, 2, 3.

Many will say these are “Jewish Feasts” and we are not required to observe them. If that is the case why is the Apostle Paul saying we are grafted into Israel? He was teaching these things to the early Gentile believers. Luke 2.32 says Yeshua is a light unto the Gentiles! We become part of Israel. We need to truly understand what grafted in means.

Note that I said we become part of Israel—not Jewish. There is a difference. Israel is the UNITED KINGDOM OF ISRAEL. In 1 Kings 11 and 12 we read the story of civil war in Israel and a division between the North and South—Judah in the south and Israel in the North.

This division of the Kingdom has not been totally healed and re-united. This is an event to come. Our grafting in is part one and the redemption of the Jewish people is part two—yet to be totally fulfilled.

When a Gentile or a Jewish person accepts Yeshua as Master, Savior, and King he or she BECOMES AN ISRAELITE. They are united in Yeshua and become Israel. Think about this. Jew and Israelite Gentile become on new man!

In Genesis 14.13 Abram was called a “Hebrew.” He is never referred to as a Jew in scripture. He is a Hebrew. He was called out of pagan Chaldea and crossed over the river Euphrates. The word Hebrew means = “One who has crossed over.”

Abram crossed over from paganism to the worship of and following the one true God—Yehovah! When we accept Yeshua we crossover into new and abundant life in HIM! In effect, we are now Hebrew Israelites! The one new man!

We become lawful and legal immigrant new citizens of the Kingdom of God. If you are not following King Yeshua you are an illegal immigrant!

Christmas is based on Roman pagan celebrations. When Emperor Constantine, and those emperors which followed him, decided to make Christianity the religion of Rome they turned away from Yehovah’s calendar and feasts. They took their pagan feasts and Christianized them.

It no longer mattered if you were a “legal immigrant.” It didn’t matter if you followed Yeshua in your heart. As long as you accepted the doctrine of Rome and the new holidays you were now considered a “Christian.” You didn’t have to be “born again.”

Anything “Jewish” was banned and if you worshipped God on the Jewish Sabbath you were a heretic and could be executed. Rome was now the leader of the “Christian World” and they decided what days were holy and what days were the holidays. The Hebrew Scriptures were no longer consulted.

An entire hierarchal worldly institution led by a “Pope” which replaced Yehsua—that is what “Vicar of Christ” means—replacing Christ—became the false religion of Christianity.  

So, here we are today…Fake holidays, fake religion, and fake holiness. Sorry, this is not the Kingdom of God. It is difficult to swallow—but true.

We are members of God’s Kingdom as long as we obey Him and his lawful commands. Our Kingdom’s Constitution is contained in the entire Bible—both testaments. We search for truth and strive to allow the scriptures to interpret themselves.

Isn’t it interesting that today in America lawlessness abounds. The Constitution is under attack and many of our elected officials are receiving bribes from foreign countries rather than upholding our Constitution.

Just as reform is taking place in America so it is taking place in the spiritual Kingdom of God. Many are returning to the “ancient and true ways” of our Founding Father Yehovah! The Kingdom is being restored!

As the world and America is experiencing an awakening to the corruption of our governments so the mainstream church will soon re-discover the true Biblical Kingdom. Many will return to the pure word of God and be refreshed. It is coming!

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